Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
If one feels so strongly about this issue, gather together others whose enjoyment of the PS3 has been destroyed by the inability to run Linux, and those who think Sony screwed them by blocking their thefts from the PSN store and seek legal redress from Sony. Go for your day in court; use the system to fight the system. That's how it's done in a society governed by laws.

This is my favorite point so far. The legal system is sluggish and sometimes doesn't work, but it's the system we all agree to by living in a certain place run by a certain government. To me this whole hacking sony thing is happening because

a.) most hackers are stupid little kids who don't know HOW to do adult things like utilize the legal system or fight for something the legal way

b.) they're too lazy to actually put that amount of effort into their beliefs and think it's "cool" or hip or that they're going against "the man" because their stuff hasn't dropped yet so they don't know any better.

Sony isn't a moral or philanthropic angel but what the hackers are doing aren't helping and to be honest the more they do this the more I want them to shut the 🤬 up about their stupid causes. It isn't that I don't care about freedom of information. It's that I don't care about a bunch of whiney wanna-be robin hoods that crash the internet. Grow up. Grow up. Grow up. A million times grow up.
Recent news from Anon regarding this.

"Our 'leadership' does not condone credit card theft. We are concerned with the erosion of privacy and fair use, the spread of corporate feudalism, the abuse of power and the justifications of executives and leaders who believe themselves immune personally and financially for the actions the undertake in the name of corporations and public office."

"No matter who did it, this action is against the Anonymous principles, so it wasn't an Anonymous attack, it just was an attack to get private data. Thats not Anonymous, that's just a crime to make money"

That's from the Anonymous Ops side of things. If it does turn out to be just an attack to steal private data, like i said before i'll change my tune :)

Edit : I think i tracked down the guy who did this.

I honestly dont know what to think about this.On one side im happy that these pirates(i guess some hackers are?) are being dealt with as examples.But on the other side....i think something bad is gonna happen from this...Its kinda like when you get users on 4chan mad....Worst mistake of your life.
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- Simply put, yes it opened the door. But you have to remember for legal purposes that he himself didn't make the code for pirated games, other's just built on his initial work.

Ok we are getting some where now. We just got to un brain wash you now. Why can't you see that what Sony did was to stop this from happening? It worked, and now the people who were going to exploit what anon did can't do it. And less than 5% of those you so confidently say were not going to exploit it are affected. Now 100% of us who use it as a game console to play games the best way ever can’t, (Multi player with friends). And these attacks are likely to still come after it back up, because young fools can't see this or care about the 95% who do. I'll say it again they are Selfish spoiled little brats, and if you are defending them you fit into that category. Have you noticed how many people agree with you and how many don't could be a 5%/ 95% split, wake up. It’s fine to put your point of view, and that’s what has made this thread what it is, and now I’ve put it all together I can see where your miss guided stance comes from. But don't think you the 5% are right and the 95% are wrong cos i haven't seen one of your argument yet that convince me so, even the ones you use where you so conveniently leave out the important facts on why Sony did what they did in the first place to eliminate piracy or you just ignore them to suit your argument.
This argument is not about who stole what this time, it is your stance on justifying what anon are doing against Sony and your justification of it.
Ok we are getting some where now. We just got to un brain wash you now. Why can't you see that what Sony did was to stop this from happening? It worked, and now the people who were going to exploit what anon did can't do it. And less than 5% of those you so confidently say were not going to exploit it are affected. Now 100% of us who use it as a game console to play games the best way ever can’t, (Multi player with friends). And these attacks are likely to still come after it back up, because young fools can't see this or care about the 95% who do. I'll say it again they are Selfish spoiled little brats, and if you are defending them you fit into that category. Have you noticed how many people agree with you and how many don't could be a 5%/ 95% split, wake up. It’s fine to put your point of view, and that’s what has made this thread what it is, and now I’ve put it all together I can see where your miss guided stance comes from. But don't think you the 5% are right and the 95% are wrong cos i haven't seen one of your argument yet that convince me so, even the ones you use where you so conveniently leave out the important facts on why Sony did what they did in the first place to eliminate piracy or you just ignore them to suit your argument.

