Curiosity - The Next Mars Lander

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
They want to but several factors are preventing it at the time being. I guess one of the big reasons is that Jupiter gives off some pretty high radiation levels and they don't expect things to last long around it.
They want to but several factors are preventing it at the time being. I guess one of the big reasons is that Jupiter gives off some pretty high radiation levels and they don't expect things to last long around it.

That's strange, pretty sure Titan was orbiting Saturn.
I'm waiting for them to see what's inside Europa, but I have a feeling that a long ways away.
Psht, Titan, much better to go here:

And while Saturn does emit some sick radioactiviy through its magnetosphere. Another thing that makes Enceladus so awesome is that it's one of the few moons on the outside edge of its radiation belt, so it's just a prime target all the way around. The radiation itself shouldn't be too big a problem though, since it doesn't have to get too close. During high activity, you can simply just turn up a shield. Either that, or just land on Enceladus when it's on the waning radioactive side of its orbit, then burrow underground right away and make your lab, done.
They've already landed something on Titan (Huygens), it just didn't move around or relay much more than a few photos.


As for radiation, if you just land on the side of the moon facing away from the planet, then you have complete protection.
I'm not sure whether Enceladus is in a locked orbit though, isn't our moon's really rare?
"If in fact you do make any contact with Martians, please let me know right away . . . because I've got a lot of other things on my plate, but I do suspect that will go to the top of the list, even if they're just microbes." - U.S. President Obama during a congratulatory call to JPL.
"If in fact you do make any contact with Martians, please let me know right away . . . because I've got a lot of other things on my plate, but I do suspect that will go to the top of the list, even if they're just microbes." - U.S. President Obama during a congratulatory call to JPL.

:) 👍
I'd like to see something dropped close to the poles near the ice.

This is what I had in mind with my post. It's an environment whose biological chemistry should be observed in situ. And it's also, in my honest opinion, better to spend money on something proven that can do awesome science, than to spent gazillions in huge rockets that are technically not strictly necessary...looking at you SLS.

Enceladus is another interesting target, but the delta-v requirements and technology needed to do a proper landing and still have a decent science payload on the surface are on a completely different league. An orbiter would be a nice first step, though.
In case nobody has seen it, here's the panorama photo in high resolution. It's still got some spots missing, but it's mostly there.
That is a great pic! To the right it looks like there could be some sort of "moisture" in the dark spots. Wonder how far they would have to dig for a water source?
Not the Kate Beckinsale travesty that is in theaters now. The awesome Schwarzenegger film from the 80s.
I really need to watch the original Total Recall. All this Mars talk has me interrested in watching it again. Watched it when I was very young but dont remember much about it at all other than him yelling while they pulled a red light out of his nose. lol Thought about watching the new Total recal but how can you substitute Arnold with Colin Ferrell? :ouch: Seems like they would have at least used someone huge and ripped. Heck even Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) probably could have played the part very well.
"If in fact you do make any contact with Martians, please let me know right away . . . because I've got a lot of other things on my plate, but I do suspect that will go to the top of the list, even if they're just microbes." - U.S. President Obama during a congratulatory call to JPL.

He probably wants to take credit for it. :rolleyes:

But if NASA really wants to lure an alien out of hiding, just scatter some Reese's Pieces on the ground. 💡

It works, I saw it in a movie once. :dopey:
He probably wants to take credit for it. :rolleyes:

Actually it was the boss making a personal congratulatory call to his team and reminding them gently about the 'need to know' classification of the information they are trying to unearth; after all if they find a monolith buried in there he may have to decide whether to announce it to the rest of the world or hide it away in area 51.
The fact that the media evesdropped on the conversation, and what we do with the information of course, is another matter. :)

But if NASA really wants to lure an alien out of hiding, just scatter some Reese's Pieces on the ground. 💡

It works, I saw it in a movie once. :dopey:

The problem is that all our movies have been beamed into space for decades now. They've probably watched Mars Attacks, too, and know to watch out for Slim Whitman. :lol:
Actually it was the boss making a personal congratulatory call to his team and reminding them gently about the 'need to know' classification of the information they are trying to unearth; after all if they find a monolith buried in there he may have to decide whether to announce it to the rest of the world or hide it away in area 51.
The fact that the media evesdropped on the conversation, and what we do with the information of course, is another matter. :)

I'm aware. Perhaps the eye-roll emoticon didn't convey the sarcasm well enough.
What, picturesque?...

Actually, you're right Cracker. There's more chance of finding intelligent life on Mars than in Doncaster, come to think of it.