Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
I'm no expert on churches, but aren't you supposed to face the other way rather than kneeling and praying to your own recently vacated (and in his case reputedly rather pungent) seat?

As someone raised Catholic, including attending a Catholic grade school, I can confirm there are padded kneelers that flip down from the back of the pew in front of where you're sitting. But he's not facing the wrong way. He's turned around so we can all worship him and his manfully large hands.
As someone raised Catholic, including attending a Catholic grade school, I can confirm there are padded kneelers that flip down from the back of the pew in front of where you're sitting. But he's not facing the wrong way. He's turned around so we can all worship him and his manfully large hands.
View attachment 1321777
We worship him, he worships us. Wait, something sounds off here.
Wait til they find out fathers will do skin-to-skin contact even with the mother present. TMU, it’s just as much a beneficial bonding moment for the father & child.
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Intrigued to know what the "real kind" of female is.

EDIT: Just googled it. Apparently this comes up:

Traits such as nurturance, sensitivity, sweetness, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth, passivity, cooperativeness, expressiveness, modesty, humility, empathy, affection, tenderness, and being emotional, kind, helpful, devoted, and understanding have been cited as stereotypically feminine.

Doubt this person is a "real kind" of female.
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Intrigued to know what the "real kind" of female is.

EDIT: Just googled it. Apparently this comes up:

Doubt this person is a "real kind" of female.
Sounds like it pretty well describes the guy "she" is complaining about.
I'm assuming it's "why to 'the gays' have children through surrogacy and do skin to skin contact after the child is born because they're obviously pedo child molesters who worship Satan"
Wait til they find out fathers will do skin-to-skin contact even with the mother present. TMU, it’s just as much a beneficial bonding moment for the father & child.

Yea, if that's it, the answer is so terribly easy to find - it's beneficial to the baby (and parent).
Wait til they find out fathers will do skin-to-skin contact even with the mother present. TMU, it’s just as much a beneficial bonding moment for the father & child.
With our first baby, I had a good hour of skin to skin contact while my wife was getting stitched back up. The doctors recommended it and it was the most wholesome hour of my life.

The mother carries the baby for 9 months, feeling it, touching it and becoming attached to it. For the dad though, it doesn’t really process or feel real until you see it. Mentally, to have that uninterrupted closeness helped me to take in the massive life change that had just occurred and fall head over heels for the little one. I’m sure the feeling would be identical for adoptive parents.

I have recommend skin to skin to all my expecting-dad mates since. That baby is now 2 (nearly 3) and we are extremely close. I won’t say that’s just because of one hour early on, but it did put us off to a great start.

Bigoted people who like to shake their fists at clouds because “gay people can’t do that, it’s the mothers job” need to understand that these couples will be going through a lifetime of doing the “mothers job”. Good and bad. They signed up for it, probably went through a lot of screening to be accepted for it and likely will do a better job of it than most of, what was that phrase? “The Real Kind of Females”. Sheesh.

Let people who want to parent, parent.
Let those who don’t want to parent, and get pregnant accidentally, adopt out the baby or have an abortion.
Feel free to go attack those who willigly have kids biologically then treat them like garbage. Those are the people who deserve some negative attention.
The Blatnik Bridge is more than 60 years old and in need of replacement. Cost? $1.8 Billion. A Republican congressman is taking credit for the fact that $1B is being earmarked towards the replacement, despite voting against it because sOsHuLiZm.

What he actually said:
“I will not be complicit in paving a destructive and irreversible path towards socialism. This massive spending package is not about real infrastructure, and instead will make businesses less competitive, outsource jobs, saddle American families and future generations with more debt and higher taxes, send inflation soaring to greater heights, and completely devastate our economy,” Stauber said.

“Make no mistake; a vote for this ‘infrastructure’ package is a vote for the reckless multi-trillion-dollar tax-and-spend spree. That’s why I voted NO.”

The clapbacks from Minnesota's Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan and Governor Tim Walz were glorious.