Think about what you say, just because the majority agree's doesn't mean it's right. How many agreed with bush that Iraq had WMD 90-100% of congress or world leaders or whatever to give the go ahead ? How many of them were wrong? 100%
Why can't you see that what Sony did was to stop this from happening? It worked, and now the people who were going to exploit what anon did can't do it.

If you mean taking away other os stoped anything you are wrong, if you mean shuting down the psn then you are right. I might not understand what you are saying though.

Exploit what anon did? do you mean ddos?

What we know as fact; anon succeeded ddos on the 7th, people were using dev accounts to steal from the psn. Anything else is still speculation.
- Simply put, yes it opened the door. But you have to remember for legal purposes that he himself didn't make the code for pirated games, other's just built on his initial work.

If you want to be informed on the issue and anyone else i suggest you watch this to the end. It's only 7mins out of your life :) 4min 10sec has a good question if you don't have time though. And at 4min 40sec , what can anyone say back to that?

That day in court has been and gone my friend, the system didn't work. Look at the interview, even the journalist is suprised at the extent of the ruling. Allowing Sony to get IP address which is personal information which can easily identify you for anyone who even watched that video, that is ridiculous.
How can a mere company demand to know who watched information that wasn't illegal information LOL. Please think about it.

- Terrible analogy i think, why would i defend the thieves? The bank never sold them something and then took part of it away? The bank didn't demand the personal information of the thieves when they were customer's of another bank. It's a terrible analogy :)

I don't think so, if it only comes from the parties involved we are not getting the whole picture, not everything is too it's full potential.
Take jailbroken Ipod's and Iphone's etc They are an example.

Who's the person in the world who has spent the most time with and has the best knowledge of how the PS3 at it's very core works. George Hotz. Makes you wonder if he had any role in this outage, not directly but supplying knowledge.

And SuperDave i'm not neccasarily a 'defender', more just putting out a different point of view. I don't exactly 100% agree that the PSN or wherever they got into should have been hacked, but at the same time i realise why they did it. Let me make it clear though if it was an attack solely to get Personal Information Eg Credit Cards then i'm not behind it at all.
But at this stage it looks to be more of the typical hack " Look what we can do, we told you, listen to what we have to say"

Think about what you say, just because the majority agree's doesn't mean it's right. How many agreed with bush that Iraq had WMD 90-100% of congress or world leaders or whatever to give the go ahead ? How many of them were wrong? 100%

No, not many people did believe that, but USA had a brat in the top job (as did 2 other countries that backed him against most people’s wishes) who blindly wanted pay back for what they did to his daddy. But that’s an other entirely different argument full of propaganda from all side of the debate and you are using that to deflect from what you know is the truth in my last post. This is so clear to see, it’s a small group of brats disgruntled they can't steel no more, and you have confirmed that. You think about what you say and just stick to convincing us why you think anon are justified in their stance.
Is it hot in NZ at the moment why you got your shirt off?
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Again, Sony's over-reaction to the issue doesn't warrant an attack against their customers.

Asking for logs of personal data from service providers is legal if a crime has been committed. In other court cases where fraud has been committed or has possibly been committed, judges have ordered companies to grant access to online evidence, which includes browsing history for suspects.

In this case, however, Sony can't do anything legally about you viewing information online. They can't even prosecute you for jailbreaking the system. The only people this information access can hurt are the actual pirates (and they will likely be looking for Chinese IP addresses in that information). In cases where piracy is possibly involved, you will find that the law is all for full disclosure.

So if you bought a car from the dealership and then ran over someone the dealer should have some culpability? After all they gave you the keys.:)

Faulty analogy.

This is more like: Someone has posted the information online that allows car owners to crack their ECU. This allows them to trim their air-fuel ratios and ignition timing for more power (which I approve of), but it also allows people to roll back their odometers if they want to.

Now... even if you put in a disclaimer saying: "Hey, I'm only releasing this information for tuners. I do not condone odometer fraud" does that fully absolve you of any wrongdoing?


In the end, the point of Sony's action against Hotz is moot. Because they reached an agreement out-of-court, and Hotz agreed to drop the demand for the return of OtherOS.
Is it hot in NZ at the moment why you got your shirt off?

Hhaha aussie's do have humour :) But seriously take your time and read this.

