Creation vs. Evolution

  • Thread starter ledhed
That meant yes. Obviously it didn't mean no, so it must have meant yes.

You know what I've noticed. When you're corned on what you personally believe. Not what you can prove or provide evidence for, but what YOU think. You're extremely evasive. Why is that?
You know what I've noticed. When you're corned on what you personally believe. Not what you can prove or provide evidence for, but what YOU think. You're extremely evasive. Why is that?

You tell me.


Seriously, do we have a psychologist here? The Creationists seem to think I have a mental dissorder. Including schizophrenia, mutliple personality disorder, and some sort of problem with talking to Swift.
You tell me.


Seriously, do we have a psychologist here? The Creationists seem to think I have a mental dissorder. Including schizophrenia, mutliple personality disorder, and some sort of problem with talking to Swift.

Yeah, that's what I said. Once again you're trying to divert the subject away from what I said.

I don't think you're nutz. I'm trying to figure out why you're always evasive when questioned about YOUR thoughts and what YOU believe.
Yeah, that's what I said. Once again you're trying to divert the subject away from what I said.

I don't think you're nutz. I'm trying to figure out why you're always evasive when questioned about YOUR thoughts and what YOU believe.

Do want to know what I believe? Do you really want to know what I belive? If so, PM me.
I think I've just converted James to Satanism.

You should join, Swift; there's no such thing as fornication here. And, we have cookies. Oh, and (hash)brownies.
Did this come about on its own due to randomness and mutations? Is the passing of time responsible for this? I simply cannot believe that. The bones, the muscles, the nerves, did all these things, none which can work without the other, slowly come together due to the creature needing them? Did a creature suddenly grow a heart? How do creatures with hearts survive before they had a heart? What about the vessels, lungs and myriads of other things a human needs to live? Did we simply gain these things one at a time, then when the time was right they started working?

Where did the plants come from? Did life evolve plants on land and life in the water at the same time? What did the amphibians eat once on land if there was no insects or any other life?

The idea that he is a spirit and cannot be seen is no reason not to believe

God exists

You really don't have a clue. Your argument is pathetic, weak, with nothing to back it up. Your understanding of the subject is less then that of the average child. Harsh words? Yeah I guess, but very true.

FSM for life d00ds. Beer volcano and stripper factory.

Please explain to me the ignorance you found in this post

If you can't see it your self, there's no hope for you.
You're extremely evasive. Why is that?

Ahem, I can not believe you have the cheek to say that!

It's odd though, we give you the over whelming evidence to support Evolution, yet you just ignore it. Please explain to me, how can you just dismiss it so easily? I fail to understand, mehbeh I'm just utterly stupid. You say that Evolution has "too many holes" in it, yet you stand by Creationism which is one big void in comparison. I just don't get it. All you can do is nit pick Evolution, but I've yet to see one piece of pro Creationism evidence here that is anything more then someone saying "OMG OMG ITS SOOOO COMPLEX SO GOD MUST EXIST AND HE MADE IT ALL".

As you can see, the logical choice is the one with hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence which corroberate with sound scientific findings. The only evidence Creationism has is ummm uhhhhhh wellll uhhhhh...its 💡 umm so complex... 💡

If I've some how offended you, your beliefs blah blah blah, ignore it. I don't care, I want some good hard evidence that Creationism isn't a joke. Show me that, and I may respect you guys that little bit more, at the mo though, your nothing more then clowns to me.

I needed an avatar change XD. The ferrari was getting abit old. :(
Good grief. Just answer the question man.

He did, now, it's your turn to ask "well, would you die for X or Y?"

Why do you think he didn't answer your question? I've seen you do this a lot in this thread, you ask a question, and then someone answers (with an answer that needs more understanding or for your question to be more specific) then you go off about saying, "omg look guys he wont answer".


By the way, he won't have a choice one day, we all will die. Did you mean like, would he die for a cause? Or a loved one? Or kill himself?
Do want to know what I believe? Do you really want to know what I belive? If so, PM me.

