Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
What are you trying to say?

The above statement is quite clear.

You quote a comment about removing features and complain about your ps3 dying, two totally different things.

I believe two things can be covered in the same post.

Are you mad the ps3 died?

Did you really just ask me that? Do you know anyone happy about the death of their PS3?

Maybe all people don't understand this, but there is always an inherent risk that an electronic device can fail, you just have to hope it is within the warranty when it does. But it is up to the consumer to weigh that risk and decide if it is worth the purchase to them.

What does one have to "weigh" the worth of a purchase with except past experience? My PS2 has 1000's of hours of game play on over $4000 worth of software. Given that history I made a choice. Dropping $600 on a game console just to have it fail one month out of warranty would be a letdown even for you.:)
You know what? This thread is pathetic - absolutely pathetic. All it is comprised of is people spouting rubbish that makes for a tedious and repetetive read. All this thread should have been for is genuine information regarding the PSN outage and what's happening with it. Instead we have a collective of keyboard warriors 'willy waving' with bigger claims of knowledge than the previous person. The last thread got closed due to how off topic it went. Wether the intention here is to discuss the outage i don't know, but it sure doesn't come across that way. If the topic of the outage had been fully adhered to then it would be no more than 2 pages long, holding genuine information about what's happening.

Your input on this threads topics was very helpfull, or how bout not? I come to vent once a day and saying no new news from sony since the 4th of may release. they took more servers for their pc stuff offline as well. Might be alot worse than they are claiming, corruption of data (not info) might be an issue? imagine losing 5years on this gamer tag? I'd respond to playing online on xbox and modding my paperweight to play gt5 however i saw fit. (not on psn obviously)
Are PS3's only warrantied for a year in the US? That seems harsh!

Anyway... the PSN agreement specifically allows Sony to upgrade/downgrade service outside the SoGA agreements. That's in the PSN ToS which are separated in case law from the perceived suitablitiy of the hardware itself at the time of purchase.

One is bought to use the other... they're separate entities in law. The software and agreements of both are covered by the Berne Convention of which the UK is a signatory.

PSN can argue that they've protected the customer by suspending service...
You know what? This thread is pathetic - absolutely pathetic. All it is comprised of is people spouting rubbish that makes for a tedious and repetetive read. All this thread should have been for is genuine information regarding the PSN outage and what's happening with it. Instead we have a collective of keyboard warriors 'willy waving' with bigger claims of knowledge than the previous person. The last thread got closed due to how off topic it went. Wether the intention here is to discuss the outage i don't know, but it sure doesn't come across that way. If the topic of the outage had been fully adhered to then it would be no more than 2 pages long, holding genuine information about what's happening.

Here is the latest update on the PSN outage: :)

Your input on this threads topics was very helpfull, or how bout not? I come to vent once a day and saying no new news from sony since the 4th of may release. they took more servers for their pc stuff offline as well. Might be alot worse than they are claiming, corruption of data (not info) might be an issue? imagine losing 5years on this gamer tag? I'd respond to playing online on xbox and modding my paperweight to play gt5 however i saw fit. (not on psn obviously)

My post wasn't intended to be helpful, it was a point of view about how ridiculous this thread has turned. It was no more help than your post or about 1000 previous to mine. One thing that differs about my post to the previous 1000 or so - mines got a valid point, like it or not.
You know what? This thread is pathetic - absolutely pathetic. All it is comprised of is people spouting rubbish that makes for a tedious and repetetive read. All this thread should have been for is genuine information regarding the PSN outage and what's happening with it. Instead we have a collective of keyboard warriors 'willy waving' with bigger claims of knowledge than the previous person. The last thread got closed due to how off topic it went. Wether the intention here is to discuss the outage i don't know, but it sure doesn't come across that way. If the topic of the outage had been fully adhered to then it would be no more than 2 pages long, holding genuine information about what's happening.

Sticky thread, top of the forum.

