Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
Also the following has to be taken into account.

"In congressional testimony this morning, Dr. Gene Spafford of Purdue University said that Sony was using outdated software on its servers — and knew about it months in advance of the recent security breaches that allowed hackers to get private information from over 100 million user accounts."

"According to Spafford, security experts monitoring open Internet forums learned months ago that Sony was using outdated versions of the Apache Web server software, which "was unpatched and had no firewall installed." The issue was "reported in an open forum monitored by Sony employees" two to three months prior to the recent security breaches, said Spafford."

Sony knew its software was obsolete

Sony struggles to get PSN back up, says hack was "highly sophisticated"

(CBS/AP) WASHINGTON -".. the company claims that the data breach that hit PSN was "very professional."

What, script kiddies running rebug? :bowdown: :bowdown: :lol:

I know I know, I can't say that but I can say "very professional" does sound like a buzz phrase planted in Sony's ears by their attorneys as often as they keep repeating it.
Ben Collins is stuck in Fifth gear now. He sucks.

Edit: The thread is losing it's purpose.
Also the following has to be taken into account.

"In congressional testimony this morning, Dr. Gene Spafford of Purdue University said that Sony was using outdated software on its servers — and knew about it months in advance of the recent security breaches that allowed hackers to get private information from over 100 million user accounts."

"According to Spafford, security experts monitoring open Internet forums learned months ago that Sony was using outdated versions of the Apache Web server software, which "was unpatched and had no firewall installed." The issue was "reported in an open forum monitored by Sony employees" two to three months prior to the recent security breaches, said Spafford."

Sony knew its software was obsolete


People wonder where my animosity toward Sony comes from. Yet I'm not surprised at all when info like this comes out.

6. Some of the Anonymous boys are black sheeps.

7. Microsoft hired the hackers.

8. The Chinese's hacked it. They hacking everything, i guess toasters & microwaves, too. :)

9. One/some of the 205 fired Sony employees were a bit pi**ed & wanted to get a better pay-off.

Anonymous Operations

On Thursday 5th May 2011, @Anony_Ops said:

#Anonymous Press Release: About #Sony & #PSN stuff, we didn't do it as we will never hurt the innocent (public) in anyway and we haven't done so with any of our operations till date.

Let it be know that Anonymous Operations : Operation Payback is not responsible for the data breach of Sony and their servers.

@TheHackersNews has the evidence that the hacker who is responsible for the hack is not affiliated with Anonymous : AnonOps and is not from our IRC. He is from another place/server (IRC) and he carried out the attack independently.

As we all know anyone can be anonymous, he claimed to be anonymous and carried out his business in the name of anonymous. So since he did it without our knowledge, we couldn't do anything about it.

We hope this clear things up.

We are Anonymous,
We do not forget,
We do not forgive,
We are legion,
We love you,
Expect us.
We are Anonymous,
We do not get out much,
We do not return our copy of "V for Vendetta" to Redbox,
We are teenagers,
Notice us. Please?

Do they not get bored of that overly dramatic signature? It's a pity they don't follow their own Rule 22. And 23.
You guys talking about the outdated apache software on Sony servers ever actually worked in IT for a large company? Software doesn't just get updated as soon as new versions come out. Extensive testing and implementation planning goes into that stuff and it can take months. Its not like grabbing a few patches through windows update as they come out at home.

Ideally would it be great for everyone to have the latest, most secure software on their servers? Of course! But thats not always how things work in the real world...
One of their 'brave soldiers'* has even been reported to have bought a Bravia TV during his 'heroic battle'** protest.

*Translation: Angry Geeky Teenager
**Translation: Futile Protest

At least PSN is going to be back up this week. Am I the only one who thinks this may not happen?
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Anons should learn to forgive so that they do not end up in hell.Thats what my mom said lol.What i say is if you know a anon kick their ass.🤬:banghead::mischievous::irked::mad:
One of their 'brave soldiers'* has even been reported to have bought a Bravia TV during his 'heroic battle'** protest.

*Translation: Angry Geeky Teenager
**Translation: Futile Protest

At least PSN is going to be back up this week. Am I the only one who thinks this may not happen?

I highly doubt the psn will be up this week. Probably Monday at the earliest. Just a guess like everything else in this thread lol.
People wonder where my animosity toward Sony comes from. Yet I'm not surprised at all when info like this comes out.
Yes, because they didn't turn that committee hearing into a Sony pissing contest. The opening statements by committee head were pissy because Sony and Epsilon didn't attend and then made comments about how Sony's way of releasing info won't stand under her watch or some such nonsense, and then they bring in a guy that has never look at Sony's actual systems. He just reported what he read on an Internet forum. I see nothing stating his expertise, other than being a president at Purdue. How the heck did a professor in Indiana become the expert on Sony's troubles in server centers around the globe?

It is sloppy government like this that winds up getting dihydrogen monoxide and DDT banned because someone said they can kill you or birds.