Geohot comments on graf_chokolo:

A question, how many people do you think knew or cared on January 10 about all this? Maybe a couple hundred thousand? Under a percent of the market share. And these are geeks, who frankly aren't going to change their content purchasing habits based on the news. These are the kind of people who really are hacking their PS3 just for the sake of doing it, just cause it's cool. The kind of people who are telling you the truth when they say they really did just hack their PS3 to run Linux. Or they are diehard pirates who never would have bought the games anyway, you know the type.

Now fast forward to February 25. Consistently, the top Sony related news article is about the PS3 being hacked. And the causal gamer comes along and sees, oh cool, the PS3 has been hacked, now I don't have to buy games. With a few google searches, they come across stuff that I or graf_chokolo had nothing at all to do with. They install it and hit the torrent sites. Hell, I was on a political news show last night, you think those people ever would have heard about this?

Just imagine what the third party devs are thinking. The PS3 is hacked forever and Sony can't do anything but fire away at scapegoats. Great confidence boost.
his grand show against people who aren't even pirates has to be one of the worst corporate moves in recent history, perhaps even as dumb as the rootkit fiasco. Your competition fixes the problem technically and moves on. They want it to stay quiet. And as far as sending a message to "evil" hackers goes, it really isn't working. Just read the writings of graf_chokolo.

And I quote Graf_chokolo"SONY wants about 750.000 euros from me if i don’t cooperate They don’t know me at all I don’t care about it and they might double it The higher is the sum the higher gets my motivation They don’t understand what makes me tick. Money and even my life doesn’t mean to me very much without knowledge. I have a scientific mind and the knowledge is food to my brain."

You see the point ? If sony hadn't of made a big deal about this in the 1st place, prosecuting people just for reverse engineering which has proven to be legal then millions of people wouldn't have even known it had been hacked.[/COLOR] As he says - Under a percent of the market share were using his hack until Sony made it known.
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No there isn't any other way to read it, other than reading the sentence before it that puts it into context.

In other words your not so angry towards Sony for having to turn off the PSN if you think they did it to protect your Credit Card.If it was just to stop people downloading free DLC i don't think people would be as patient knowing Sony themselves turned the PSN off for weeks just because of that, i guarantee you people would be started to get peeved at Sony by now if that was the case, Please quote the whole sentence next time.

If this was just an attack to get your Credit Card info, why is Online gaming turned off ? Think about it

Your credit card has nothing to do with you playing online games, the people wanted to disrupt Sony, they don't want your credit card.
One person at Sony mentions " Possible credit card data stolen " and Bam hysteria and thank you to Sony for saving my info.

That reason is as justified as the credit card one, and Sony stated from the start it was personal info and no evidence of credit card info being compromised. You are only defending theft from DLC still no matter what you say to hide that. Your hole getting deep now how manny warnings you getting for your stance on justifying piracy.
Hhaha aussie's do have humour :) But seriously take your time and read this.

Geohot comments on graf_chokolo:

A question, how many people do you think knew or cared on January 10 about all this? Maybe a couple hundred thousand? Under a percent of the market share. And these are geeks, who frankly aren't going to change their content purchasing habits based on the news. These are the kind of people who really are hacking their PS3 just for the sake of doing it, just cause it's cool. The kind of people who are telling you the truth when they say they really did just hack their PS3 to run Linux. Or they are diehard pirates who never would have bought the games anyway, you know the type.

Now fast forward to February 25. Consistently, the top Sony related news article is about the PS3 being hacked. And the causal gamer comes along and sees, oh cool, the PS3 has been hacked, now I don't have to buy games. With a few google searches, they come across stuff that I or graf_chokolo had nothing at all to do with. They install it and hit the torrent sites. Hell, I was on a political news show last night, you think those people ever would have heard about this?

Just imagine what the third party devs are thinking. The PS3 is hacked forever and Sony can't do anything but fire away at scapegoats. Great confidence boost.
his grand show against people who aren't even pirates has to be one of the worst corporate moves in recent history, perhaps even as dumb as the rootkit fiasco. Your competition fixes the problem technically and moves on. They want it to stay quiet. And as far as sending a message to "evil" hackers goes, it really isn't working. Just read the writings of graf_chokolo.

