Curiosity - The Next Mars Lander

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Oh ya, the one where you go on virtual vacations because they implant memories into your brain? lol.

Not far from the truth - though Tofler's Future Shock is more memorable.
There is a remake to be screened soon, I believe.

Finding any sign of earth-like life (either fossilised or surviving) or in fact any type of life at all is going to be good for the world - some predictions from New Agers predict the end of all religions (remember we're not talking spiritual dsciplines that are philosophical in nature) in December 2012 - and a Brave New World.

The monetary aspect to this is negligable (my apologies to the budget conscious) USA beating their chest is negligable; they did a lot to hold it together (or rather NASA did) with help from all sources they could muster.

This is the culmination of long work begun long before the the people on stage right now were involved. I look forward to every bit of news on this; Go Rover!! Good dog, boy! Fetch! Fetch!
Well whoever made that obviously knows nothing of RTG's then. :rolleyes: "Hey guys! It's nuclear, so it MUST be bad!"


Just thought it was funny, of course it is completely sealed, but not the best thing for a somewhat primitive intelligent life form (or even highly intelligent life form) to stumble upon and open up for sure. :D
Not sure if anyone has seen or heard anything about it, but NASA is thinking about starting their experiments right where the thing sits. The divots that were blown out from the jet pack/sky crane revealed some bedrock below that's just screaming to be poked at...
Oh ya, the one where you go on virtual vacations because they implant memories into your brain? lol.

Not the Kate Beckinsale travesty that is in theaters now. The awesome Schwarzenegger film from the 80s.
all I think about when this comes up ,have they found aliens yet :D . Seriously though this will go down in history and I'm proud I am alive to witness such a step .
Not the Kate Beckinsale travesty that is in theaters now. The awesome Schwarzenegger film from the 80s.

Yes. What does it have to do with planned commercial trips in the future?

Am I going to die from a shoot out in a Mars bar because Terminator shot out the glass and we all suffocated?

Hopefully all the miners don't rebel either.

Oh man.... cancel my flight.
So excited about all hat stuff! Is that new panorama false color again?

Nope, true color according to the camera guy. He said the only touch-up they make is a brightness adjustment, since the amount of light on Mars is far less than Earth.
Technical question: How much would it cost to replicate curiosity and it's landing technology?

I mean without the associated costs of the launch vehicle and ground operations, would it be too costly to seek international cooperation in order to launch duplicates of the rover to other points of Mars?
Would that be helpful though?

Does more rovers = better? or would it be smarter to aim to drop a rover onto another target?
"It turns out, the rocks on this half of Mars are very similar to the rocks on this half of Mars. Thank you, Europe, for spending $3B on this venture, for without you we would not be certain that Mars is mostly all the same kind of rock."
