Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
Against my better judgement, I went looking for this tweet just to check the replies out. And this has to be one of the greatest self owns in history.

You can't fix stupid.

One of the responses to that included one of the best gifs I've ever seen. Though not particularly offensive itself (or in keeping with the thread topic), the gif contains a sweary word.

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Fox at its best:

Typically, Fox quotes its own partisan "commentators" ... their equivalent of Trump's "many people are saying" about how Joe Rogan "eviscerated" Dr. Gupta. The actual discussion was lengthy, detailed & perfectly cordial on both sides. Fox's business model is completely dependent on promoting division in the US wherever possible. :indiff:
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Aight Joe, lets see if you make a mention about how crazy Fox is then.
Joe Rogan
If you’ve only seen clips online you would think that @drsanjaygupta and I had a tense and uncomfortable encounter when we sat down for 3 hours. The reality is that disagreement was a very small part of what was overall a very enjoyable conversation. Sanjay is a really nice person and I like him a lot. After our time together I consider him a friend. People on network TV don’t have anything remotely similar to the kind of freedom I enjoy doing the podcast. For him to dive into my world and have an open form conversation with no restrictions took real courage, and I appreciate it very much.
Has Trump ever actually done any of these things he gets depicted doing, even something as simple as holding the flag on a football field? :dunce:
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A great introduction to the work of John McNaughton - the Goya of our age.
Wow, his movies must have really bombed if he ended up as a MAGA shill.

Actually, the real John McNaughton must be horrified this creep has nearly the same name as him.

Presumably the snake in this one is thinking "it's okay to tread on me if you're Trump".


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It's amusing that McNaughton's "Crossing the Swamp" (2018) features now-Trump critics James Mattis, John Kelly & Jon Bolton. Not to mention Jeff Sessions.

McNaughton's work really is a demonstration of the huge gulf separating GOP Trumpers from reality.

Wow, his movies must have really bombed if he ended up as a MAGA shill.

Actually, the real John McNaughton must be horrified this creep has nearly the same name as him.

Presumably the snake in this one is thinking "it's okay to tread on me if you're Trump".


View attachment 1087080
The snake looks like it's part of a grouping of snakes living under his suit. Like he's actually a skin suit made up of snakes that occasionally leak out.
The snake looks like it's part of a grouping of snakes living under his suit. Like he's actually a skin suit made up of snakes that occasionally leak out.
That would certainly explain why his physical appearance can only be described as 'roughly humanoid' - whilst perfectly explaining his snake oil salesman persona.
The snake looks like it's part of a grouping of snakes living under his suit. Like he's actually a skin suit made up of snakes that occasionally leak out.
I guess that would make President James Marshall the anti-Trump given the actor who plays him's long-established association with a well-known movie ophidiophobe.
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For context, these are the kind of views Nevada'd be voting for.

View attachment 1087500

Now what self-confessed gun nut doesn't realise the brass bit of the ammunition comes out of the top/side of the gun (or stays inside until you manually remove it), it's the lead( with maybe copper/other metal around it) bit that comes out the front!

So she's going to shoot them, then collect her brass and shove it in the wound is she? Or maybe she thinks that just throwing empty shell cases will do the job?
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Now what self-confessed gun nut doesn't realise the brass bit of the ammunition comes out of the top/side of the gun (or stays inside until you manually remove it), it's the lead( with maybe copper/other metal around it) bit that comes out the front!

So she's going to shoot them, then collect her brass and shove it in the wound is she? Or maybe she thinks that just throwing empty shell cases will do the job?
When later questioned on her statement, she lied through her teeth and said she wasn't talking about shooting refugees.
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When later questioned on her statement, she lied through her teeth and said she wasn't talking about shooting refugees.
What a massive surprise
When later questioned on her statement, she lied through her teeth and said she wasn't talking about shooting refugees.
It's just that syrians are terrorists... right? [/s]