Then read this thread in its entirety, as you have been directed to on several occasions.
You must understand the unreasonableness of this request. I came into this topic around page 80. Now there is about 20 posts per page. 20 posts x 80 pages.
You are asking me to read over 1,600 posts, most of which is useless. Alot of people just adding their 2 cents.
Now do you understand why I'm not going to read it all?
I asked a simple question, if you ever seriously read over the Genesis account. This question could be answered quite easily. You could have said, I have read Genesis, and know what it says. But instead you direct me to read over 1,600 posts. That is not reasonable in the slightest way. If new evolution people come here and say there is no evidence to back creation up, or say the earth is 6,000 years old, comparative to saying we evolved directly from modern chimps, I never and won't recommend them to read 2,000 posts and look for my answer. I'm not unreasonable.
If your holding a conversation at work about an opinionated subject, and somebody with an opposing viewpoint joins in, asks you a question that you have already answered to somebody else, would you refer them to look at a 80 page long transcript of what you have already said to find your answer?
No, you wouldnt. So dont ask me to. And if your too tired to share your view with new people, why do you continue to post here? I have had to explain the bible says the earth is not 6,000 years old 3 times now. Sometimes to people who should have been here to already see me post it. Do I simply tell them to look back over 100 pages and find what the truth is? No. I will state my case as many times as needed, to those who never heard it.
Earth a lot of pro evolutionists here have read genesis
I would like to know how they came to the conclusion Genesis is a myth. I have read books on evolution many times, but have I come to a full understanding of it? No. I dont claim to know everything about Genesis either. In order to properly debate creation and evolution it would be helpful if I knew the other person's viewpoints.