Currently on your first time through GT3?

  • Thread starter frenzal
I'm doing the Beetle Cup right now (beginners) because I erased one of my memory cards and have to start it all over again. Oooh that made me mad. :) wrong face.

Actually I just wanted to say hi guys and stuff. ***
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Thanks Uncle, it's funny, using regular auto i have gotten to within 1.8 secs,with a dodgy back half of the test. In comparison to my best ghost car, i've had a really slick front half and back half, just not in the same test. :crazy: I'm gonna give your idea a shot and see how it goes. I can see how that theory would work. Cheers

I reckoned that there was tire wear in this test due to exactly what you experienced above. Fast front half, uses up your rubber and as a result you are left with no grip and a crappy back half.
Limiting wheel spin really does help. Good Luck.
Parnelli Bone
I'm doing the Beetle Cup right now (beginners) because i erased one of my memory cards and have to start it all over again. Oooh that made me mad. :) wrong face.

Actually i just wanted to say hi guys and stuff. ***

Parnelli, tell me you are kidding!!!! Oh man, that is a sure candidate for the "Worst thing to happen in GT3 " thread..there is one around here somewhere. That has to be top 5 material. :lol:

And hi and stuff. Up to 92.1%, just finished Arcade Mode, scored a nice foursome of cars in my Arcade garage to go with...Esperante, GT-One Race Car, R390 Race Car, and 787B. Am salivating. Just got the Time Trials to totally finish the Arcade Section, might need to get back to the rally licenses for practice to try and get Trials 8 & 9 done...the bastards are giving me a real headache. And i was getting it all wrong..had a cerebral malfunction lol ...the Altezza i use there is Class's a great option in the 'wet' races at at SS 5 at the end of Area F. Not overpowered, so very little spin if you're careful.
It was my “southern fried NASCAR guy”. He also lost a garage in GT2 (about 20 cars). Yeah, he had all Gold B and A licenses and was stuck at the I-B Slalom tests. Not to mention he had done most of the Amateur races. Oh and his name is Dirk, not Cletus...
Parnelli Bone
It was my “southern fried NASCAR guy”. He also lost a garage in GT2 (about 20 cars). Yeah, he had all Gold B and A licenses and was stuck at the I-B Slalom tests. Not to mention he had done most of the Amateur races. Oh and his name is Dirk, not Cletus...

Vale Dirk. :cheers: *Solemn face.

You'd have to be just a tad peeved about the 20 cars from GT2 though, i'm guessing. And the golded licenses. And the progression through Amateur. And whatever else you had on the card..which would have been..... *raised eyebrow?

Been off machine for a coupla days, hopefully back on this evening, although can't be up too late as i have an Easter dawn service in the morning. Probably gonna try and get the Time Trials finished...maybe :boggled:

Hey, i know this is slightly off topic, but i'll try and slip it through..I have a Medal Of Honour PS1 game which i've played a little on my PS2, but it won't recognise the memory card on my machine to save this normal where a PS1 game played on a PS2 won't recognise the memory card? *drapes with GT3 camouflage. :D :cool:
Vale Dirk. :cheers: *Solemn face.

You'd have to be just a tad peeved about the 20 cars from GT2 though, i'm guessing. And the golded licenses. And the progression through Amateur. And whatever else you had on the card..which would have been..... *raised eyebrow?

Been off machine for a coupla days, hopefully back on this evening, although can't be up too late as i have an Easter dawn service in the morning. Probably gonna try and get the Time Trials finished...maybe :boggled:

Hey, i know this is slightly off topic, but i'll try and slip it through..I have a Medal Of Honour PS1 game which i've played a little on my PS2, but it won't recognise the memory card on my machine to save this normal where a PS1 game played on a PS2 won't recognise the memory card? *drapes with GT3 camouflage. :D :cool:

I was pissed at the time, but at least the 20 cars went missing kinda near the beginning of Dirk's career. The good thing was on my 2nd time thru, it forced me to pay more attention to mistakes I made in GT2 so in the long run I had a slightly better win percen%age. I lost a couple more garages over those early months (April-June 2004) which forced me to create the patented Parnelli Fail-Safe Method of track effect, I did all my tests on a separate memory card.

I am really pissed about those missing Gold licenses, though. :( Those were GT3's not GT2's. I remember the Camaro going up the staircase at Seattle was particularly tough, and I'm not looking forward to doing that at all.

