Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
im just upset right now because i did an update to my google chrome browser and it logged me out of everywhere and now i cant comment on the official blog or on the playstation forums. i am left to observing :(

Speaking of this, what happened to the PSN coming up this week? Did the third major attack happen?
they saying the attack is worse than they believe and need more time (bs in my opinion) .. i dont think they should have given a date even if it was an estimate.

first they had people hating on them for not giving a timeline and when they do and dont meet it people hate on them more. i believe they should just tell us that it will be back up soon and that it is for our benefit as they dont want this to happen again.

I wouldn't be surprised if MS lowers Xbox 360 prices by around $40.00. Microsoft is known to be aggressive when it comes to marketing and it would be wise for them to do this.

Sony might not even release a PS4. Hell, they might just declare bankruptcy within a year. They lost alot of both normal and loyal consumers so they will have to go all-out in marketing. Maybe if they slash prices they can recover.

did they now? any sources or you just saying?
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I never understood that other OS thing. I bought my PS3 only to play games. It seems to me the person who wants to run linux would have a few spare computers to do that with already and wouldn't need to bother buying a game console. Do these people even play games on them? If they bought it to use as a computer and now they can't I find that mighty hilarious.
I wouldn't be surprised if MS lowers Xbox 360 prices by around $40.00. Microsoft is known to be aggressive when it comes to marketing and it would be wise for them to do this.

Sony might not even release a PS4. Hell, they might just declare bankruptcy within a year. They lost alot of both normal and loyal consumers so they will have to go all-out in marketing. Maybe if they slash prices they can recover.

I don't think Sony has been hit as hard as you have them out to be. The amount of consumers wouldn't change significantly. Their main problem would be the lack of revenue that would be coming from PSN if ti were up. I'm sure that all their fans will all be attracted back to PSN because of all the free content they are offering in return, and even more people will be hopping on the Sony bandwagon because of it.

Bankrupcy? You kidding me?
I'm as close as a 1mm needle to buying XBL Gold. Sonys got 48 hours.


Bankrupcy? You kidding me?

Sony's unlikely to be bankrupted by this PSN downtime. Sony's worth 32 billion in market equity, they have however lost 6% of value since the PSN downtime. Which is a significant amount.

Anybody who wishes to buy a Xbox360 in order to play online is welcome to do so, it's your money and Xbox has some fine games, but to say you'll abandon PSN is ridiculous, and you know you'll be back once PSN returns. If your buying an Xbox to play exclusive titles, fine, if your buying one in an attempt to punish Sony, that's silly. Sony's still selling PS3's even while PSN's down.
I wouldn't be surprised if MS lowers Xbox 360 prices by around $40.00. Microsoft is known to be aggressive when it comes to marketing and it would be wise for them to do this.
Why!? They could make a whole load of sales just because people don't want to stick with Sony, but I don't see that happening either way.

Sony might not even release a PS4. Hell, they might just declare bankruptcy within a year. They lost alot of both normal and loyal consumers so they will have to go all-out in marketing. Maybe if they slash prices they can recover.

Funny, I work in a supermarket and I asked the tech and electrical guys if we've sold any more Xbox 360s than usual, they said no. From that small bit of experience, I'm willing to bet most people don't have hundreds of pounds to throw at an Xbox, games and accessories just because of this. And if they did, they would have done so before PSN went down.

This is a huge embarrassment for Sony, but it's not a game changer. In fact most mother's and spouses are probably happy about it.
I think it's only a matter of time before Microsoft's security will be tested..

Or people with the RRod patience...

Id rather stay with the PSN even though 17 days and counting better than 17 days of RRoD.
Or people with the RRod patience...

Id rather stay with the PSN even though 17 days and counting better than 17 days of RRoD.


If I want to play, I go to my buddies house to shoot or race each other.
Sony's unlikely to be bankrupted by this PSN downtime. Sony's worth 32 billion in market equity, they have however lost 6% of value since the PSN downtime. Which is a significant amount.

Anybody who wishes to buy a Xbox360 in order to play online is welcome to do so, it's your money and Xbox has some fine games, but to say you'll abandon PSN is ridiculous, and you know you'll be back once PSN returns. If your buying an Xbox to play exclusive titles, fine, if your buying one in an attempt to punish Sony, that's silly. Sony's still selling PS3's even while PSN's down.

Its not a PSN or XBL thing, but easily can have both. I enjoy both. The systems both have great exclusives. The online seems a bit better to me on XBL, the features it has that PSN doesn't cost you though. I can't wait for the PSN to be back up and other than some bad PR Sony should be unaffected.
Its not a PSN or XBL thing, but easily can have both. I enjoy both. The systems both have great exclusives. The online seems a bit better to me on XBL, the features it has that PSN doesn't cost you though. I can't wait for the PSN to be back up and other than some bad PR Sony should be unaffected.

👍 Halos a great 360 exclusive. :)
I'm looking forward to PSN coming back for one reason among many. Online traffic should be a lot lighter thanks to all the weak hearts defecting to MSXBOX.

Hopefully the ones that leave are the ones who make online gaming a misery due to their stupidity.

You know the ones. Driving the wrong way around the track in an X2010 while everyone else is trying to drift.
Or, using the helicipter in GTA TBOGT to blow everyone and everything up like they own the place. Thats cool in a DM, but in Freemode? I like to take these guys out with the exsplosive sniper rifle.:sly:

I hope its back in time for LA Noire.:nervous:
It dosn't have to be one or the other!! If you get XBL your not defecting, your just getting even more fun online gaming and entertainment to add to your PSN. You guys are silly to think people would only play one system.
It dosn't have to be one or the other!! If you get XBL your not defecting, your just getting even more fun online gaming and entertainment to add to your PSN. You guys are silly to think people would only play one system.

👍 Exactly, i'm not "defecting" to XBL, i'm adding to online gaming, a better service at that.
👍 Halo's a crappy 360 exclusive. :)
Fixed that for ya.
But really, the only good 360 Exclusive, was Forza. and that's Only for the customization really. But yeah, you can leave if you want to, we don't care. I'll be laughing my ass off once XBL get's screwed over though. Fair is fair.