Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
I thought the first male-to-female surgery (a penectomy) was in Denmark?
The Mail isn't renowned for its factual accuracy. It's not as similar to your National Enquirer as our Sunday Sport ("World War II Bomber Found On Moon!") but has a far more pronounced conservative agenda with a liberal generous dollop of Betteridge's Law on the side.
The Mail isn't renowned for its factual accuracy. It's not as similar to your National Enquirer as our Sunday Sport ("World War II Bomber Found On Moon!") but has a far more pronounced conservative agenda with a liberal generous dollop of Betteridge's Law on the side.
These days, the Onion might be more factually accurate than the Daily Mail.
I thought the first male-to-female surgery (a penectomy) was in Denmark?
I'm not sure that qualifies as MTF - more MTAM - and besides, people have been cutting dicks off for centuries.

According to most sources, the first successful vaginoplasty on a transwoman was performed in 1931 at Berlin's Institute for Sexual Research. The first penile-inversion vaginoplasty was performed in Morocco in the 1950s.
A fight breaks out during a screening of Disney's The Little Mermaid as a group of protesters start screaming for a refund.

Yes, they're Floridians.

Bet they mark their voting cross "under the C" for conservative.
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A fight breaks out during a screening of Disney's The Little Mermaid as a group of protesters start screaming for a refund.

Yes, they're Floridians.

Bet they mark their voting cross "under the C" for conservative.

So they paid for the film and immediately started asking for a refund?
I'd love to see this guy try to back up the claim that the "traditional (heterosexual) family" is somehow superior for "western civilization" than any other form of family. But what about that word salad at the end?

"supplanting a norm of atomized individualism rooted in sexual identity for the old norm"?

I think he meant "supplanting the old norm with a norm of atomized individualism rooted in sexual identity". I think I see how he's using "supplant", and it's a little odd. It's hard to read, but for all I know that is a permitted way to use it. Seems intentionally obtuse.

Now that I think I've sorted out that word salad, it's basically a conspiracy theory - this was never about being tolerated, it was about controlling society to create isolation and identity rooted in sexual identity. That's... well it's preposterous on its face. What's often telling is that right wingers tend to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. So if we turn back to the original statement, we can see that what he's advocating is not really about western society at all, but about controlling the "norm".

This was never about anything that undergirds Western civilization. This is about maintaining a norm that he perceives as beneficial to his preferred group.
Surely 'the norm' is a loose set of moral standards that a society adopts to function together, outside of any government or law. He is right in saying they are largely unspoken. But they're not set in stone and are not defined by any relgion (when in a secular country). Importantly they evolve with the make up of that society so change over time. No one group of people can define what 'the norm' is or isn't. It's the general populance and their cultures that does that organically.

'The norm' my grandparents accepted was different to 'the norm' i experience. Their (post-war) 'norm' was the husband goes out to work and earn the money and the wife stays at home, raises the children and looks after the household. This is rarely the case now, the 'norm' has evolved and evolution is usually, if not always, a positive force.

'The norm' of my grandparents looked dimly at homosexuality, where as my parents 'norm' was starting to accept it. 'The norm' of my younger self had homosexuality accepted, on the whole, where as the contemporary 'norm' has it universaly accepted and any quarter that doesn't accept it are now on the outside of 'the norm'.

You can't just dig your heals in and try and grab hold of a 'norm' that suits you and your predjudices, it will just slip through your fingers like time itself. You can try and dam it but the pressure will just make your life harder and harder. It's much better to just accept the change and go with the flow. These far-right muppets just don't get that.
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Yeah, I'm sure transgenders just hate they can't experience the 9 months of pregnancy instead of skipping right to the part that's important; raising a child.

Modern American conservatism is mental illness.
Lots of people that want to be pregnant could never. I'm sure the lettering shown on the shirt is no accident, but I'm not sure how we'll she's considered the identity she's putting forward.


What was it Shapiro was complaining about? Atomized sexual identity?
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lol. lmao.


So preoccupied with keeping men out of the ladies room that they forced men into the ladies room. Females who transition to Male don't ever seem to be a part of the problem (until they clumsily are) in the woke mind virus virus mind because it's really (if subconsciously) about preserving the traditional ideas and sanctity of femininity to suit the purposes of straight males, which transitioned females seem to so effectively disturb.

All that being said, I would be shocked if this really happened.
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Guys, I'm not a racist, but I definitely think a specific race is to blame for 'X'.

That's the sort of brain dead take this guy is sharing.
Disney's stock price was 103 a year ago, it's 92.something today. That's hardly a plummet when the stock market is in shambles.

Also, he looks like the kind of dude that's never seen a woman naked.
People like that used to be the weird uncles who lived in a shack out in the woods and the only people who had to deal with them were family or government workers (both reluctantly.) Now, thanks to social media, we put them in suits, set them down in front of a camera and let the crazy flow.
1) How DARE young people go get educated and come to the conclusion that destroying the country is bad.

2) Sounds to me like Mr. Bradley just volunteered to put out the wild fires, since he's clearly better at it than those icky, woke FEMALES.
Cracker. Barrel. Has. Fallen.




Sounds like they need a space where they're safe from things they don't like. A "safe space," if you will.

Of course it's unlikely the Cracker Barrel...experience...has changed even the slightest bit, but that the company has come out (no pun intended) in support--even if it's a cynical corporate capitalism kind of support--of a group so disfavored by right trash is contemptible.
"Nobody cares".... uh... based on those statistics it's more like "you" don't care. This is the thing with people like this, if they don't care, it's not ok for anyone else to.
"Normal people don't care."