I don't know about the Médål of Hönør question you asked. Don't worry, I won't tell ¶them¶ that this is not a GT³ °question÷ See, I ºcamoßlagëd my wrds so nobody can séë. :)

No seriously, sometimes the PS2 won't recognize PS1 memory cards, especially if they're 3rd party. Is your card from Sony or is it some other brand?
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Parnelli Bone
Yeah, i was pissed at the time, but at least the 20 cars went missing kinda near the beginning of Dirk's career. The good thing was on my 2nd time thru, it forced me to pay more attention to mistakes i made in GT2 so in the long run i had a slightly better win percen%age. I lost a couple more garages over those early months (April-June 2004) which forced me to create the patented Parnelli Fail-Safe Method of track effect, i did all my tests on a seperate memory card.

I am really pissed about those missing Gold licenses, though. :( Those were GT3's not GT2's. I remember the Camaro going up the ‘staircase’ at SEattle was particularly tough, and i'm not looking forward to doing that at all.

I don't know about the Médål of Hönør question you asked. Don't worry, i won't tell ¶them¶ that this is not a GT³ °question÷ See, i ºcamoßlagëd my wœrds so nobody can séë. :)

No seriously, sometimes the PS2 won't recognize PS1 memory cards, especially if they're 3rd party. Is your card from Sony or is it some other brand?

No, it's a PS2 memory card in a PS2, but with a PS1 game. And it is a Sony Memory card. When i go to save the PS1 game, it does not recognise that there is a memory card in, 'Please insert memory card in Slot 1' to 'There is no memory card in Slot 1'.

I know how you feel about losing those licenses, especially when you finally nail a difficult one that you've been putting a lot of time into. I haven't gone back to finish off Cote in the GT-One for S-8....i'm hoping to get there this evening, Uncle, but am still really having a battle getting my 1st place in the last three Time Trials, particularly the two rally ones. I've had a good squizz around the forum, but haven't been able to find any info that might help with those two. There are some posts regarding the Complex String one. Let me know if you see anything that might help,eh.

That's a good idea of doing all your tests to a seperate memory card...i'm still forced to rely on just the one card...$ is an issue for me as i'm studying. Just put another one on lay-by, at least then i can run another game as well.
Clean the contacts on the memory card. I had a brand new mem card that
I thought was defective but I decided to give it a try and it worked.
Then it happened on an old card so I tried cleaning the contacts on it, It
worked fine then so now I just clean them after they sit on the shelf for
some extended period of time. (it would be nice if they were gold plated)
No, it's a PS2 memory card in a PS2, but with a PS1 game. And it is a Sony Memory card. When i go to save the PS1 game, it does not recognise that there is a memory card in, 'Please insert memory card in Slot 1' to 'There is no memory card in Slot 1'.

Yea, you can't save a Ps1 game on a Ps2 memory card. It's just the way it is. ¬
So, I'm working on the IB license, I havin' a pissah of time doing the slaloms in the Porsche. Any advice?
I had been struggling to get that last 5 lap rally on Tahitti Maze for maybe three weeks. It was starting to bring my win percentage way down. The worst was when I was leading into that last tarmac lefthander on the last lap and getting spun by the AI car because I was trying to stay just a bit conservative. I finally found some good settings at the GTVault that made the Celica drive the way I needed it to. They weren't perfect but with a little tweaking to my style I finally got it. Then promptly went to Tahiti II, went up one notch on the auto adjuster for the trans, and a little less diff accel, Bam,Bam,Bam. I'm really digging the Rally stuff right now.

I'm a Racer, Not a Gamer.
That's where I'm stuck: those damn slaloms in the Porsche. I can easily get a bronze, but barely manage a silver. Those suckers are hard, man. I read somewhere that you're not supposed to touch the red & white grids. Those things apparently slow you down. But other than that I don't know what I'm missing. Maybe it's time for one of those Logitech steering wheels?
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Parnelli Bone
That's where i'm stuck: those damn slaloms in the Porsche. I can easily get a bronze, but barely manage a silver. Those suckers are hard, man. I read somewhere that you're not supposed to touch the red & white grids. Those things apparently slow you down. But other than that i don't know what i'm missing. Maybe it's time for one of those Logitech steering wheels?

I understand your frustration...i've gone back to try and gold all the earlier licenses, and finding that no matter what i dfo, there's a couple in Dom. B that i just can't get...especially the bloody Viper down the straight to the braking point. In a few of these, i find the hardest thing is getting the start right. 💡 Hey, maybe using manual for the Viper Test and starting in 2nd might do the trick. I'd consider getting a wheel, but the $ are always an issue.

Regarding the understanding is that you can clip them, but there is not a lot or room for error before you get the dreaded 'FAIL'.