That thread = news; This thread = dicussion.
I for one enjoy this thread. Some new news article or Sony doing this or that happens practically every day regarding this "drama." For instance we didn't know Anon had anything to do with it until Sony revealed information about it. The whole thing has been pretty interesting and I think it's OK for users to discuss their opinions about it, even if a few people take issue with it. If you look back there is plenty of actual information and linked articles along with discussion following the articles. Most of what's written is reaction to those news items. Also if you strictly want "when psn will be back up" and nothing else playstation keeps a blog and a twitter, Sony has caught the attention of the news world (just google "PSN outage"), and there's a sticky thread in the forum that will keep you updated.
Even the press can't get their facts straight on the PSN issue. Can you say retract.

Correction: Sony-Hacker Attack story

By The Associated Press

Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 8:51 a.m.

WASHINGTON — In a story May 4 about an attack on Sony Corp.'s PlayStation Network, The Associated Press erroneously reported that Sony knows who is responsible. In a letter to Congress, the company said it does not know who is responsible.

The Associated Press

I am still amazed that people can support cyberterrorists, which is what anonymous are. They use fear of reprisal via cyber attacks to try to make companies and/or organizations change their behavior.

I disagree with Sony's actions regarding Other OS.
I disagree with how Sony pursued the GeoHot case.
I disagree with the actions of anonymous in response.

Anonymous had an issue with Sony trying to get the information of people learning GeoHot's tricks. Then their own actions lead to someone having the ability to sneak in and steal much more damaging information on every PSN user. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened, as anonymous has no real control or organizational structure. All it took was one conniving hacker to see anonymous attack a system they could get through. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the first attempt at stealing data by this person/group under the cover of anonymous, but this was their first public success. I also would not be surprised if it was a member of anonymous who decided that he would do a bit more while the system was weakened.
Sony struggles to get PSN back up, says hack was "highly sophisticated"

(CBS/AP) WASHINGTON - As Sony continues to struggle to get its PlayStation Network up and running again, the company claims that the data breach that hit PSN was "very professional."
The company said it will grant players 30 days of additional time on their subscriptions, along with one day for each day the system is down.

Sounds like we have to "chill" a bit more. :)

When will PSN be back? My thoughts: Once they are thinking it's hack proof!
Sony said PSN WILL be back this week. They've 48 hours or I move to XBL.

EDIT: In that case 24 hours.
I am still amazed that people can support cyberterrorists, which is what anonymous are.

I think there are very valid reasons for this type of support. The reality is that that companies have been slowly finding ways to take advantage of the consumer. It is in this sense that it appears Anonymous operates. Their aim is to lash out at corporations that go above and beyond to bully consumers and others (Geohot and the t-shirt girl, for example).

On the other hand, there are cyber attacks intended to cause harm to businesses and consumers. These attacks and breaches are intended to cause destruction that leave consumers, companies, and others at a loss. They steal credit information as well as other forms of data that is considered to be confidential. This is actual criminal behavior, not activism. I think this is where it is wrong to link Anonymous with cyber-terrorism.

That said, I just want to be able to play some games. The weather has been crappy since November and I'm going mad inside.
I think there are very valid reasons for this type of support. The reality is that that companies have been slowly finding ways to take advantage of the consumer. It is in this sense that it appears Anonymous operates. Their aim is to lash out at corporations that go above and beyond to bully consumers and others (Geohot and the t-shirt girl, for example).

On the other hand, there are cyber attacks intended to cause harm to businesses and consumers. These attacks and breaches are intended to cause destruction that leave consumers, companies, and others at a loss. They steal credit information as well as other forms of data that is considered to be confidential. This is actual criminal behavior, not activism. I think this is where it is wrong to link Anonymous with cyber-terrorism.
But if anonymous is not attempting to steal or destroy but motivate through fear, is that not the difference between criminal activity and terrorism? 9/11 was not about stealing money or destroying buildings, but about making us change our ways out of fear, or terror (hence terrorism).
I am still amazed that people can support cyberterrorists, which is what anonymous are. They use fear of reprisal via cyber attacks to try to make companies and/or organizations change their behavior.