While I'm not saying anything people don't already know, this is the way Republican "governance" works. Say no to everything, then when other people do the hard work to get something done, take credit for it.
While I'm not saying anything people don't already know, this is the way Republican "governance" works. Say no to everything, then when other people do the hard work to get something done, take credit for it.
Even if Community Notes hadn't kicked his arse into touch the enormous (8300/1400) replies to likes ratio should provide sufficient indication of how much like a bucket of **** his dishonestly self-aggrandising xeet went down on Twixter.
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Same! Weird, huh? Then again I was a kid and wouldn't have been paying attention to any of this. Doesn't mean it didn't exist.

Friendly fire!
Me neither, but i did know kids with 'behavioral difficulties', 'learning difficulties', 'short attention spans', 'sickly' children and children who died because of medical issues that are much better known about now.

Roll it back 40k years.

"Ugg ug ugg eaten by sabretoothed tigers"

"Ug uh urh ug poisoned by pokeweed berries grruunnnt"

"Uhhh ugg
perished in an ice age ugg"
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Username doesn't check out as she's not displaying a great deal of wit. Who would've thought that opposing abortion and divorce would drive women away from the party?

Not her, evidently:

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Username doesn't check out as she's not displaying a great deal of wit. Who would've thought that opposing abortion and divorce would drive women away from the party?

Not her, evidently:

View attachment 1322494
We could also say that they are becoming less liberal depending on manipulation of the graph. Statistics are malleable!
If those young men just had fathers, they might chill?

Or does she mean that fatherlessness is just something that happens to girls?:confused:
I'm afraid I'm not nearly sufficiently lacking cognitive faculties to accurately interpret the intent. I could thump my head against a door a few times so that I may be on a more level field...but I don't really want to.
I'm afraid I'm not nearly sufficiently lacking cognitive faculties to accurately interpret the intent. I could thump my head against a door a few times so that I may be on a more level field...but I don't really want to.
I am not sure giving yourself potential CTE is a winning strategy.

Amazing. State enforcement of prohibitions on disfavored reading materials and private actors purportedly exercising property and associative rights are apparently equally execrable. At minimum--it could be that one thinks the latter is worse.

And you should by no means take this one's word at face value. Flanagan once invented a person to get mad at. I mean literally invented a person. In detail. A student at Oberlin College, "fresh outta Shaker Heights, coming in hot, with a heart as big as all outdoors and a 3 in AP Bio."

I previously called Flanagan an eighthwit (okay so I may have further qualified it) over the aforementioned incident, but I realize now that that was inappropriate. I was entirely too generous. Unfortunately it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily when using smaller fractions.

Edit: And apparently "the left" hates people who "survive the American foster care system." Admittedly I don't really have my finger on the pulse of the left, but that sounds like complete brainworms.
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Shame she doesn't see the difference between banning books on a national or state level and the right for private businesses to decide what books they want to stock.
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Amazing. State enforcement of prohibitions on disfavored reading materials and private actors purportedly exercising property and associative rights are apparently equally execrable. At minimum--it could be that one thinks the latter is worse.

And you should by no means take this one's word at face value. Flanagan once invented a person to get mad at. I mean literally invented a person. In detail. A student at Oberlin College, "fresh outta Shaker Heights, coming in hot, with a heart as big as all outdoors and a 3 in AP Bio."

I previously called Flanagan an eighthwit (okay so I may have further qualified it) over the aforementioned incident, but I realize now that that was inappropriate. I was entirely too generous. Unfortunately it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily when using smaller fractions.

Edit: And apparently "the left" hates people who "survive the American foster care system." Admittedly I don't really have my finger on the pulse of the left, but that sounds like complete brainworms.
A quick check shows its available on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble, which is to be expected considering its published by a big publisher. I guess she could be talking about book signings but that isn't exactly surprising considering he is an unknown author writing about a sensitive topic.

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