And by the way...finally got my 'S' License. Uncle Harry's trick of using manual and staying in 3rd worked a treat, even though i was all over the place a bit, and just having to shift up and down between 3rd and 4th AND steer and brake was a bit tricky for me. Managed to keep the GT-One Race Car nice and steady. Have i mentioned that i have severe dexterity issues? :crazy:

Time Trials 8 and 9 are driving me insane at the moment. No matter what i do, i can't find that last 1.8 seconds on either. I've had a look at TT 10 a couple of times, i'm not too worried by the String..i reckon with that one it'll be just a matter of time,practice, and a little luck.
The slaloms are not the same distance apart so you must take that into
consideration. You can run over the curbs and you will have to for the
gold times. I ran the courses without letting up on the gas even once, for
better than demo times. (all six leaderboard spots)
there's a couple in Dom. B that i just can't get...especially the bloody Viper down the straight to the braking point. In a few of these, i find the hardest thing is getting the start right. 💡 Hey, maybe using manual for the Viper Test and starting in 2nd might do the trick.

I just did the Viper brake test recently. Yeah, I launched it in 2nd gear, revving at near redline before dropping the hammer at the start. If you rev too low, the Viper will bog down, but if you keep those revs high, it will get going with minimal wheelspin.

I forget where exactly I started braking....but it was somewhat before 900 m. I gave it partial brakes for a second and a half, and then started downshifting from 5th to 2nd, gradually using maximum brake force.
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The slaloms are not the same distance apart so you must take that into
consideration. You can run over the curbs and you will have to for the
gold times. I ran the courses without letting up on the gas even once, for
better than demo times. (all six leaderboard spots)

Thanks. This helps. Maybe I'll eventually get these.
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Well..firstly, got a little pissed off today. Spent half an hour writing up a race report and when i clicked to start the thread...bloody thing had logged me out. The whole lot gone and gone. Anyhoo..ya get that!

I spent a while today working on the Polyphony Digital Cup, using my RX-7 Type RZ. It's a good car for the Cup...running T2's means i don't have to pit at all. Wins all the way through to race 7, so i'm sitting pretty. Planning to run race 8 this evening, then play the save trick to pick up either the Polyphony or the GT-One Road Car. Then just do whatever to run and win the last two races in the championship.

Finally golded the Viper braking test in Dom. B...don't ask me how, but managed to anyways. And did it using auto. I found that using manual i couldn't get away as quick as i could using auto. Got golds in first 5 tests in Dom. B, and golds in 4 tests in Dom. A. I'm flat out in tests 6,7 and 8 in Domestic B..can't get past bronze.
I finally got Dirk where back to where he was in GT3 (no Gold licenses except all Bs, but that's ok) so now Graham is racing. He's a yuppy...hangs out at Starbucks with his Thinkpad, hands-free cell, and triple caramel frappalatté by his side when he's not racing. :D

Anyways, I'm having a ball beefing up his BMW 328 Ci. That one is surely a loser at first (-190 hp) but after awhile (after winning and spending cash in other words) it's an awesome car to race. It's so tossable! And when you need it to grip, it'll do that too. So far I got

All brake upgrades.
semi-racing suspension
all engine upgrades except Stage 3 NA tuning
A 1.5 or fully-custom LSD (depends which track i'm racing)
sports tranny (i use the stock one more than the close-gears, though)
an assortment of tires
stage 1 weight redux

Graham is doing well. 79% win average--, but his CPA has been doing excell spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations which Graham is using to try and improve his wins.
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Parnelli Bone
Yah well i finally got Dirk where back to where he was in gT3 (no Gold licenses except all B's, but that's ok) so now Graham is racing. He's a yuppy...hangs out at Starbucks with his thinkpad, hands-free cell, and triple caramel frappalatté by his side when he's not racing. :D

Anyways, i'm having a ball beefing up his BMW 328 Ci. That one is surely a loser at first (-190 hp) but after awhile (after winning and spending cash in other words) it's an awesome car to race. It's so tossable! And when you need it to grip, it'll do that too. So far i got

All brake upgrades.
semi-racing suspension
all engine upgrades except Stage 3 NA tuning
A 1.5 or fully-custom LSD (depends which track i'm racing)
sports tranny (i use the stock one more than the close-gears, though)
an assortment of tires
stage 1 weight redux

Graham is doing well. 79% win average--, but his CPA has been doing excell spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations which Graham is using to try and improve his wins.

:lol: Graham, eh. And i'm guessin' he has a slicked back poofter ponytail a la Advertising executive style. The name really suits him. :D So, the BMW goes ok once it's been beefed up,eh. I might grab one myself and do it up and take for a run. What % are you at now?

