If god is so powerful, is it not possible that he created the Universe with the Earth in it and this soup that life can evolve from? Couldn't he have created all this knowing that it would grow over time? Why couldn't god create us using evolution?
There are many people who do believe that... although I don't. It boils down to the fact that half-way house arguments like this don't really hold any water from either perspective.
From a creationist point of view:- If God created humankind, why would He leave it to a primordial soup and the blind laws of physics to do it?.... If we are so perfectly suited to our environment by intellegent design, then it follows that we cannot accept that any part of that design was left to chance... therefore, creationists
must believe that humans were created intact (or atleast their ancestors were). But if God created our ancestors and we have evolved from them
since Creation, then you must also be prepared to believe that our ancestors also evolved from somewhere, and so on... in other words, creationists
must also believe that evolution doesn't occur at all. Hence, to be a true creationist, you must believe that human kind was created
as is, or as we see it now. The only problem is, we weren't. And there is now ample fossil and genetic evidence to back this up...
From an evolutionists point of view:- If God didn't create humankind, then why do you need to believe that God created the primordial soup? We may not understand (yet) how living systems can come to be from non-living precursor material, but this is even more reason to disregard the theory that life was intellegently created by a supernatural being. To try to explain that non-living precursor material was whipped up into life by another 'non-living' (or even living) entity, is completely pointless. Therefore, a true evolutionist could not accept that God created the primordial soup any more than they'd accept that humans were created intact.
With reference to the primordial soup argument, one central problem evolutionists have is explaining how such inter-dependent biomolecules such as proteins and DNA could come to be without the other already existing.... but the fact that both of these molecules are polymers and their basic structures are not actually that complex at all (although their functions most certainly are), lends itself to an attempt to explain how they could come to be at all.... an example of a self-replicating system can be seen in crystals. A crystal of a substance is an ordered array of the same molecule, such that when a crystal is dropped into a solution of the same molecule, it will cause that solution to crystallse itself (a process known as seeding). This demonstrates that even the most basic molecules are, in a sense, capable of spontaneously forming ordered structure from an otherwise completely random and non-structured 'soup'... i.e. the crystal has shown some of the properties of a replicator.
With that said, it starts to become clear that the molecules of life (like amino acids) only need to have certain simple properties before they can form more complex molecules....
1) They need to be chemically simple.... (
http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/problem_sets/aa/Glycine.html) which they are... they only contain 4 different (hugely abundant) elements, C, H, N and O....
2) They need to be able to polymerise (i.e. connect to themselves)... both nucleotides (that make up DNA and RNA) and amino acids (that make up proteins) can do this
...we know that DNA, RNA, amino acids and proteins are the most fundamental building blocks of life (in all forms), but we have no idea about what pre-living biochemistry was like.... In the primordial soup, molecules of all shapes, sizes and chemical composition were around, much as they are still around today. But it is the property of replication that is key to understanding how biomolecules arose. Molecules with the property of replication would be able to 'survive', expand, grow, mutate and eventually become completely self-dependent.... i.e. alive. But the property of replication is not a magical or mystical (or divine?) property... it's just chemistry.