Creation vs. Evolution

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Nothing is highest/lowest form of life. Humans may be the most advanced species on the planet, but we can't control any other species. A dog may learn a few commands, but ultimately, it does what it wants. I can't tell a microbe to do my laundry, even though I'm vastly more intelligent and complex. Likewise, no other species can control humans. Life is life; there's no ranking system.

I would have to disagree.
Earth, Zardoz was right on the money. You are going to drive me nuts here! I am amazed at the way you backpedal and shift from focus to focus to avoid the answers to the very questions you spout! You’re avoidance tactics should easily go down as legendary in this thread. It is all to clear to me (and likely most readers here) that you lack even the fundamentals of the process you are arguing against. It is also much to clear that despite any answer offered you have already made you’re mind that it will be insufficient. Since you are unwilling/unable to look at this subject from an open perspective you should stop now.

I will humor you (though I am not sure why) by answering your last question.
“Do you think you are the highest form of life in/or outside the universe?”

The flaw with this question is readily apparent. I will assume based on (a) the fact you even asked it and on (b) the fact you’re previous comments amount to little more than a good laugh, that you honestly don’t see the flaw.

The question should be “Do you think you are the highest form of life on the planet?” The answer to this is soundly yes! Although dolphins display advanced behaviors and could even have a developed [closed] language system Homo Sapien Sapien is the most intelligent animal on this planet.

If you meant the above question as you actually stated it than the obvious flaw is that no other intelligent life has been contacted. This does not rule out the possibility of intelligent life it simply means no contact has been made. If tomorrow aliens come down to our little planet how would we measure their intelligence? We humans can’t even create a clear non-biased method to test our own intelligence much less could we hope (at current technology) to develop a system that could compare our mental capacity with that of a creature that may or may not even utilize an organ comparable to our brains.

Please before you ask another question at least make a half hearted attempt to think about what you are going to ask first.
Do you think you are the highest form of life in/or outside the Universe?

No. This is flawed because every creature is at its' peak evolutionary form, and will always be. that's evolution. If something evolve worse for its' environment then it doesn't survive, and if it doesn't survive, it doesn't exist, and if it doesn't exist it can't be a poor life form. So no, we are all the same.
I think by “highest” he was referring to “intelligence” as in the ability to reason. For example problem solving, preparing for future events, expanding current language to include items/concepts which are yet unknown, the list goes on…
No. This is flawed because every creature is at its' peak evolutionary form, and will always be. that's evolution. If something evolve worse for its' environment then it doesn't survive, and if it doesn't survive, it doesn't exist, and if it doesn't exist it can't be a poor life form. So no, we are all the same.

That's fine for those of us content with being a monkey's uncle. Or hominids or whichever line that particular branch of the theory says we came from.

If we're not higher, then why are we, as famine said, the only "animal" that has been able to have the population of an area grow beyond the resources of the immideat area?
That's fine for those of us content with being a monkey's uncle. Or hominids or whichever line that particular branch of the theory says we came from.

If we're not higher, then why are we, as famine said, the only "animal" that has been able to have the population of an area grow beyond the resources of the immideat area?

Because we're whores. Locusts do that all the time.That's why they move.
Why dont you try answering some of my questions for a change? Why jump on one thing that you think is wrong, but ignore all my questions?


Oh wait, you were serious. In that case, let me laugh even louder.


Do you think you are the highest form of life in/or outside the Universe?


Which doesn't immediately necessitate the thought that there must be other, higher forms of life in the Universe, thought the probability approaches 1.

However, the last three words turned your question into a farce.
Because we're whores. Locusts do that all the time.That's why they move.

That would be you sir. I wouldn't classify myself or anyone else as a bug or a virus. We have the intelligence to go beyond the daily search for food and procreation. Hence we have been able to push the envelope and do more with less. This is what I'm talking about.
Actually, a bug or virus does exactly what humans do.

We both move to an area and replicate until we overflow the place. We both move to an area and alter it to suit our survival and not the area's...

And viruses certainly don't search for food.
Actually, a bug or virus does exactly what humans do.