Finished off the Polyphony Digital Cup, picked up another bloody Esperante, of all things :lol: This after it taking me about a dozen shots at getting the damn thing in the Seattle Enduro before i finally won it there. Quickly did a few run throughs on the Amateur Dream Car Championship with a Polyphony ( being only 5 lap races, it's nice and quick )...gave me some quick bux, but more importantly, i ended up with all four LM Race Cars from the prize list there. Already had the Imprezza LM, but another one won't go astray. I love that car. With those already mentioned, plus the 3 Altezza LM's i've got in the garage, i think that's all the LM's to get. It gave me some nice practice with the Polyphony to tune up for the Formula GT Championship.

A quick trip to the Time Trials, and with some slightly different driving strategies, i shaved TT8 down to missing out on top spot by .046 seconds :irked: Ah well, it means it's attainable now. Going to finish off the Time Trials, then attack the Formula GT Championship. That will only leave the Tokyo and Cote Enduro's to make 100%.
Close. The man you describe sounds like a foppish liberal. Graham is more of an all-American Republican, I always picture him looking clean-cut like William Macy in Fargo (the car salesman guy, but with a better suit).

He'd race his Land Rover Discovery if it was in GT3.

Graham's %? I'll look it up tomorrow. YAH that BMW is killer. I'm getting the feeling I'll be able to take it all the way to the Pros.
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Well..firstly, got a little pissed off today. Spent half an hour writing up a race report and when i clicked to start the thread...bloody thing had logged me out. The whole lot gone and gone. Anyhoo..ya get that!

Just type it into Notepad, or whatever, while you're offline and then copy-and-paste into the online editor. HTH.
I went after the Audi TT races in beginner and amateur on Saturday. I bought the car, tried it out on one race in the beginner in stock trim. Close but not close enough, so I added a few mods and tried a race in amateur. I added a few more parts but no adjustments. went back to beginner and did the series. I won them all but it wasn't like I didn't have to work for them. I saw some pretty wild antics from the AI cars in this series. I swear I didn't cause that melee at the end of the back straight at Rome. I started The amateur series and left it Saturday afternoon with 4 wins. Came back to it tonight and could only muster a second place in the last race, but that was good enough. I saw these races as something I had to get out of the way. I really underestimated how much fun they'd be. The TT was a ball at Seattle.
I also finished off Tahiti II, speaking of wacky AI driving. I came around a blind corner while playing catch-up only to find the AI sitting sideways in the turn. The impact should have put us both out. Another time I was dicing with the AI and noticed on the track graphic that the AI was several corners behind me. Even the replays didn't show me what happened to him.

I'm a Racer, Not a Gamer.
I went after the Audi TT races in beginner and amateur on Saturday. I bought the car, tried it out on one race in the beginner in stock trim. Close but not close enough, so I added a few mods and tried a race in amateur. I added a few more parts but no adjustments. went back to beginner and did the series. I won them all but it wasn't like I didn't have to work for them. I saw some pretty wild antics from the AI cars in this series. I swear I didn't cause that melee at the end of the back straight at Rome. I started The amateur series and left it Saturday afternoon with 4 wins. Came back to it tonight and could only muster a second place in the last race, but that was good enough. I saw these races as something I had to get out of the way. I really underestimated how much fun they'd be. The TT was a ball at Seattle.
I also finished off Tahiti II, speaking of wacky AI driving. I came around a blind corner while playing catch-up only to find the AI sitting sideways in the turn. The impact should have put us both out. Another time I was dicing with the AI and noticed on the track graphic that the AI was several corners behind me. Even the replays didn't show me what happened to him.

I'm a Racer, Not a Gamer.

I can do those beginner TT races completely stock without qualifying! All you need to know is timing. Those dumba$$es will brake and then brake AGAIN in areas where you don't need to brake at all.
Just make sure in a position where you're not gonna get stuck behind them and you'll slide right by those dips.

Your Tahiti story is funny!! 👍
Back into it after some hectic studying. Managed Midfield pretty easy in Formula GT....for some reason, can't match them at Seattle. There's a grid or something as you come round through the first corner at the end of the back straight. It always throws me off balance and sideway into the walls..yet the AI seem to be able to run through there with impunity.
Back into it after some hectic studying. Managed Midfield pretty easy in Formula GT....for some reason, can't match them at Seattle. There's a grid or something as you come round through the first corner at the end of the back straight. It always throws me off balance and sideway into the walls..yet the AI seem to be able to run through there with impunity.

