Creation vs. Evolution

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Yea, a little too quick to believe actually.

So do crosses count as idols? What about the crucifix? What about stained glass windows? Would you be willing to rip up a bible? It's just a book afterall, if it's no more than a book you should have no trouble burning it. If it is more than a book, then has it become an idol?

I still don't see how it is necessary that once one has an idol of god or a painting with the likeness of stuff that's in heaven - one loses touch with their "spiritual" connection with God.

Spirit is not the flesh and spirit is not the mind or soul.

I would not rip up the word of God because it's just that. The word of God. It isn't an idol as it isn't a likness of anything. I'm not down with stained glass windows myself or crosses being everywhere(as I've stated in the religion thread).

To burn the word of God is to say that it means nothing. That is unacceptable to God and myself.
I want to believe.

I do.

I wish I could believe in God. It's such a comforting notion. There is so much mental benefit to believing in God... but I can't. The fact that it is soothing to the mind, that it is comforting, makes it all the more likely that it is made up.

I don't fight it any more than I fight any other claim. It's just that I couldn't bring myself to believe it. Honestly, if I thought it was even likely to be true I would be there in a heartbeat. It would just be too good to pass up. Eternal life in bliss with your loved ones.... wow... who would pass that up? I really wish that were true... but it just sounds about as made up as can be. And the story doesn't check out.

This is exactly what I think also. Its not like eternal life in bliss is a unattractive concept. Its just that the story isn't even well written, its very easy to disprove or at least disprove the bible's version of what or who God is and what exactly he/it did to make the Earth like it is today...
I do respect certain things about religion, its a good life-trainer for certain people. The moral stuff is mostly good, apart from the anti-gay rubbish, and the strict sexual views. I just didn't buy the concept of God and the stories from the bible even when I was about 6 years old. I knew it was a bit screwy, it just didn't make any sense with my concept of reality. But then I never believed in Santa Clause either. Its the same thing really. I don't get how grown-ups still 'buy' the whole 'God' thing.
The truth from the Bible is that he cannot be seen by humans. His power is too great for any human to look upon him and live.

I've seen that film!

- Isn't this from the Wizard of Oz?

Just think about that for a minute. This is a Being who brought into existance billions and billions of galaxies, billions and billions of stars. He designed the atom, as well as supergiant stars.

Is god not made up of atoms?
Spirit is not the flesh and spirit is not the mind or soul.

I would not rip up the word of God because it's just that. The word of God. It isn't an idol as it isn't a likness of anything. I'm not down with stained glass windows myself or crosses being everywhere(as I've stated in the religion thread).

To burn the word of God is to say that it means nothing. That is unacceptable to God and myself.

I'm not saying is this something you would engage in in your spare time. I'm saying, do you have strong feelings about the bible being a sacred book, or would you burn it or rip it like you would burn or rip a dictionary or an encyclopedia.

I mean those other books are also not meaningless, but if someone put a gun to my head I'd burn them in a heartbeat.

My point is, is it just a history book to you, or is the bible a sacred book that must be guarded?
I'm not saying is this something you would engage in in your spare time. I'm saying, do you have strong feelings about the bible being a sacred book, or would you burn it or rip it like you would burn or rip a dictionary or an encyclopedia.

I mean those other books are also not meaningless, but if someone put a gun to my head I'd burn them in a heartbeat.

My point is, is it just a history book to you, or is the bible a sacred book that must be guarded?

To me the bible is sacred text that should never be destroyed willfully.
Right but it isn't like that particuluar book YOU have was the very first one ever written, or like as if we don't already have 10,000,000,000+ copies of the book.

I mean I could hand write everything out of the Bible, would you burn it then?
To me the bible is sacred text that should never be destroyed willfully.

Seriously? I mean if I make a printout of part of the bible can I destroy it then? What if I just copy and past electronic text from the bible. Can I delete it?

What if someone was making bible after bible after bible and soon the world was going to run out of space because there were too many bibles... would you destory a few then?

Why I am asking these questions again? I think I was trying to establish that the bible is some sort of idol or something but I think I'm going to have to give up on that. Anyway feel free to ignore this post.
Right but it isn't like that particuluar book YOU have was the very first one ever written, or like as if we don't already have 10,000,000,000+ copies of the book.

I mean I could hand write everything out of the Bible, would you burn it then?

If you hand wrote the bible. No, if you hand wrote one chapter in teh bible word for word. That would be the word of God. Hence, sacred. Now, I know you're then going to say that makes all things that have some scripture on them sacred. Well, why do you think that is? There is more to the word of God then just words.

I believe that my 3 bibles are equally sacred. 1 for home, 1 for the car, 1 for church. And I wouldn't willfully part with any of them. Also, I think everyone elses bible is sacred. I'm a big advocate of the KJV. But as long as it's the word its the bible. I try not to get into arguments about what version people read. No point in it at all.
1 for the car

Never read and drive! :dopey:

Well I honestly don't see your arguement, I guess if you had a copy of the bible from page 1 through the end, it is then sacred. There are a million and one technicalities (spelling?) me and Danoff can catch you on, but we'd be here until Jesus comes back
I believe that my 3 bibles are equally sacred. 1 for home, 1 for the car, 1 for church.

