CRZ Race closed, Well done PaulMac and w.g.e. Pics included

  • Thread starter hasslemoff

How long would you like to race the CRZ's

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I vote 1 1/2 hour. Same with Tim, an hour is just a heat race but two may be too long with these cars.
I voted one hour, but I don't have a problem with 1 1/2 if that's the clincher.

Physically, I believe I could endure-o one of these cars 90 minutes...maybe, lol.

Lol, the speed of these is phonomenal doesnt half take it out of you 👍

I vote 1 1/2 hour. Same with Tim, an hour is just a heat race but two may be too long with these cars.

No probs looking like 1 1/2 hours by the vote.
Lol, the speed of these is phonomenal doesnt half take it out of you 👍

I'm not so sure about that (not that it's a bad thing). But side by side driving in a slightly slower car can be just as taxing as driving a rocket that is on the edge of control, but not bumper to bumper or side by side with another car in your class.

Any thoughts on how qualification will work? Live pre-race or pre-quali in the days before the race? Honestly I really like a pre-quali system because you really find out who is going to show up versus people that just sign up and you never hear from them again. It does take additional coordination and time though.


I would echo Joshua's sentiments for the "weak" draft, which is already strong enough.

As far as the draft strong/weak that decision should be combo specific. There are cases where we've opted for strong in the WRS because passing is too difficult at the low setting. The cars need to come up to speed before the draft really kicks in and every car has it's own draft profile -- these cars may have very little. If you haven't tested it you don't know. Who wants to play follow the leader for the entire race. The draft is highly dependent on the cars/track/speed in question and a blanket statement the "the draft is already strong enough" is a gross simplification.

In fast race cars that's surely the truth, but with slower cars (without wings) sometime the draft at weak never makes a difference as far as getting a clean pass in before the corner... You end up with dive bombing instead as it's the only way to complete the pass. It needs to be tested both ways and the race director decides what sort of race he wants. Given this is an enduro and you want to pick tires that will allow some pit strategy then passing via short pitting etc. give you another option to get past besides an on track pass.

Having said that I'm not a big fan of the draft "equalizing" the field and creating artificial "packs". And you definitely don't want to induce a strategy where drivers do not want to be in the lead though going into the final lap / final few turns. That's just trouble.

My recommendation: If in doubt, go with weak. Only choose strong if you have a definite reason to do so, but there are valid reasons.

If you haven't tested with multiple cars on track maybe you can schedule a multi car test. Only need 3-4 guys and about 30-45 minutes. Test tires and the draft and make decisions on those first.
Any thoughts on how qualification will work? Live pre-race or pre-quali in the days before the race? Honestly I really like a pre-quali system because you really find out who is going to show up versus people that just sign up and you never hear from them again. It does take additional coordination and time though.

Unfortunatly I dont have time for the pre-quali system, its a great way of doing qualifying and definatly sorts out who is a definate.

As far as the draft strong/weak that decision should be combo specific. There are cases where we've opted for strong in the WRS because passing is too difficult at the low setting. The cars need to come up to speed before the draft really kicks in and every car has it's own draft profile -- these cars may have very little. If you haven't tested it you don't know. Who wants to play follow the leader for the entire race. The draft is highly dependent on the cars/track/speed in question and a blanket statement the "the draft is already strong enough" is a gross simplification.

If you haven't tested with multiple cars on track maybe you can schedule a multi car test. Only need 3-4 guys and about 30-45 minutes. Test tires and the draft and make decisions on those first.

The strong draft worked well on the race I had with the standard CRZ which gave me this idea a while ago, but will have to a bit more testing on the spoon with the higher pp, so I will get a multi car test done.

Tyres I've choosen sports hard for the race they last a while which is why i've added mandatory pit stops, sports soft are way to grippy for the Standard CRZ, very little braking.

I've edited first post with the date and laps and will move the thread into the spot race section in a few days
Might be up for this, would be the spoon for me :). Sports Hards are a perfect choice for these cars might I add ;).
NascarManiaco99 / GTP_Michelin9960 / Brazilian (but my PSN is US) / Honda CR-Z '10 / Crystal White / Black Pearl (M)
Might be up for this, would be the spoon for me :). Sports Hards are a perfect choice for these cars might I add ;).

Just thought. I will try and make this but my AS level exams are the week after so I may not make it sorry :(
Be nice to possibly have a couple of "organized" informal low [10] lap-one pit runs, non-mandatory attendance, of course?
After driving it, I love it, so im in for sure :D.

paulmac2k9 / GTP_PaulMac / Scottish / Spoon CR-Z / Sapphire Metallic (Dark Blue) / Yellow

Fyi my colours are similar to my avatar :sly:.
haitch40, haitch40 , UK , Spoon CRZ , TBD, TBD.

