Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
This deranged bitch worked actual literal straws into this pathetic strawman.

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r/Anticonsumption - This kind of stuff makes me irrationally angry.

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In addition, since the thread is called "cursed political content" and not just "cursed Republican content", I'll post something from a Democrat. This is a pretty tone deaf tweet from Biden in the midst of the Ohio rail ecological disaster. Especially considering that the administration to not reinstate the rule requiring the stronger brakes for these trains that could have prevented the derailment altogether, and Biden hasn't made a statement on it, let alone offering any possible solutions.

r/LateStageCapitalism - Whoever is in charge of Biden's account is totally tone deaf.

Can't even begin to dissect this haha
Like the stupid bitch above, you'd have to take a number of very hard thumps to the head to parse it out as intended. I don't recommend it.

They're just made of entirely different stuff. They're irreparably damaged.
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I hope Elon does take away the Blue Legacy check marks. Will absolutely guarantee you’re talking to a moron before they ever open their mouth when you see one next to their name like all those above.
I hope Elon does take away the Blue Legacy check marks. Will absolutely guarantee you’re talking to a moron before they ever open their mouth when you see one next to their name like all those above.
As long as he does it for all users, including himself.
As long as he does it for all users, including himself.
And we all know that's not gonna happen. IMO Musky boi is the best thing to happen to Twitter. You'll likely say, "But he's running it into the ground!" You see, that's exactly my point. The day Twitter is erased from the internet will be a holiday, in my eyes. All that'd be left is a few more social media companies, like TikTok, and I'd have just a few more reasons to smile. I swear, social media is our generation's version of how everybody smoked in the 50s or whatever, and the tobacco companies tried to hide any evidence that tobacco was, in fact, bad for you. Social media is the new cigarettes. All that's missing is a mascot marketed to children, ala Joe Camel.

Instagram and Discord can stay, though.
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