Creation vs. Evolution

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While I admit I dont know everything about the theory of evolution, I would like to know what you know about creation, as stated in Genesis

Then read this thread in its entirety, as you have been directed to on several occasions.
Then read this thread in its entirety, as you have been directed to on several occasions.

I have to agree there. We have gone over the basics a few times. Of course, it's far from "conclusive"
Then read this thread in its entirety, as you have been directed to on several occasions.

You must understand the unreasonableness of this request. I came into this topic around page 80. Now there is about 20 posts per page. 20 posts x 80 pages.

You are asking me to read over 1,600 posts, most of which is useless. Alot of people just adding their 2 cents.

Now do you understand why I'm not going to read it all?

I asked a simple question, if you ever seriously read over the Genesis account. This question could be answered quite easily. You could have said, I have read Genesis, and know what it says. But instead you direct me to read over 1,600 posts. That is not reasonable in the slightest way. If new evolution people come here and say there is no evidence to back creation up, or say the earth is 6,000 years old, comparative to saying we evolved directly from modern chimps, I never and won't recommend them to read 2,000 posts and look for my answer. I'm not unreasonable.

If your holding a conversation at work about an opinionated subject, and somebody with an opposing viewpoint joins in, asks you a question that you have already answered to somebody else, would you refer them to look at a 80 page long transcript of what you have already said to find your answer?

No, you wouldnt. So dont ask me to. And if your too tired to share your view with new people, why do you continue to post here? I have had to explain the bible says the earth is not 6,000 years old 3 times now. Sometimes to people who should have been here to already see me post it. Do I simply tell them to look back over 100 pages and find what the truth is? No. I will state my case as many times as needed, to those who never heard it.

Earth a lot of pro evolutionists here have read genesis

I would like to know how they came to the conclusion Genesis is a myth. I have read books on evolution many times, but have I come to a full understanding of it? No. I dont claim to know everything about Genesis either. In order to properly debate creation and evolution it would be helpful if I knew the other person's viewpoints.
Stuff Earth said

What a load of twoddle. I cba to say why, but anyone with half a brain can tell why.

I will state my case as many times as needed, to those who never heard it.

Try showing us some evidence for a change. That may help strenghen your case...actually no don't, you idea of evidence is random quotes, massive pictures of monkeys, and you trying to explain stuff that you frankly don't have a clue about. I find it painful to read, I'm almost embarrassed for you. If you ever go to uni, I advise you to buff up on your problem solving and research skills, you'l look like a fool otherwise.
So... you believe that asking people to read 2500 posts in this thread is MORE unreasonable than asking them to read the entire Bible (and, for reference, it's 26 pages for me - set it to 100 posts per page, it's much easier)?

Simply, almost every point currently being covered in this thread has already been covered - in most cases three or four times.

And if your too tired to share your view with new people, why do you continue to post here?

If you're too lazy to read the events in this thread, why do you post here at all?

Pretty facile question. But, whatever floats your boat.

Mind you, asking people what they know about creation "as stated in Genesis" is too. Creation "as stated in Genesis" is exactly that. Creation as stated in Genesis, with no room for deviation. It's a millenia-old account, using best ("best", not "most accurate") knowledge of the day to describe where we came from, with no allowance for future advances in knowledge.

What do YOU know about creation, as stated in the Rig-Veda?
Earth Said:
If you want your proof in being able to see or measure God, well, you can't. The Bible says he is a spirit, and a spirit is invisible to human vision. Also the Bible states earthly man cannot look upon him and live.

I know im a little off topic but... what does this quote make to Christianity's theory of Trinity?
Simply, almost every point currently being covered in this thread has already been covered - in most cases three or four times.

Actually I must disagree with you, there is one point that seems (sadly) missing. Which is:

Earth is either...
A) Far greater in intelligence than you, I, or for that matter half the members of GTP.
B) (S)He is the stupidest Homo Sapien Sapien alive.

Logically the answer must be A, and is my personal choice. If it was B than how could (s)he be using a keyboard and computer?
If it was B than how could (s)he be using a keyboard and computer?

I see that you also have Earths fantastic skill of backing up arguments with utter crap. Isn't this the part where you find an unrelated quote, and a 1024 by 768 res picture of a monkey?
Haven't people stuck chimps at typewriters before and watch them type stuff? It didn't neccessarily make sense, but they still typed stuff. ;)
Creationists just completely refuse to get into detail about what they think happened. I want that to change.

I'm still yet to hear a theory to be proposed by a creationist that tidily ties up what we KNOW happens regarding evolution AND works all the wacky stories into the timeline in a way that could potentially work, with no holes in the argument.

If creationists are gonna take the dinosaurs for themselves, they'd better propose their own historical timeline of 'events', all in specific order, that makes sense with what we KNOW of the evolutionary history of the planet. I want specific dates for particular events... where do creationists think things fit into the history of the world?
Can I just ask all creationists, where did you hear that the Earth was 6000 years old, and who first said that?
Can I just ask all creationists, where did you hear that the Earth was 6000 years old, and who first said that?

