Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex

Cillian Murphy Reaction GIF
The reason Russia has not attacked the US with nuclear weapons is because I stopped wearing wide ties in the 1970s. Cause and effect!
It's even more idiotic than that. You have to assert that wide ties do something they don't, relevant to the initial claim.
Painted moron.

According to a report by NICB, the increase in catalytic converter thefts has been dramatic. In 2018, there were 1,298 catalytic converter thefts for which a claim was filed. In 2019, it was 3,389 thefts with a claim. In 2020, catalytic converter theft claims jumped massively to 14,433, a 325% increase in a single year. Though not a reporting of all catalytic converter thefts, it did provide a look at the trends of catalytic converter thefts.
The grift has also already begun according to Bo.


And the infighting.

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It's disrespectful to use a person's pronoun and should use their name instead? K.

Elon's a moron.
Always use their name. Even when you're conversing with them. Instead of saying "you," say their name. Instead of saying "your," say their name followed by an apostrophe and an 's.' Self-respect is also important, so out go "I," "me," "my," and "mine."

The culture war has made morons of...well...morons.
It's disrespectful to use a person's pronoun and should use their name instead? K.

Elon's a moron.
Particularly because you never use someone's pronoun when speak to them, only of them.

The "disrespectful" part comes from speaking of them while they are literally there in person (with the exception of group pronouns like "we", which are used for convenience rather than listing everyone in the group "... and I") - hence the phrase "Who's "she"? The cat's mother?" which derives from this specific piece of etiquette wherein someone refers to a woman in the third person to another person as "she" rather than her name.

Either all these bozos missed the pronoun lesson in school, or they're just being performatively angry asshats.
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Particularly because you never use someone's pronoun when speak to them, only of them.

The "disrespectful" part comes from speaking of them while they are literally there in person (with the exception of group pronouns like "we", which are used for convenience rather than listing everyone in the group "... and I") - hence the phrase "Who's "she"? The cat's mother?" which derives from this specific piece of etiquette wherein someone refers to a woman in the third person to another person as "she" rather than her name.

Either all these bozos missed the pronoun lesson in school, or they're just being performatively angry asshats.
Probably both.
She knows black people? Oh wait... Herschel, Diamond 'n' Silk, that other chick whose name escapes me who likes to grift and post insane rightie takes on Twitter. Also Ye.
"Hey ladies, wanna handle my gun?" - Eric Trump, probably.

"Sorry, we don't use small caliber weapons." Those women, probably