You guys talking about the outdated apache software on Sony servers ever actually worked in IT for a large company? Software doesn't just get updated as soon as new versions come out. Extensive testing and implementation planning goes into that stuff and it can take months. Its not like grabbing a few patches through windows update as they come out at home.

Ideally would it be great for everyone to have the latest, most secure software on their servers? Of course! But thats not always how things work in the real world...
This. Anyone who owns an Android phone has personal experience with this. New firmware or OS updates come out but your service provider and your phone manufacturer must both go through and personalize it with their systems and be sure none of it conflicts with each other. It can take six months for some people to receive the update.
An online petition? That should work.

Define real compensation though. They are giving us more than any of us lost, so far.

Reading it though, they want Sony to pay for them to buy a 360 and Kinect and Live. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I have the same feeling on this too.

So, have you been here yet?


Sony We Demand REAL Compensation


About as effective as a chocolate fire-guard and not even accurate to boot.

Two that spring to mind immediately is that the BR player side of the system is totally unaffected by the PSN being down and that software updates don't require PSN to be carried out either (as already shown by the fact that people have mistaken software updates being carried out for the PSN being back up).

It also works on the assumption that Sony is simply going to abandon the PSN and its never putting it back up, to be honest the entire thing is a little bit sad.

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Yes, because they didn't turn that committee hearing into a Sony pissing contest. The opening statements by committee head were pissy because Sony and Epsilon didn't attend and then made comments about how Sony's way of releasing info won't stand under her watch or some such nonsense, and then they bring in a guy that has never look at Sony's actual systems. He just reported what he read on an Internet forum. I see nothing stating his expertise, other than being a president at Purdue. How the heck did a professor in Indiana become the expert on Sony's troubles in server centers around the globe?

It is sloppy government like this that winds up getting dihydrogen monoxide and DDT banned because someone said they can kill you or birds.

This. Anyone who owns an Android phone has personal experience with this. New firmware or OS updates come out but your service provider and your phone manufacturer must both go through and personalize it with their systems and be sure none of it conflicts with each other. It can take six months for some people to receive the update.

Reminds me of people saying back in the day, circa 1999-2000:

"Dude, of course its true...I read it on the internet."
I actually know somebody who used the other OS feature and was quite angry at Sony for abandoning it. I don't think I've ever commented on this publicly and if he reads this, he probably won't be very pleased with me. :lol: I sympathize with him and others and understand and appreciate that they weren't happy about this decision. But in the end, I can't really blame Sony, and here's why. It's not as if they reached with silent fingers and snuffed out this feature while we were sleeping. They made it known, publicly that they were disabling this feature. If you wanted to continue to use your PS3 as a Linux platform, you were free to do so, so long as you didn't upgrade to the latest System Software. Yes, I realize this crippled the PS3 as an online gaming platform. But I would feel much more sympathy, and perhaps even the same sense of outrage, if Sony had somehow disabled this feature remotely without our consent. They didn't.

We may own the hardware, but we don't own the software. We simply enter into an agreement to use it. That's something that many people don't realize. So any of the car analogies posted above don't really apply. Intellectual property rights are tricky concepts and there's certainly no consensus as to what's right or wrong or even the grey area in between. But the fact of the matter is, when you buy a music CD or a DVD movie, you own the physical media, but you've purchased the 'right' to listen to that music or watch that movie on your own. You do not 'own' the music or the movie as such. At least, in highly simplified terms, that's the way the law is written. Whether we like it or agree with it or not.

A lifetime ago, (back in the early 80s) I used to 'trade' and copy games for 8-bit Atari computers. It seemed like everybody I knew engaged in this practice and being a young teen, I didn't see the harm. Flash ahead ten years to the early 90s and I used to do a little programming. None of my programs were commercial. And I never sold any of them even as shareware. But I considered it. During those ten years, I had grown a little older and a little wiser, and I had a better sense of scope and perspective of the world around me. And I had a moral revelation and I now have no tolerance for people who steal. Whether it's music or software or movies--whatever. I'm a big believer of intellectual property rights and I've NEVER since had issue with any kind of DRM protecting downloaded music or even video games.

I respect people have a natural curiosity and I harbor no animosity toward hackers who are curious how things work or want to tinker and make things easier or better for themselves. But by putting instructional hacks on-line for anybody to see, where people could make unscrupulous use of such tactics, you're essentially helping with a crime. Or at least potentially. It's maybe not as bad but it would be like standing in front of an ATM machine in public and shouting out a code to 'unlock' the machine. That way you don't have to worry about using that pesky card. Perhaps you're not committing a crime but if anybody would heed your advise and take the money, you could be considered and charged as an accomplice. And well you should be.