We both move to an area and replicate until we overflow the place. We both move to an area and alter it to suit our survival and not the area's...

And viruses certainly don't search for food.

Yes, I realize that. However, PS makes it look like we're a plague on the planet when infact, if evolution is true, we are as natural as plankton.
Actually, a bug or virus does exactly what humans do.

We both move to an area and replicate until we overflow the place. We both move to an area and alter it to suit our survival and not the area's...

And viruses certainly don't search for food.

"A perfect organism" - Ash, A L I E N
That would be you sir. I wouldn't classify myself or anyone else as a bug or a virus. We have the intelligence to go beyond the daily search for food and procreation. Hence we have been able to push the envelope and do more with less. This is what I'm talking about.

Swift, 44% of USA is Christian, and it was founded on Christian principles.

Your country is the biggest whore in the world. You shouldn't feel that amazing.
Swift, 44% of USA is Christian, and it was founded on Christian principles.

Your country is the biggest whore in the world. You shouldn't feel that amazing.

That was the most offensive thing you've ever said. And I'm just going to leave it there.
It is not. It's fact. And a well-known one that few ever care to admit.

Yeah, right. You just classified half of a countries population that you can't possibly know as whores and that's not offensive? Whatever.

Anyway, this is off topic.
I'm calling your country a whore. Because you are. America and Canada are the most wastefull countries in the World, and you refuse to admit your own problems. It's typical, really.
I'm calling your country a whore. Because you are. America and Canada are the most wastefull countries in the World, and you refuse to admit your own problems. It's typical, really.

No, I refuse to be insulted and put down in an incredibly demeaning way. I know my country has problems. But it's the best in the world and I simply won't have people insuting it and calling it a whore because they don't like it.

I'm not in self-denial—you are!

As history and evolution have shown, the most wastefull creatures never survive. You're just too afraid to admit that. There's a difference between power and intelligence, and your president is proof of that.

I'm not in self-denial—you are!

As history and evolution have shown, the most wastefull creatures never survive. You're just too afraid to admit that. There's a difference between power and intelligence, and your president is proof of that.

First I don't believe in evolution as the origin of species.

Second, just because you're insulting your own country doesn't make it OK to insult mine.

Third, I honestly believe that our current president is doing a pretty good job with what he has had to go through.

Self denial, nah. There are so many things I would change about my country it's not funny. But it doesn't mean I'm going to insult it because I disagree with some of the things that are going on.

Yes, I'm a patriot. Not a blind patriot, but a patriot non the less. We've got some HUGE problems in the USA. But that's still no reason for me to go around insulting this or any other country. Get me?
First I don't believe in evolution as the origin of species.

Second, just because you're insulting your own country doesn't make it OK to insult mine.

Third, I honestly believe that our current president is doing a pretty good job with what he has had to go through.

Self denial, nah. There are so many things I would change about my country it's not funny. But it doesn't mean I'm going to insult it because I disagree with some of the things that are going on.

Yes, I'm a patriot. Not a blind patriot, but a patriot non the less. We've got some HUGE problems in the USA. But that's still no reason for me to go around insulting this or any other country. Get me?

True. But I was speaking in more of a North American sense, NA as a whole. Mexico isn't as wastefull, but they pollute an awful lot. If we're so superior, why can't we even maintain the environment we live in?
Yes, I realize that. However, PS makes it look like we're a plague on the planet when infact, if evolution is true, we are as natural as plankton.

As is, of course, Plague.

I'm not in self-denial

Anyone got signature space for this?
"I'm not in self-denial."

Think about it for a minute. Wouldn't someone in self-denial deny being in self-denial?

It's like an interview question my brother was asked once. "We hear you can be argumentative. Is this true?"

He had a fun time answering that one.
logic ? Isnt that against the sop ? If you were forced to be logical you would have to delete like 75% or more of the post on the entire site ....we cant have logic ...go away ! :)
"I'm not in self-denial."

Think about it for a minute. Wouldn't someone in self-denial deny being in self-denial?

It's like an interview question my brother was asked once. "We hear you can be argumentative. Is this true?"

He had a fun time answering that one.

Oh. One of those.

Everything I say is a lie as well.