- 8,018
- GTP_Royalton
kylehnat[It's not shaky at all. The process of atoms conglomerating into life took several billion years. A few atoms came together in the just the right way to form molecules, which in turn came together in just the right way to form complex organic molecules, which then came together in just the right way to form the simplest single-cell organism. It does seem highly improbable until you consider the time scale involved, which allows an event with small probability to become almost certain. It took 3 billion years for this to happen, an amount of time which no person on earth can comprehend.
That entire post should replace the current definition of shaky in dictionaries.
Zardoz[The "bleh" part of your idea is that there is an ever-existing, infinitely-powerful entity who lives "outside of time",
Zardozsimply willed the entire universe into existence,
1. The Bible does not say how he started it. But clues in the Bible point to a logical way in which he could have did it.
Zardozand is still micro-managing it to this day.
God is 'resting'. Think of creation as a factory. God made it. Now he's watching it work.
ZardozNow THAT is "really, really shaky stuff".
Hey, can you honestly say to me, face to face, that you came from a single cell? It sounds fancy and intelligent when this theory is submitted by big name scientists, but as for you, on an individual level, do you really, REALLY believe that? Can you honestly say, without ANY doubt, that shrews and fish were your ancestors? I'm sure you will say that I dont have a clue how evolution works, or I dont understand 'millions' of years. But do YOU really understand millions of years? Or do you accept it as truth because it seems to be the most likely scenario?
FamineIt really does.
Your thoughts and interpretations are coloured by a presupposed conclusion - that God did it. We have no presupposed conclusions - maybe God did do it. Maybe a different god did it. Maybe it happened naturally because of "Physics". Maybe we need to write some new physics based on the discovery. Who knows? We don't, that's for sure.
If something becomes to complex to understand, I say it's too complex for me to understand. You say "God". If there's something we just don't know about the universe, I say "We just don't know". You say "God".
It may for others, but it doesnt for me.
The idea that someone designed the Universe makes me want to learn about it even more. As Einstein wanted to know God's thoughts , I want to know just how it works. It makes it more interesting. When studying the Universe you could think "I'm studying the result of an explosion" Or you could think "I'm studying the handywork of an extremely intelligent being". The latter is more interesting IMO.
I dont think there is much in the world that happens because of miracles of God. Maybe a prayer answered here and there, but as far as science, which is the study of God's creation, I think most of it can be explained by natural laws that God put into place. The idea that things can be figured out is great. It's not randomness but rather it can be explained. It's logical. Think about the table of elements. Scientists were able to figure out what kind of elements were missing before they were even found thanks to orderliness. Thank God for that.
I enjoy the understanding of our world that science has brought to us. At times, it is true that I may say "They'll never figure that out. Maybe they will believe now." But it doesnt mean I dont want them to look. Turn your telescopes to the sky. Look beyond 13 billion years into the past. Find out whats out there. I want to know. You want to know. I may say dark energy and dark matter has something to do with God, but you say it will be explained naturally eventually. Even if it is explained naturally, the orderliness, beauty, and the fact that the Universe IS explainable points to a great God.
What does this picture say about his personality?