Cool, glad you['re back. GT3 has been dead without us. :)
I'm still stuck in the Amateurs, but it's so GOOD being stuck sometimes. There's some good racing to be had, kinda like the GT Regionals (GT2). I did those over and over they were so good. Who knows what's in store for me in the pros? (no spoilers, pleez)
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Parnelli Bone
Cool, glad you['re back. GT3 has been dead without us. :)
I'm still stuck in the Amateurs, but it's so GOOD being stuck sometimes. There's some good racing to be had, kinda like the GT Regionals (GT2) i did those over and over they were so good. who knows what's in store for me in the pros? (no spoilers, pleez)

Thanks. :)

You're right, there's some good racin' in the Amateurs. If you've got the patience, you can pick up some nice prize cars if you want to spend the time redoing some Championships. In the Pro's, i found the toughest series were the Audi TT's, the Yaris's, and Elise's. Toughest race was the Yaris at SSII, and the Elise at Apricot Hill. . But with practice, and a little luck, managed to get through 'em. I found the major quirks in the Pro's was the inconsistency and unpredictability of the don't know what to expect sometimes in terms of AI power and handling. A good reference to see what you may encounter is Uncle Harry's 0 - 100% thread in the Race Reports Forum.
Thanks. :)

You're right, there's some good racin' in the Amateurs. If you've got the patience, you can pick up some nice prize cars if you want to spend the time redoing some Championships. In the Pro's, i found the toughest series were the Audi TT's, the Yaris's, and Elise's. Toughest race was the Yaris at SSII, and the Elise at Apricot Hill. . But with practice, and a little luck, managed to get through 'em. I found the major quirks in the Pro's was the inconsistency and unpredictability of the don't know what to expect sometimes in terms of AI power and handling. A good reference to see what you may encounter is Uncle Harry's 0 - 100% thread in the Race Reports Forum.

That's why i play the game several times with different drivers; i always wind up winning different prize cars and having a garage that is different from the other games. I'm making my own reference too.

But i'll check out Uncle Harry's too just to see what he came up with.
I did the Amateur Type R meeting last nite, or half of it. Wtf is up with 10 laps at Super Speedway???? And no tire wear? That was truely a BORING race, even after i downgraded my Integra's power to 295 hp, fighting the NSX. SHeesh.
Back into it after some hectic studying. Managed Midfield pretty easy in Formula GT....for some reason, can't match them at Seattle. There's a grid or something as you come round through the first corner at the end of the back straight. It always throws me off balance and sideway into the walls..yet the AI seem to be able to run through there with impunity.

Its a set of tram/train rails that can throw a lot of cars off course, particularly the FGT.

What suspension settings are you currently running? As Seattle normally favours a softer set-up, both for the jumps and the tram/rail tracks.

Hope that helps

Its a set of tram/train rails that can throw a lot of cars off course, particularly the FGT.

What suspension settings are you currently running? As Seattle normally favours a softer set-up, both for the jumps and the tram/rail tracks.

Hope that helps


Thanks for that Scaff. I couldn't tell you exactly what settings, because i use the ones by a fella called 'Fumes' from over in GT Vault. I don't have the know how to set them up, i generally use his with a fair degree of appreciation and recognition. I may have to just revert to default settings for that particular race. I've only been on GT3 sporadically the last couple of weeks due to study commitments..intending to get back on next week hopefully, will play with the settings then and see how she goes.

Also just picked up a 2nd hand memory chip off ebay for $15 Aust. It's got a GT3 game save on it, the bloke is at 75%. I'm gonna syphon off all the cars he's got that i want ( primarily ones i have but in different colours ), then delete the file and start a new game. Pity you can't syphon all his cash..he's got about ten and a half million.
Thanks for that Scaff. I couldn't tell you exactly what settings, because i use the ones by a fella called 'Fumes' from over in GT Vault. I don't have the know how to set them up, i generally use his with a fair degree of appreciation and recognition. I may have to just revert to default settings for that particular race. I've only been on GT3 sporadically the last couple of weeks due to study commitments..intending to get back on next week hopefully, will play with the settings then and see how she goes.

Also just picked up a 2nd hand memory chip off ebay for $15 Aust. It's got a GT3 game save on it, the bloke is at 75%. I'm gonna syphon off all the cars he's got that i want ( primarily ones i have but in different colours ), then delete the file and start a new game. Pity you can't syphon all his cash..he's got about ten and a half million.

Fumes set-ups are normally good, but as with any tuning it may be that its just a bit too stiff for Seattle.

You should download my GT4 tuning guides (link in my sig), they may have been writen for GT4, but the basics are quite transferable to GT3.



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