Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
What a weird fantasy these losers live in. Like I said before, they talk as if this is some medieval times world. "Make thy Kingdom Great Again, expel thy enemies to the badlands".
So if elections were nullified, that means that nobody won or by default anyone won?

I've been missing too many meetings with the Arizona legislature of late. They might need me to go down there and get back to running the state.
Or it could be that 81 million people want a president that they don't have to think about every day.
This was always the case before Trump. Why doesn't she and her followers think this would be the case after Trump?


Yes, they were...


No words...

tutvpldeio6b1 (1).jpg

^About the author...
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View attachment 1266810t the best

Yes, they were...

View attachment 1266811

No words...

View attachment 1266809

^About the author...
The guy's a talented cartoonist. He's also clearly insane.
Girls are getting pregnant to get big boobs for their birthday?

These folks need to stay out of the showers. Getting way too creative making up scenarios to feel sad about.
Girls are getting pregnant to get big boobs for their birthday?

These folks need to stay out of the showers. Getting way too creative making up scenarios to feel sad about.
I sort of feel getting plastic surgery would be a more intelligent choice here (not that it would be the right choice, but comparatively).
I sort of feel getting plastic surgery would be a more intelligent choice here (not that it would be the right choice, but comparatively).
I sort of feel the person talking about girls getting pregnant to enlarge their boobs for their birthday, then aborting them after was talking out of their arse, so it's not any kind of choice, comparatively or otherwise.
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I wonder whether these problems are unique to San Francisco or instead also occur in Floridian cities which DeSantis has actual jurisdiction for. (No, I don't.)

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Gavin Newsome should fly to Miami, find the seediest part of the town, and do the same thing word for word except change "right wing" for "leftist."
Or just fly to Tallahassee and deliver the report in front of the Florida State Capitol building.