I disagree with Sony's actions regarding Other OS.
I disagree with how Sony pursued the GeoHot case.
I disagree with the actions of anonymous in response.

Anonymous had an issue with Sony trying to get the information of people learning GeoHot's tricks. Then their own actions lead to someone having the ability to sneak in and steal much more damaging information on every PSN user. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened, as anonymous has no real control or organizational structure. All it took was one conniving hacker to see anonymous attack a system they could get through. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the first attempt at stealing data by this person/group under the cover of anonymous, but this was their first public success. I also would not be surprised if it was a member of anonymous who decided that he would do a bit more while the system was weakened.

There is just too much unknown here to really say what the truth is at this point in time. Here are several examples:

1. Sony really was hacked.

2. The portal 2 release (the marriage of Steam/PSN ) created problems within the PSN system.Now the system has to be reworked.

3. Sony stated that they were moving the PSN servers to a new secure location (NY) during this outage. They also stated that the location has been in construction for some months prior to this event. What if Sony is using the earlier anonymous attacks as an excuse to shut the system down and make that move?

4. Terrorist have been using the friends chat/voice function of PSN to lay evil plans of death and destruction. It was discovered. Now the FBI and DHS have become involved and are moving the PSN servers to NY so they can inject their equipment into the server system for monitoring everything we do and say.

5.Aliens shut the system down because Sony got the plans for the cell processor from them. In return Sony promised to allow the ability to run an OS on the console when released. Sony removed that ability and now they are pissed!

We may never know the truth.:)
There is just too much unknown here to really say what the truth is at this point in time. Here are several examples:


6. Some of the Anonymous boys are black sheeps.

7. Microsoft hired the hackers.

8. The Chinese's hacked it. They hacking everything, i guess toasters & microwaves, too. :)

9. One/some of the 205 fired Sony employees were a bit pi**ed & wanted to get a better pay-off.
If you go to the bottom of that link it says May 6th, meaning it is NOT up now.

I've seen several reports about it being back up by the 3rd.
Well, that didn't happen.

As long as there is nothing on the PSblog I don't believe it anymore. 👎
I've seen several reports about it being back up by the 3rd.
Well, that didn't happen.

As long as there is nothing on the PSblog I don't believe it anymore. 👎

I never said it was going to be up by the 6th. I am simply saying that his headline that it is up, is completly false. The article at the bottom cliams May 6th. I also doubt anything anybody says anymore...
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There is just too much unknown here to really say what the truth is at this point in time. Here are several examples:

1. Sony really was hacked.

2. The portal 2 release (the marriage of Steam/PSN ) created problems within the PSN system.Now the system has to be reworked.

3. Sony stated that they were moving the PSN servers to a new secure location (NY) during this outage. They also stated that the location has been in construction for some months prior to this event. What if Sony is using the earlier anonymous attacks as an excuse to shut the system down and make that move?

4. Terrorist have been using the friends chat/voice function of PSN to lay evil plans of death and destruction. It was discovered. Now the FBI and DHS have become involved and are moving the PSN servers to NY so they can inject their equipment into the server system for monitoring everything we do and say.

5.Aliens shut the system down because Sony got the plans for the cell processor from them. In return Sony promised to allow the ability to run an OS on the console when released. Sony removed that ability and now they are pissed!

We may never know the truth.:)


6. Some of the Anonymous boys are black sheeps.

7. Microsoft hired the hackers.

8. The Chinese's hacked it. They hacking everything, i guess toasters & microwaves, too. :)

9. One/some of the 205 fired Sony employees were a bit pi**ed & wanted to get a better pay-off.

I note how no-one's said "Ben Collins" yet...