And I quote Graf_chokolo"SONY wants about 750.000 euros from me if i don’t cooperate They don’t know me at all I don’t care about it and they might double it The higher is the sum the higher gets my motivation They don’t understand what makes me tick. Money and even my life doesn’t mean to me very much without knowledge. I have a scientific mind and the knowledge is food to my brain."

You see the point ? If sony hadn't of made a big deal about this in the 1st place, prosecuting people just for reverse engineering which has proven to be legal then millions of people wouldn't have even known it had been hacked.[/COLOR] As he says - Under a percent of the market share were using his hack until Sony made it known.

Yep that explains it all, he lights a little fire in the forest walks away and when it becomes a big fire he takes no responsibility and blames it on the trees and the wind that blew up the next day. Keep it going you are convincing me very slowly with your common sense
Not one warning because not once have i justified piracy. I'd be interested to see your Mp3 collection, or copied cd's you have laying around since your so against piracy and everything, or is music ok piracy ?
I'd love to see a screenshot of your desktop, probably got Limewire,frostwire,Vuze,Bittorrent lol ( just joking around )

Anyways back on topic, Bring back the PSN, i have realised how bored i am with my PS3 without Online functionality.
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The PSN is about to come back online, from PS Blog,

Patrick Seybold
Today our global network and security teams at Sony Network Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment began the final stages of internal testing of the new system, an important step towards restoring PlayStation Network and Qriocity services.As previously mentioned, we?ve been working around the clock to rebuild the network and enhance protections of your personal data. It?s our top priority to ensure your data is safe when you begin using the services again. We understand that many of you are eager to again enjoy the PlayStation Network and Qriocity entertainment services that you love, so we wanted you to be aware of this milestone and our progress. We will provide additional updates as soon as we can.
Not one warning because not once have i justified piracy. I'd be interested to see your Mp3 collection, or copied cd's you have laying around since your so against piracy and everything, or is music ok piracy ?
I'd love to see a screenshot of your desktop, probably got Limewire,frostwire,Vuze,Bittorrent lol ( just joking around )

Anyways back on topic, Bring back the PSN, i have realised how bored i am with my PS3 without Online functionality.

I do not have one pirated mp3 nor do my kids I taught them better but that’s just me and i know I'm probably a minority on this now days and feel that’s the way it will be with my games because of these anon guys. I pay for them the way all should, so the people who make the music I like to listen to get paid. Not all performers have large concerts to earn their cash, some need to sell their music and i gladly support that other wise the little guys get screwed and this is why i'm so passionate about this issue. That’s the way i believe our society works, i hope you can understand my point of view, i just have trouble getting my point across some times and I do respect others point of views. I guess i get misunderstood because of my values.
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Ok thanks, its allready the 6th here, wonder if they talk in GMT or US EST, if midnight GMT it could be later tonight for us i hope so.

You should know, Wikipedia is not an official source so I wouldn't get your hopes up of that information being accurate.
In the coming days, we will restore service to the networks and welcome you back to the fun.

Starting with online gaming TODAY
That day in court has been and gone my friend, the system didn't work. Look at the interview, even the journalist is suprised at the extent of the ruling. Allowing Sony to get IP address which is personal information which can easily identify you for anyone who even watched that video, that is ridiculous.
How can a mere company demand to know who watched information that wasn't illegal information LOL. Please think about it.

Please stop pedaling this myth, because that exactly what it is and that its still doing the rounds in down to appallingly poor and sensationalist journalism and those who don't even bother to read the actually court documents.

Sony have never seen a single IP address for anyone, never were going to and never did. The material was released on a 'attorneys eyes only basis', as quite clearly laid out by the court order (which is linked to in this thread by me twice).

That means the only people who say the IP information was the attorneys for both parties, and it could only be used to establish links between Geohot and the state of California to see if the trial could be held in a California court. Those attorneys would not be able to take the information away with them, disclose it or use in for any other purposes, under threat of being disbarred.

So a 'mere' company can't demand this, never did demand it and never did see it.

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Here's the the thing, yes it is BS that Sony pulled the "advertised feature" Other OS from the PS3.. No it was not fair. They shouldn't have done it, but they really didn't have a choice. You know what? Life isn't fair, get over it- get over yourself Anon. Thowing a tantrum like spoiled little children isn't gaining you any fans.
In the coming days, we will restore service to the networks and welcome you back to the fun.

