They said the same thing to Columbus and his views of the spherical earth. Now we have a national holiday for him. They said the same thing about trying to live in the "new world". Now America is the most powerful nation on earth. They said the same thing about the founding fathers of America. They are now immortilized on money, history lessons and monuments. They said man would never break the sound barrier, now we have jets that can do it at will. I could go on....
My point is that hindsight is 20/20. At the time, those people looked incredibly shortsited, stupid, closeminded, radical or even treasonous. Now, they are considered heros by most people.
Think of that the next time you classify an entire people for their opinion
In creationism's case though, validation will NEVER come. This is not debatable, it has no credibility when subjected to ANY kind of intelligent investigation. The only slightly topical example in your post was Columbus' spherical earth thing, and he was disproving the church's idea! He was validated quite quickly because he made sense, and his idea could be extremely easily proven (many other cultures prior to Columbus knew the Earth was round - he was hardly the first to know this obvious fact). The church was also pushing flat-out stupid ideas (it made no sense that the
sun went around the Earth and not the other way around - but the truth didn't fit their idea that the Earth should be the centre of the universe...).
This same kind of illogical thought is still the case today. Creationism simply makes no sense, yet the church holds on and will look increasingly stupid as we learn more about the world, until
everyone just accepts that evolution is right (the people who understand it simply know this for sure already) and the church has to admit its full of crap, just like the earth going around the sun thing. There will be a time where the mainstream understanding of evolutionary theory is such that even the most illogical of people will laugh that anyone ever thought creationism made sense!
Its just a matter of time, one day
you will even admit you were wrong. I am being generous assuming you've got enough logic/rationality to be able to change opinion, if given a massive swag of evidence that directly disproves creationism.
I'm still intrigued as to why you would go with a theory that has zero evidence to back it up (and one that most smart people just laugh at!), while evolution has lots of real world physical evidence to back it up and many more intelligent people agreeing with it. You see, we don't have religion getting in the way, so the only thing we can make a decision on is LOGIC. There is no other motive here! That wasn't the case when Darwin was getting vilifyed by the church and when Columbus was also not thought of highly by the church. Gallileo was also completely validated later, but was also vilified by the church. He had to retract his entire idea and say he was wrong - just in order to not get hung! Basically, the church's kooky ideas are never validated, and theories that are actually correct and based in logic/observable evidence always win out, and in a relatively short period of time from when they were theorised. Things that are based in logic get validated quite quickly, because they just MAKE SENSE!
I'm sorry but religious ideas about how things work NEVER get validated in a scientific way (ie the truth).
All the other examples (other than Columbus) you mentioned had no relevance to your argument, other than trying to give you hope that one day creationism will somehow be validated (sorry, it won't). Given that Charles Darwin was thought to be totally crazy (by religious people - "How dare you say we came from monkeys! I have a way too high opinion of myself to want to to believe that!!") and vilified by the church, but his theory of evolution is now understood to be 'the way things work' by most logical people. If anything is gonna be validated in the mainstream to 100% acceptance, its gonna be evolution (already validated among scientists and most smart people).
Considering the church's record of being consistently disproven and possessing an idea validation record of a whopping 0%, I think you're living in the wrong century if you hold out any realistic hope of creationism being validated as truth! A new theory or person always comes along and disproves the old entrenched religious idea and makes the church look stupid. This has been the case with many ideas, and is the case this time also. Creationism is LONG OVERDUE for a complete discrediting. Its surviving on borrowed time.
I simply can't believe how blase and defiant you are - its really akin to saying 2+2=5, in the face of a mathematician. I mean do you really think creationism fared well in this thread? It was a disaster, a train wreck, complete ownage. Did you notice?
My mum told me once: The truth will always win out. She was right. So:
I bet you $10 that evolutionary theory is completely accepted and validated by "
everyone" in the western world within my lifetime, and the church has to change its stance to reflect that, just like in Columbus' or Galileo's times.
There's no point in resisting, there's no need to fight...
Its inevitable, Mr Swift.