Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
Busy week for old Joe, apparently.

Suppose, for just a moment, that it's true. I know, it's crazy. But just suppose that this conspiracy is somehow true. Is this... a bad thing? The CIA under Biden coordinates a coup in Russia? Would that be like... a bad thing? Putin is literally trying to take over Ukraine right now.
No but Prigozhin isn't woke enough for the Biden CIA to be interested.

What does he think the CIA should do/have done? I have no idea what this guy is complaining about.
I got nothin'. It's so devoid of reason that one can't reason any kind of meaning out of it. One must share in the specific delusion to understand.

Edit: DURHAM!!!


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Not everything that happens in this world is America's fault or responsibility. Nor do they use external affairs as a way to distract us from a stupid laptop! Anyone who complains that there's a conspiracy is clearly too far gone.
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Not everything that happens in this world is America's fault or responsibility. Nor do they use external affairs as a way to distract us from a stupid laptop! Anyone who complains that there's a conspiracy is clearly too far gone.
So does "Hunter Biden" become the right's new "Thanks Obama!" rallying cry?
Suppose, for just a moment, that it's true. I know, it's crazy. But just suppose that this conspiracy is somehow true. Is this... a bad thing? The CIA under Biden coordinates a coup in Russia? Would that be like... a bad thing? Putin is literally trying to take over Ukraine right now.
Yeah, very fair call. Getting Putin out of power would be great, especially if it means the end of the Ukriane invasion. I personally don't know enough about the whole situation to say whether this Prigozhin guy is someone you'd want to take his place though. (I assume not)

Just find it humorous that the right wing tries to spin everything into conspiracy. It must be exhausting for them.
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Just find it humorous that the right wing tries to spin everything into conspiracy. It must be exhausting for them.
I suspect they find it easier than confronting the approach that their policies and constant culture wars are offputting to a majority of people hence the doubling and tripling down. Not sure if this is for ideological or cynical reasons; perhaps it's a mixture of both.
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Fellatio Felito Rafael Ted Cruz ostensibly represents the state of Texas in the United States Senate. It is a felony in Texas to engage in sexual contact with an individual aged less than 17 years. However, the Texas Penal Code provides for an affirmative defense in cases of non-coercive consensual (which is to say "consensual in fact, if not in law") sexual contact in which the charged is no more than three years older than the individual with whom they had sexual contact.

This sort of statute is known colloquially as a "Romeo and Juliet" law due to the supposed romantic relationship between the involved parties; such relationships, to say nothing of supposed sexual contact, are not prohibited by law in Texas or any other state.
Fellatio Felito Rafael...dammit...Ted Cruz, a lawyer who clerked for United States Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, is certain to be at least aware of this, but the aim is to obscure facts and enrage the idiot base.

These statutes are fairly common. Just over half of the states in this country, 26 in total, have some version, though the starting ages and differentials vary. The most common differentials are two, three, and four years, though Florida statute...yeah, deep red Florida...provides for such a defense when the charged is up to seven years older, at 23, while only those aged 18 years may legally consent. If I was a bad faith actor I might say that's "sick"--to borrow from Ted...yay, I got it this time...Cruz--but I don't actually know if it's inappropriate even as I personally find it distasteful. It looks like Utah may be the same as Florida, but it's more convoluted and I'm not prepared to untangle it.

I've elaborated on this before--if, perhaps, not to the same degree--when conservatives were outraged that California enacted a law providing for judicial discretion over whether an individual convicted of penetrative statutory rape (which is to say that it's rape by statute because those under 18 years of age may not consent to sexual contact, even if it was not coercive, and California law doesn't provide for a "Romeo and Juliet" defense) subsequent to oral or anal copulation (in effect to account for same-sex interactions) would be required to register as a sex offender, subject to an absolute maximum age differential of ten years. The law passed provided for such discretion equal to that for cases of vaginal penetrative statutory rape.

The logical conclusion of said outrage is that conservatives, outraged by passage of such a law, desire preferential treatment for adult men who penetrate the vaginas of children. That's disgusting beyond description. Of course I'm not a bad faith actor and I recognize that those conservatives are likely to have been deliberately disinformed (indeed the outlet reporting on the passage was Breitbart) and/or are willfully, maliciously ignorant about the facts of the matter, and may not actually desire such a thing.

Modern American conservatism is mental illness.


I don't think age is the best factor to determine whether one may reasonably consent and so I don't know what age is actually appropriate, but I do think these age differentials are a better (though obviously not perfect) way of preserving the right to bodily autonomy without violating individual rights. I also don't know what specific starting age or age differential is appropriate. It's complicated and could do without bad faith actors deliberately obfuscating.

Sex between adolescents (apparently defined as 10-19) may be consensual. I've seen this picked up almost exclusively by right-wing media outlets and many of them are reporting that the UN says it's ok for adults to have sex with children. It's apparently not what was said.

Raise your hand if you saw straight through Gabbard from the start.

Shark Tank Mark GIF by ABC Network
I liked Tulsi in the way I liked Rogan until they decided to go full on into right wing culture nonsense b/c it's easier to get the chuds to buy into your garbage.