Starting with online gaming TODAY

Where was that said? The part about "Starting with online gaming TODAY".
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You should know, Wikipedia is not an official source so I wouldn't get your hopes up of that information being accurate.

Very true, not that a lot of info has been accurate lately :D
I've learned that Shortly - is almost like indefinitely ;)
In the coming days, we will restore service to the networks and welcome you back to the fun.

Starting with online gaming TODAY

Where are you getting this info from?? On PSblog it doesnt say ANYWHERE that online gaming is going online TODAY...
Please stop pedaling this myth, because that exactly what it is and that its still doing the rounds in down to appallingly poor and sensationalist journalism and those who don't even bother to read the actually court documents.

Sony have never seen a single IP address for anyone, never were going to and never did. The material was release on a 'attorneys eyes only basis', as quite clearly laid out by the court order (which is linked to in this thread by me twice).


Thank you. I actually started to write a long post on this myself before advancing to the next page and seeing your post above. This is a key point. There's a lot of misinformation out there but when you really break it down and look at the facts, Sony may have been a bit heavy handed, but they were protecting their own interests. They aren't the bogey man they're made out to be.

Yea but did the other kids who use the playground pay $600 to play there?

If you only knew the cost of day-care. :)
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I hope this worth mentioning here:

Sony Offering Free ‘AllClear ID Plus’ Identity Theft Protection in the United States through Debix, Inc.

Last weekend, Sony Computer Entertainment announced that we will provide complimentary enrollment in an identity theft protection program. Here are the details of this program for PlayStation Network and Qriocity account holders in the United States only. We are working to make similar programs available in other countries/territories where applicable. Information will be posted on local websites/blogs when available.
Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Network Entertainment International have made arrangements with Debix, Inc., one of the industry’s most reputable identity protection firms, to offer AllClear ID Plus at no cost to PlayStation Network and Qriocity account holders for 12 months from the time an account holder registers for the program.
Please note that we will start sending out activation emails for this program over the next few days, and you will have until June 18th to sign-up and redeem your code. You will need to sign up directly through AllClearID, not on Sony’s websites, and details, including step-by-step instructions for the program, will be emailed to United States PSN and Qriocity Account holders soon.
The details of the program include, but are not limited to:

1. Cyber monitoring and surveillance of the Internet to detect exposure of an AllClear ID Plus customer’s personal information, including monitoring of criminal web sites and data recovered by law enforcement. If his/her personal information is found, the customer will be alerted by phone and/or email and will be provided advice and support regarding protective steps to take. The customer will also receive monthly identity status reports. Debix works with an alliance of cyber-crime experts from the government, academia and industry to provide these services.
2. Priority access to licensed private investigators and identity restoration specialists. If an AllClear ID Plus customer receives an alert, or otherwise suspects that he/she may be the victim of identity theft, the customer can speak directly, on a priority basis, with an on-staff licensed private investigator, who will conduct a comprehensive inquiry. In the case of an identity theft, the customer can work with an identity restoration specialist to contact creditors and others, and take necessary steps to restore the customer’s identity.
3.A $1 million identity theft insurance policy per user to provide additional protection in the event that an AllClear ID Plus customer becomes a victim of identity theft. This insurance would provide financial relief of up to $1 million for covered identity restoration costs, legal defense expenses, and lost wages that occur within 12 months after the stolen identity event.
More information will be available on the enrollment page, a link which will be included in the email you will receive.
We continue to work around the clock to have some PlayStation Network services and Qriocity services restored, and will be providing you specific details shortly.
Where are you getting this info from?? On PSblog it doesnt say ANYWHERE that online gaming is going online TODAY...

The poster is probably stating, in a round-about way, that s/he is sick of the PSN being down and ad-libbed that part, being that on May 1 they stated in CAPS that the network, at least in some form, would be back up within the week. I think the OP has somewhat jumped the gun, as the 'within the week' allows them up until SUnday (JP time) to do so. If it is not up on Monday morning my time (Australia), I will be a little miffed but not to the point that my life is over. All I have missed out on with this outage is the GT5 Tuner Challenge driver online aspect and a little online play in GT5.

On the other hand, if I owned SOCOM4 or Portal2 I would be rightly pissed right now.
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