You have a bible for your car?? Are you going to read it in the car? Don't they supply bibles for you at church?
You have a bible for your car?? Are you going to read it in the car? Don't they supply bibles for you at church?

Why would they supply bibles at church? Bibles are personal. I can find any book in the bible in less then 15 seconds.

I have a bible in my car for when I'm either stuck in traffic and when people ask me about passages in the bible. That way I can show them and they don't have to take my word for it. It comes in very handy.
Is a bible still a sacred object if someone has drawn rude illustrations in it? (most hotel bibles)

What if someone prints the text of the bible in a porno? Is it still sacred and mustn't be destroyed? Surely there must be a point where its okay to destroy something which has the 'word of God' on it...

So you're saying that if someone graffitis bible text onto a tram stop the council ain't allowed to clean it off... this could get really silly if we keep going down this road that any text from the bible is sacred...

Swift, if you were isolated in the desert at night and you had to keep warm, with the only thing available to burn being your bible, would you burn it? Or would you rather freeze to death? Surely God would understand you wanting to live in this kind of situation. Surely its okay to destroy a bible as long as you don't really want to destroy it?
IMO its a sacred object to some people so it should be treated with respect even if you think its just a book full of words .Thats just the way I was brought up to look at things . The same way you would respect a church or an indian mound or a synagog . because someone holds it sacred you should show the object the same respect you would show the person or you should treat it the same way you would have them treat what you hold sacred . Does that make sense ? Its just simple manners. At the very least you cant go wrong acting that way .
IMO its a sacred object to some people so it should be treated with respect even if you think its just a book full of words .Thats just the way I was brought up to look at things . The same way you would respect a church or an indian mound or a synagog . because someone holds it sacred you should show the object the same respect you would show the person or you should treat it the same way you would have them treat what you hold sacred . Does that make sense ? Its just simple manners. At the very least you cant go wrong acting that way .
Yep, thats cool. But my question is more like "what represents the (sacred) form of God's word? Can it be that graffiti in a train stop, or does it have to be a proper bound book? What physical form does God's word have to exist in for it to be sacred?"
Swift, if you were isolated in the desert at night and you had to keep warm, with the only thing available to burn being your bible, would you burn it? Or would you rather freeze to death? Surely God would understand you wanting to live in this kind of situation. Surely its okay to destroy a bible as long as you don't really want to destroy it?

I would freeze to death for the sheer reason that unless it was a bible from the 1400's it wouldn't be large enough to burn more then 10 minutes. I'm not going to desecrate the word of God for 10 more minutes of life. That's a logical standpoint that doesn't take a christian to figure out.

No it's not "ok" to destroy a bible and I'm really not worried about what situation you give me. The bible is sacred to me and I will protect it.
Bibles and PrayerBooks ( Missals ) are sacred objects in the Catholic Religeon . If they have been blessed by a priest then subsequent knowing or malicious damage is considered Desecration , a mortal sin .
Do Christians believe that Moses talked to God? I should know this...

Yes along with a lot of other people in the Old and New testament. Not to mention me. :)

Sorry I took so long to respond, I honestly didn't see it there.
It's known as 'schizophrenia' now.

Welcome back Jack. We really missed you around here. Your incredibly uniformed views on everything were of great entertainment value.

Oh, it would actually be multiple personality disorder if you want to try and classify it as a mental sickness.

If you don't want to believe it fine. But don't even think about insulting my faith just because you don't like it.
Welcome back Jack. We really missed you around here. Your incredibly uniformed views on everything were of great entertainment value.

Oh, it would actually be multiple personality disorder if you want to try and classify it as a mental sickness.

If you don't want to believe it fine. But don't even think about insulting my faith just because you don't like it.

Actually, it would be schizophrenia and it's well-documented.
Actually, it would be schizophrenia and it's well-documented.

Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. Schizophrenia is associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and defects of the frontal lobe and is caused by genetic, other biological, and psychosocial factors.

Multiple Personality Disorder:
an hysterical neurosis in which the personality becomes dissociated into two or more distinct but complex and socially and behaviorally integrated parts each of which becomes dominant and controls behavior from time to time to the exclusion of the others called also alternating personality, dissociative identity disorder;

Either way you want to look at it. And your documentation. Well, so you mean to tell me they every single occurence of prayer is a form of schizophrenia?
Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. Schizophrenia is associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and defects of the frontal lobe and is caused by genetic, other biological, and psychosocial factors.

This would be if you believe God has spoken to you.

Multiple Personality Disorder:
an hysterical neurosis in which the personality becomes dissociated into two or more distinct but complex and socially and behaviorally integrated parts each of which becomes dominant and controls behavior from time to time to the exclusion of the others called also alternating personality, dissociative identity disorder;

This would be if you believed you were God or some other seperate identity different from your own.

Either way you want to look at it. And your documentation. Well, so you mean to tell me they every single occurence of prayer is a form of schizophrenia?

Not unless you hear a reply.
Nope, I employ a cognitive thought process.

LOL, ok. right. So, you come up with answers to questions. And you KNOW that isn't an outside force giving you that thought?
LOL, ok. right. So, you come up with answers to questions. And you KNOW that isn't an outside force giving you that thought?

I collate information on a continual basis, interpretating it either consciously or sub-consciously, but from tangible sources.