So... you believe that asking people to read 2500 posts in this thread is MORE unreasonable than asking them to read the entire Bible (and, for reference, it's 26 pages for me - set it to 100 posts per page, it's much easier)?
Simply, almost every point currently being covered in this thread has already been covered - in most cases three or four times.
In 6 months lets say this topic grows to 300 pages. Should it be closed then? Or are you going to direct newcomers to look over 4,000 posts?
Also I'm not asking you to read the entire Bible. The creation account is summed up in 1 1/2 chapters, or a mere 5 minutes of reading.
Mind you, asking people what they know about creation "as stated in Genesis" is too. Creation "as stated in Genesis" is exactly that. Creation as stated in Genesis, with no room for deviation. It's a millenia-old account, using best ("best", not "most accurate") knowledge of the day to describe where we came from, with no allowance for future advances in knowledge.
I've noticed on many occasions you have said God 'poofed' things into existance or used a 'magic wand'. Complete falsehoods if you read Genesis seriously and understood it. That is why I doubt your knowledge of Genesis
If the writer of Genesis used knowledge of his day, he would have alot of mistakes in what he wrote, many of which could be repelled easily by modern science. But he didnt.
Believing God started the basic forms of life does not restrict future advancements of knowledge. God gave us a powerful brain for a reason. Not to simply have fun all day, but to learn about Him and his creation.
What do YOU know about creation, as stated in the Rig-Veda?
Nothing at all. Are you proposing Rig-Veda? If not then theres no need to go any further.
I defy anyone to follow the herbivore line in this graphic (ending in numbers 7 and 8) and tell me that doesn't look like a monkey. It's not a monkey, it's a species of hominid. It is early vegetarian man - which went extinct probably due to the lack of protein intake which scientists think kept their brains small.
So many species of hominid over time. Where did all these fossils come from if not evolution?
15 skulls, some with less than a fraction of the original left. Some of which are said not to even be human. Is that a solid foundation to see 4 million years into our past?
Looking at your timeline I noticed none of the apeman are bent over, at any state. But the modern apes are bent over. The diagram probably meant to include it?
Also notice this illustration proves what I have been saying for a while now. Modern apes have no yesterday, no fossil record. Look at the
blue and
green trail they leave behind in the diagram. There is nothing there.
No fossils of a
'common ancestor' have been found. Read the what the diagram says in the far bottom left. A common ancestor has no name, because it has not been found, and doesnt exist.
What bridges the gap between shrew-like creature and a phantom 'common ancestor'?
In fact, evolution can be seen today. Recently a new species of vegetarian homind has come about.
If he keeps up a vegetarian diet his brain isnt going to get any bigger? How many generations down the line before other meat eating humans surpass vegetarian humans?
I know im a little off topic but... what does this quote make to Christianity's theory of Trinity?
Your yourself said it.
Creationists just completely refuse to get into detail about what they think happened. I want that to change.
I'm still yet to hear a theory to be proposed by a creationist that tidily ties up what we KNOW happens regarding evolution AND works all the wacky stories into the timeline in a way that could potentially work, with no holes in the argument.
If creationists are gonna take the dinosaurs for themselves, they'd better propose their own historical timeline of 'events', all in specific order, that makes sense with what we KNOW of the evolutionary history of the planet. I want specific dates for particular events... where do creationists think things fit into the history of the world?
I dont know whether to reply to this or not. Seeing that you have acted like a complete jerk on many occasions, one side of me says dont waste your time. Another side says go ahead and type it out, because there may be interested ones here.
So I can type it out, only to have you mindlessly call it stupid, or I can type it out for those who are truly interested. If enough people want a 'timeline' of Genesis, then I may consider giving it.
But you have already dug yourself into the 'jerk' hole. You know, the people who are ignored by the general population? Try to dig yourself out by responding to what I type like you would if we were talking face to face. I know you're hiding behind a monitor, but try and reply like your not, OK?