It's simply deduced from the time Christ was born and backwards from there. I don't know who said it first. I honestly don't think it's true though.

As I've said before.
Actually I must disagree with you, there is one point that seems (sadly) missing. Which is:

Earth is either...
A) Far greater in intelligence than you, I, or for that matter half the members of GTP.
B) (S)He is the stupidest Homo Sapien Sapien alive.

Logically the answer must be A, and is my personal choice. If it was B than how could (s)he be using a keyboard and computer?

How do you figure?

An intelligent person would be both willing AND able to read this thread.
An intelligent person wouldn't keep making the same mistakes talking about evolution.
An intelligent person wouldn't keep making the same mistakes talking about creation.

Also, using logic, if Earth is EITHER smarter than any of us OR the stupidest person on the planet, then the only place the rest of us can occupy if A is true is B (we'd have to be jointly the dumbest humans alive, since Earth's possible intelligence can only occupy "smarter than us" and "not smarter than us" parameters). Since you're using a keyboard and computer, we cannot, by your own logic, occupy B, ruling out Earth's position at A.

Quite what this has to do with the rest of the thread, I don't know.
Beautiful logic Famine. However, my take is that Dadthewheel posed a simple rhetorical question, and according to him, Earth is simply the dumbest person in the history of humanity. Quite what he is doing using a computer I don't know. Curious and curiouser.

Edit: I would very much like a creationist to have a shot at contructing a timeline of events for me, see my previous post. Swift is probably the only creationist capable of attempting such a timeline. I just want to see how many logic holes can be ironed out by careful placement of events.
...and how did someone go about doing that?

Quite simple. Look at the book of Luke 3:23. It's broken down. Then it was a matter of finding out how long those people lived.

Now, I don't believe the world was created in just 7 literal days. Not that God couldn't do it. Just honestly doesn't flow with the way the Genesis story pans out.
Quite simple. Look at the book of Luke 3:23. It's broken down. Then it was a matter of finding out how long those people lived.

Now, I don't believe the world was created in just 7 literal days. Not that God couldn't do it. Just honestly doesn't flow with the way the Genesis story pans out.

So you just admitted to not believing in what the bible says, and you also say that things don't match that allowed?

BTW, the proposition of the Earth being 6000 years old came from an old preist in the 1600's. I don't know how it got into the Bible though.
So you just admitted to not believing in what the bible says, and you also say that things don't match that allowed?

BTW, the proposition of the Earth being 6000 years old came from an old preist in the 1600's. I don't know how it got into the Bible though.

My point exactly. It's NOT taught from the bible that the planet is exactly 6,000 years old. So you can stop telling me I'm a hypocrite. Thanks.
My point exactly. It's NOT taught from the bible that the planet is exactly 6,000 years old. So you can stop telling me I'm a hypocrite. Thanks.

I never said you were. I asked you if you were allowed to disbelieve the bible, like disbelieving the existence of God.
I never said you were. I asked you if you were allowed to disbelieve the bible, like disbelieving the existence of God.

it's not a concept taught and the bible and no, I believe the bible. I don't doubt it. Sometimes I don't undertand it, but I don't doubt what it is.
Actually I must disagree with you, there is one point that seems (sadly) missing. Which is:

Earth is either...
A) Far greater in intelligence than you, I, or for that matter half the members of GTP.
B) (S)He is the stupidest Homo Sapien Sapien alive.

Logically the answer must be A, and is my personal choice. If it was B than how could (s)he be using a keyboard and computer?

It is called “s-a-r-c-a-s-m”

A little known art that seems to be lost on this thread; never mind...
That's your problem right there.

You don't understand life. But you claim it like you have total understanding. So, it's your problem as well.
It is called “s-a-r-c-a-s-m”

A little known art that seems to be lost on this thread; never mind...

Gah thought so, but only later. It sounded that bit too ridiculous, but judging by some of the other things said on this actually seemed plausable that someone would really think that...

You don't understand life. But you claim it like you have total understanding. So, it's your problem as well.

I understand the origin of life. I understand how it works, where it came from, and how it functions. Does it have a purpose? Maybe.

But that's beside the point, you said you believed the bible and then you said you didn't understand it. How can you belive something you don't understand?
I understand the origin of life. I understand how it works, where it came from, and how it functions. Does it have a purpose? Maybe.

But that's beside the point, you said you believed the bible and then you said you didn't understand it. How can you belive something you don't understand?

I said I don't ALWAYS understand it. And you don't understand how life works. You may have a grasp of the biology of life. But you haven't a clue how life itself works. If you did, you could tell us why the Tusunami or hurricane Katrina happened. But you can't. So don't claim do undertand what you don't and can't.