Wow, won't even post it. 👎

And to Sicbieng. He didn't answer the question, he avoided it like he usually does. I answered it straight up. He gave some conditional retorical junk. Obviously we all die, but what would you give your life for is the question. Outside the unsuspected emergency situation.
I was just mentioning that your question to begin with wasn't very specific, and his answer was very vague.

Not just anything. Depends on what it is.

That meant yes. Obviously it didn't mean no, so it must have meant yes.

He did answer the question in my opinion, sure, he didn't say what he'd die for, but you didn't ask that, you just asked if he would die for something.
Wow, won't even post it. 👎
Trust me here swift, you might not be able to handle what PS really thinks. He has good reason for not just posting it here in this cosy thread...

Keep in mind that I am now a Satanist :mad:, which is actually pretty lightweight compared to him. :eek:
I was just mentioning that your question to begin with wasn't very specific, and his answer was very vague.

How is this:

My question to you is, is there anything you're willing to die for? Not a person, but an ideal?

Not specific?
Lemme backtrack, I actually only saw this post

PS you never answered my question. Would you die for anything?

I apologize, I didn't realize there was a question previous to the one I read. (I just skim through this thread sometimes)


Just to be fair, maybe he didn't see it either :dunce:
Lemme backtrack, I actually only saw this post

I apologize, I didn't realize there was a question previous to the one I read. (I just skim through this thread sometimes)


Just to be fair, maybe he didn't see it either :dunce:

Not a problem. :)

Anyway, PS already PM'd me about that Satanism stuff. The religion that has no diety. Yeah, anyway, I'm very not interested.
I do believe PS has explained before that Satanism has nothing to do with Satan, it isn't Satan worshiping, believe it or not.
I love at how much you pay attention burnout, Swift just said above you "the religion without a deity" yet you try and sound oh-so-smart by declaring "but wait, Satanism, you must mean satan!"

Nice job, next time try reading.

(I know, I'm a hypocryte) ( did I spell that right? )


And by the way , either in this thread or another, PS ( i think ) has told everyone what he believes in, I forgot about it myself as well.
The thing is, in order to belive in Satan, you have to believe in God. Or, wait, did Satan just evolve from monkeys as well?

Good job, congratulations, you just proved your own ignorance of Satanism. Now, why should I listen to anything else you have to say?
Good job, congratulations, you just proved your own ignorance of Satanism. Now, why should I listen to anything else you have to say?

PS, you really can't talk. you've been completely ignorant of some christian concepts as well. he made a mistake. Just deal with it.
PS, you really can't talk. you've been completely ignorant of some christian concepts as well. he made a mistake. Just deal with it.

No, he made a blind assumption. I make blind jokes poking fun.
Wow, won't even post it. 👎

And to Sicbieng. He didn't answer the question, he avoided it like he usually does. I answered it straight up. He gave some conditional retorical junk. Obviously we all die, but what would you give your life for is the question. Outside the unsuspected emergency situation.

I gave some "conditional rhetorical junk" because I'm specific. Specifics keep you out of hot water, and so does being purposely vague.

Be carefull what you wish for.
The thing is, in order to belive in Satan, you have to believe in God. Or, wait, did Satan just evolve from monkeys as well?

Oh, and you should know that one. You Christians are the ones who made Satan out to be a seperate entity (and deity) at the founding of your religion. But of course you won't acknowledge that...
Not a problem. :)

Anyway, PS already PM'd me about that Satanism stuff. The religion that has no diety. Yeah, anyway, I'm very not interested.

Why not? I've listened about your religion for the past 63 pages, and have acknowledged it. Now it's my turn and you completely turn your back and act like a typical self-righteous Christian would.

Not good for your reputation points, I must say.

Oh, and "missing" a post in a PM is much harder to do than skimming past on in a thread.
Good job, congratulations, you just proved your own ignorance of Satanism. Now, why should I listen to anything else you have to say?
You really should explain yourself sometimes. It's not healthy to only insult people.
2 entries found for satanism.
Sa·tan·ism Audio pronunciation of "satanism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stn-zm)

1. The worship of Satan characterized by a travesty of the Christian rites.
2. satanism Profound wickedness.

Satan·ist n.

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Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


n : the worship of devils (especially Satan) [syn: diabolism, demonism, Satanism]