Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex

Modern American conservatism is mental illness.

Edit: Ah, it's from that loud bitch Jimmy Failla. Now where's that video with him screaming about woke Xbox with its new entirely optional power saving feature?


lol. lmao.

That hair. I guarantee it isn't gel making it stand up like that.
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Just say you’re a racist ass and save us the stupid “post” Vengeful Turd.
He said that homosexuals "belonged" in mental wards so I think it's clear the poster is a thorough bigot. He just felt the need to rant and complain anyway.

Modern American conservatism is mental illness.

Edit: Ah, it's from that loud bitch Jimmy Failla. Now where's that video with him screaming about woke Xbox with its new entirely optional power saving feature?


lol. lmao.

That hair. I guarantee it isn't gel making it stand up like that.

"Make them climate conscious now"

Oh the horror.
season 8 GIF
When did Libertarians decide they want to be even more unhinged than Republicans?
It's pretty recent and got way worse after 2020. The MAGA people who left the Republican Party took over the Libertarian Party. The LP was also taken over by anti-vaxxers, COVID deniers, and QAnon idiots. While a decent percentage of Libertarians are still people who just want the government to leave them alone, there's also a sizeable amount that want authoritarianism.

It's the reason why I'm no longer a card carrying Libertarian. The party used to represent what I felt was import, now I feel like they are just yellow MAGAs (opposed to red MAGAs). I will still vote for some Libertarian candidates, but I really research them first to see where they stand. If they push unconstitutional BS, they don't get my vote.

It's frustrating because at the moment I don't have a political party that remotely represents me. The LP used to be the closest even though I disagreed with some of its platform, but now I just disagree with it almost as much as I disagree with Democrats and Republicans.
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It's frustrating because at the moment I don't have a political party that remotely represents me.
2 party system, go figure.

Though as you said some candidates are still worth voting for so it's not all bad. Even when the Libertarian party was more reasonable, I'd still check candidates on an individual basis and see if other parties had valid candidates as well. Being a member of this or that party only says so much.
Big L, little l. Seems the big L, like so many others, have been increasingly slapping down the path of freedom for me but not for thee for a while.
I'm surprised you're only just noticing this now.
I haven't seen much from the Libertarian Party recently, honestly. I was still of the mindset that they were as Joey described, former Republicans who actually wanted small government. I thought Republicans, esp. MAGAs, heavily disliked Libertarians b/c Republicans felt Libertarians should've voted for Trump to secure his Presidency instead of sticking to their guns & voting for the candidate in their own party.
Neither of these two individuals could find New Zealand on a map even if it was the only land mass labeled.
They'd ask where the original Zealand is b/c New Zealand sounds too woke.

These people want to **** their own daughters. Standard, weird right wing ability to just absolutely tell on themselves.
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