Curiosity - The Next Mars Lander

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Size: About the size of a car -- 10 feet long (not including the arm), 9 feet wide and 7 feet tall!
Weight: 900 kilograms (2,000 pounds)

That is some piece of RC to take to the park. :P

Sounds something like Shaquille O'neal can play with.
This gives you an idea of the size:

So the vehicle isn't that big. More the size of big RC car.

About the same length as the Apollo lunar rover that could carry 2 astronauts and their stuff, and almost 5 times as heavy. Much slower, but slightly smarter.
Size: About the size of a car -- 10 feet long (not including the arm), 9 feet wide and 7 feet tall!
Weight: 900 kilograms (2,000 pounds)

That is some piece of RC to take to the park. :P

tnx, should have read the first post.
Mars rover Opportunity found something interesting:


PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's long-lived rover Opportunity has returned an image of the Martian surface that is puzzling researchers.

Spherical objects concentrated at an outcrop Opportunity reached last week differ in several ways from iron-rich spherules nicknamed "blueberries" the rover found at its landing site in early 2004 and at many other locations to date.

Opportunity is investigating an outcrop called Kirkwood in the Cape York segment of the western rim of Endeavour Crater. The spheres measure as much as one-eighth of an inch (3 millimeters) in diameter. The analysis is still preliminary, but it indicates that these spheres do not have the high iron content of Martian blueberries.

"This is one of the most extraordinary pictures from the whole mission," said Opportunity's principal investigator, Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. "Kirkwood is chock full of a dense accumulation of these small spherical objects. Of course, we immediately thought of the blueberries, but this is something different. We never have seen such a dense accumulation of spherules in a rock outcrop on Mars."

The Martian blueberries found elsewhere by Opportunity are concretions formed by action of mineral-laden water inside rocks, evidence of a wet environment on early Mars. Concretions result when minerals precipitate out of water to become hard masses inside sedimentary rocks. Many of the Kirkwood spheres are broken and eroded by the wind. Where wind has partially etched them away, a concentric structure is evident.

Opportunity used the microscopic imagern its arm to look closely at Kirkwood. Researchers checked the spheres' composition by using an instrument called the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer on Opportunity's arm.

"They seem to be crunchy on the outside, and softer in the middle," Squyres said. "They are different in concentration. They are different in structure. They are different in composition. They are different in distribution. So, we have a wonderful geological puzzle in front of us. We have multiple working hypotheses, and we have no favorite hypothesis at this time. It's going to take a while to work this out, so the thing to do now is keep an open mind and let the rocks do the talking."

Just past Kirkwood lies another science target area for Opportunity. The location is an extensive pale-toned outcrop in an area of Cape York where observations from orbit have detected signs of clay minerals. That may be the rover's next study site after Kirkwood. Four years ago, Opportunity departed Victoria Crater, which it had investigated for two years, to reach different types of geological evidence at the rim of the much larger Endeavour Crater.

The rover's energy levels are favorable for the investigations. Spring equinox comes this month to Mars' southern hemisphere, so the amount of sunshine for solar power will continue increasing for months.

"The rover is in very good health considering its 8-1/2 years of hard work on the surface of Mars," said Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager John Callas of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "Energy production levels are comparable to what they were a full Martian year ago, and we are looking forward to productive spring and summer seasons of exploration."

NASA launched the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity in the summer of 2003, and both completed their three-month prime missions in April 2004. They continued bonus, extended missions for years. Spirit finished communicating with Earth in March 2010. The rovers have made important discoveries about wet environments on ancient Mars that may have been favorable for supporting microbial life.


Also, the part in bold. 👍
Those look like bubbles of some sort, of which some of them have popped.

Nice to know Opportunity is still going strong. I say use it and keep driving around until it's no longer able to move.
Usually they brighten up the photos to compensate for the lower sunlight, not sure if it was done on that photo. But yeah, quite a difference.
Water only equals life as we know it, but evidence of it does give hope that we might find something more substantial.
I think it's a pretty exciting development that there's solid evidence (so far) for Mars to once have had water. But the existence of water does not automatically imply life; unfortunately it's just a matter of time before some people start claiming that since the planet once had water it must have had life. It wouldn't surprise me if some already are claiming that, in fact.
Bob, Joey - yes, I agree.

We must keep in mind though that there is no Life (closed system absorbing/excreting/reproducing) without Water.
Every drop of water I have examined under a microscope has contained some form of such Life.

Unless the water was double-boiled, triple-distilled and contained in a sterile environment it would contain Life.
Right but it's still only life as we know it. Given a different set of circumstances and a different environment life could have very well evolved some other way and adapted to requiring something other than water to survive.
There's no guarantee Mars would have had the right environment for life to start, either. At least, for life as we know it. Still, lets not jump to conclusions. Ancient river beds on Mars are a fascinating discovery nonetheless.

'Bathurst Inlet' Rock on Curiosity's Sol 54, Context View
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity held its Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera about 10.5 inches (27 centimeters) away from the top of a rock called "Bathurst Inlet" for a set of eight images combined into this merged-focus view of the rock. This context image covers an area roughly 6.5 inches by 5 inches (16 centimeters by 12 centimeters). Resolution is about 105 microns per pixel.

MAHLI took the component images for this merged-focus view, plus closer-up images of Bathurst Inlet, during Curiosity's 54th Martian day, or sol (Sept. 30, 2012). The instrument's principal investigator had invited Curiosity's science team to "MAHLI it up!" in the selection of Sol 54 targets for inspection with MAHLI and with the other instrument at the end of Curiosity's arm, the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer.

A merged-focus MAHLI view from closer to the rock, providing even finer resolution, is at .

The Bathurst Inlet rock is dark gray and appears to be so fine-grained that MAHLI cannot resolve grains or crystals in it. This means that the grains or crystals, if there are any at all, are smaller than about 80 microns in size. Some windblown sand-sized grains or dust aggregates have accumulated on the surface of the rock but this surface is clean compared to, for example, the pebbly substrate below the rock (upper left and lower right in this context image).

MAHLI can do focus merging onboard. The full-frame versions of the eight separate images that were combined into this view were not even returned to Earth -- just the thumbnail versions. Merging the images onboard reduces the volume of data that needs to be downlinked to Earth.
I haven't seen anyone say it's all fake (which it's not) but I have seen people complain about why it's taking so long to sample the dirt, why we're still getting black and white photos when it cost $2.6 billion, etc, etc.

Just all people that love to do nothing but complain on the internet because they can.