As others have mentioned, while Sony goes about rebuilding the PSN with additional security, the PSN is down as a DIRECT result of a forced intrusion. And during that time, people who work for Sony, or 3rd parties, who use the PSN are at risk of, or already are losing revenue. Sony themselves are under scrutiny and being hit with lawsuits. As a result of this, their stock price is tumbling and that means hundreds of thousands, if not millions of stock investors in Sony are losing revenue. And all as a result of a bunch of misguided twits with a misguided sense of justice. In a way, they're like a bunch of gang-bangers. Respect this, disrespect that. They have their own ideas and sub-culture which simply aren't part of the real world and the society to which the rest of us belong. If they're caught, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. They're not freedom fighters or 'fighting the good fight'. They're a bunch of hooligans who have caused a whole lot of trouble, on a scale so vast, it's difficult to fully comprehend.

Yep thats how i feeel i just couldn't put it down in words, well said.
Question. Was anyones info used to commit a crime? Has anyone had there email hacked from this internal intrusion? Were any of you silly enough to give your REAL name, ADDRESS, or CREDIT CARD number? Most likely.

First off its a gaming system, im wayne gretzky on my account, and my address is the nearest local arena (ice), My money for content comes from psn cards. Could you imagine if they could trace your game purchases? Every retailer youve ever shopped at could have this basic info at your local supermarket, which in turn could be availible for anyone.👎👎👎👎👎👎:drool::):scared::dopey::sly::crazy::ouch::guilty::yuck:💡 This is gonna be a long downtime as corruption of data is just being considered just 2 days from sonys promise of the week of the 2nd. I'm not at risk my psn info IS like my silly trophies(not many) Stupid shoppers should cut there cards in half if it were just the kids and no financial info stored on these servers we'd (GAMERS) be back online by now.
Some fresh news from the PSN blog:

Today our global network and security teams at Sony Network Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment began the final stages of internal testing of the new system, an important step towards restoring PlayStation Network and Qriocity services.

As previously mentioned, we’ve been working around the clock to rebuild the network and enhance protections of your personal data. It’s our top priority to ensure your data is safe when you begin using the services again.

We understand that many of you are eager to again enjoy the PlayStation Network and Qriocity entertainment services that you love, so we wanted you to be aware of this milestone and our progress. We will provide additional updates as soon as we can.
What If...

Security expert, Dr. Gene Spafford, who testified at the congressional hearings about Sony's out of date server software and lack of a firewall, was really a member of Anonymous.

Down for 14 days, 23 hours and 34 minutes
You know what? This thread is pathetic - absolutely pathetic. All it is comprised of is people spouting rubbish that makes for a tedious and repetetive read. All this thread should have been for is genuine information regarding the PSN outage and what's happening with it. Instead we have a collective of keyboard warriors 'willy waving' with bigger claims of knowledge than the previous person. The last thread got closed due to how off topic it went. Wether the intention here is to discuss the outage i don't know, but it sure doesn't come across that way. If the topic of the outage had been fully adhered to then it would be no more than 2 pages long, holding genuine information about what's happening.

Go to the outage Blog sticky, it will have the info you want. I personally have learnt more about the outages and causes, the differing opinions and their reason for them on this thread. It’s quit interesting to see all the points of views and from knowledgeable people. Quit frankly you seem to be the one who in your own words describes others as a "collective of keyboard warriors 'willy waving' with bigger claims of knowledge than the previous person" by thinking you are the only one with a relevant post in here.
Question. Was anyones info used to commit a crime? Has anyone had there email hacked from this internal intrusion? Were any of you silly enough to give your REAL name, ADDRESS, or CREDIT CARD number? Most likely.

First off its a gaming system, im wayne gretzky on my account, and my address is the nearest local arena (ice), My money for content comes from psn cards. Could you imagine if they could trace your game purchases? Every retailer youve ever shopped at could have this basic info at your local supermarket, which in turn could be availible for anyone.👎👎👎👎👎👎:drool::):scared::dopey::sly::crazy::ouch::guilty::yuck:💡 This is gonna be a long downtime as corruption of data is just being considered just 2 days from sonys promise of the week of the 2nd. I'm not at risk my psn info IS like my silly trophies(not many) Stupid shoppers should cut there cards in half if it were just the kids and no financial info stored on these servers we'd (GAMERS) be back online by now.

good grammar, eyyy?
good grammar, eyyy?

That's not really related to the thread is it? If you'd like I could throw on the spell checker or maybe get your mom to Proof read me? PICK ONE american leave the rest up north sheeeeeeesh......(edited for picky readers that cant find a clancy novel to edit)
good grammar, eyyy?

sorry for the re post.....eyyyy? We Canadians (yes the world generally has respect) would correct your eyyy with a simple "I'm Canadian" (EH)

your eyyy is actually EH wish i had the accents so you could say it right too.

still no word from PSN
Members posting in this thread a quick reminder of the conditions under which it stays open.

Cut out the off-topic nonsense and the attacks on each other now or lose the ability to post here at GT Planet for a while.