If I can make it that is.
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Why is the stock CRZ [no tuning] from the dealership showing 118 hp instead of 114?
Why is the stock CRZ [no tuning] from the dealership showing 118 hp instead of 114?

It stock comes with 118HP... does anyone have a idea of how much HP it has after break-in?
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jtv90069 / gtp_jtv90069 / Australia / Honda CR-Z / Orange / Gold Chrome
NascarManiaco99 / GTP_Michelin9960 / Brazilian / Honda CR-Z '10 / Crystal White / Black Pearl (M)
Joshua1994 / joshua1994 / British / Spoon CR-Z / Grey / Red
mcfizzle/ GTP_mcfizzle/USA/TBD/TBD/TBD
paulmac2k9 / GTP_PaulMac / Scottish / Spoon CR-Z / Sapphire Metallic (Dark Blue) / Yellow.
DDiamond/ GTP_DDiamond/USA/TBD/TBD/TBD
jtv90069 / gtp_jtv90069 / Australia / Honda CR-Z / Orange / Gold Chrome

Nice to see the sign ups coming in 👍

haitch40 / haitch40 / UK / Spoon CRZ / TBD/ TBD.

I put you into reserve for now just let me know if you can make it 👍

Why is the stock CRZ [no tuning] from the dealership showing 118 hp instead of 114?
It stock comes with 118HP... does anyone have a idea of how much HP it has after break-in?

Yep sorry about that I went of mygranturismo site when I made the thread and it said 114bhp (my ps3 gets put in a cupboard when Im not using it) so I copied it of there :dunce:, I meant to change it when I edited the thread.

Standard CRZ 124 bhp with oil change, 126 bhp once broken in.

I've also changed mandatory pit stops back to 1, which it was suppose to be lol

Be nice to possibly have a couple of "organized" informal low [10] lap-one pit runs, non-mandatory attendance, of course?

Will sort one out soon, will try to get if for a weekend for timezones.
Also I notcied the strong draft setting as WRP said it may be ok but for the Spoons I rekon it will be too much as they have at minimum weight around 220bhp+. So id vote weak for the sake of the Spoons but we will see if we do any practise rooms ;).
Also I notcied the strong draft setting as WRP said it may be ok but for the Spoons I rekon it will be too much as they have at minimum weight around 220bhp+. So id vote weak for the sake of the Spoons but we will see if we do any practise rooms ;).

No problems, I will definatly get some practice races sorted out.

My lounge should always be open even if Im not online, just click on the coffee cup to see who is in there.

So closer to the time if people want some more practice just post in here to see if anyone wants to join you in there.
Throw me on the reserve list

WRP001/ GTP_WRP001 / USA / TBD / Green Chrome / Red

As far as the car, I'm open at this point so we'll see what shakes out for sign ups. Maybe after I drive one of them I'll have an opinion. :dunce:
Throw me on the reserve list

WRP001/ GTP_WRP001 / USA / TBD / Green Chrome / Red

As far as the car, I'm open at this point so we'll see what shakes out for sign ups. Maybe after I drive one of them I'll have an opinion. :dunce:

No probs 👍
so 126HP is the limit for the CR-Z '10?

and who's available to make some runs thru the week?
so 126HP is the limit for the CR-Z '10?

and who's available to make some runs thru the week?

Yep 126hp is the limit.

Ill be on now and again through the week, if you see me online just send me a message. apart from this sunday night from about 9pm
Right now I'm thinking I will go with the CR-Z '10. I'm liking the thought of not having to mess with a tune. I haven't tried either one yet though, too busy driving in the rocket that is the GT Academy Leaf.:dunce:
Damn, what a tough choice. I can make the standard CRZ pink, but the spoon CRZ is more fun to drive..
Leaning toward the Standard, but any advice from anyone experienced that might help make my choice....taking into consideration my experience or lack thereof. :)
I took the Spoon purely because the standard is ok but I like to be able to tune my Fwds to my overly sideways liking :sly:. (And it looks better in Pirtek :P.)

But im sure the standard Cr-z is fine stock ;).
This is totally my cup of tea.

Zorrin/DitQuois/Standard CR-Z/British Expat/Matte Light Pink (or something equally offensive and obnoxiously bright)/ Something that clashes with the body of the car.
Leaning toward the Standard, but any advice from anyone experienced that might help make my choice....taking into consideration my experience or lack thereof. :)

The Honda cr-z is easy to control and all you can change is the brake balance, so there is no need to find a tune.
The Spoon cr-z however has an abundance of choices. All performance parts installed will give you around 15-20pp over the limit so there is options as to what level you tune, eg: full weight reduction instead of max power.
Then you will still need to find a tune that works well for yourself. The car I have been testing with is still a little understeery and would need to be adjusted if I was planning on racing it.

For anyone just wanting to jump in and go the Honda is the easier option as the car is assured of being on par with everyone.