Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
I'd like to offer a more serious take on this tweet.
Okay. Where?

I'm not sure what your post has to do with the Tweet at all. It posits that men being "demoralized", "degraded", or "confused about what masculinity is", because of "feminists", "created" "men like Andrew Tate". How does that connect to "the media" emphasising relationships/love/sex (these are different things) has made it so you can't get a girlfriend?

Bear in mind that the Tweeter is posting that as a defence/justification for the existence of a man who degrades women, treats them as objects rather than independent beings, traffics them for webcam sex, and ran away to Romania to both evade charges and to carry on doing it due to perceived laxity of sexual assault/abuse laws in the country's legal system (and undoubtedly perceived corruption wherein he could pay his way out of trouble).

In essence the Tweet blames women for their own sexual assaults through a series of leaps that start with "feminists" making them want to be individuals rather than sex slaves (how dare they!), so men have to work harder to get them and try to appeal to them by being different kinds of men (degraded/confused about masculinity), and one of those types is men who treat women as objects and rape them - thus blaming women for their own sexual assaults because they won't just be the property of men any more like the good old days.

Which is particularly moronic on several levels, because it suggests that women not wanting to be objects creates men who treat women like objects and that they weren't treated like objects in the old days when they were literally treated like objects by just about all men.

That is a serious take on it. As were the other two takes posted before yours.
Okay. Where?

I'm not sure what your post has to do with the Tweet at all. It posits that men being "demoralized", "degraded", or "confused about what masculinity is", because of "feminists", "created" "men like Andrew Tate". How does that connect to "the media" emphasising relationships/love/sex (these are different things) has made it so you can't get a girlfriend?

Bear in mind that the Tweeter is posting that as a defence/justification for the existence of a man who degrades women, treats them as objects rather than independent beings, traffics them for webcam sex, and ran away to Romania to both evade charges and to carry on doing it due to perceived laxity of sexual assault/abuse laws in the country's legal system (and undoubtedly perceived corruption wherein he could pay his way out of trouble).

In essence the Tweet blames women for their own sexual assaults through a series of leaps that start with "feminists" making them want to be individuals rather than sex slaves (how dare they!), so men have to work harder to get them and try to appeal to them by being different kinds of men (degraded/confused about masculinity), and one of those types is men who treat women as objects and rape them - thus blaming women for their own sexual assaults because they won't just be the property of men any more like the good old days.

Which is particularly moronic on several levels, because it suggests that women not wanting to be objects creates men who treat women like objects and that they weren't treated like objects in the old days when they were literally treated like objects by just about all men.

That is a serious take on it. As were the other two takes posted before yours.
No, I agree with everything that you're saying, too, it's just that I think society puts this artificial pressure on men to find love, which then gets felt by women. Especially when said men get so desperate, they buy into toxic ideas of how to treat women as well as themselves. The message I get from Tate (and the people like him) is a woman's interest in a man is purely based on the superficial and quantifiable, such as his body or his salary, which I take with a Utah mine's worth of salt at best. I don't think these fatalistic/nihilistic views where men buy into super-sketchy (if not entirely misogynistic) ideas like hypergamy would be as bad if men could be more confident in being single. But the media we keep seeing around us doesn't help with that.

Instead, we're told that love is the ultimate thing you can acquire, that virgins are losers - and if you're over the age of 30 and still a virgin, that's the premise for a comedy film, and people think there's something wrong with you. I reject all these opinions.

Tate was always a PoS in my eyes, too. He's like a PUA version of Trump.

Maybe I went on a tangent in my prior post, and I understood (and agreed with) the critique of the tweet. But I suppose I know what it's like to be tempted to buy into that sort of drek. Especially since I tried using pretty much every dating app under the sun for two years and never went on even one date. Was lucky to even get a match or like on occasion. And I know there are tons of men in similar situations to mine, and unfortunately, they buy into the black pill, the red pill, Tate's BS, or whatever. For me, I wasn't raised like that - to hate women and blame them for everything.

But for others, it just gets tempting to look for an explanation, despite the fact that not only is it entirely wrong and could make their situation even worse, but it's in regards to something that may not be explainable at all.

I suppose Trump and Tate have a lot alike, in that sense. They offer simple solutions to various problems that people may be struggling with, but both are just toxic individuals that lie through their teeth. And the reality behind those issues, which these men fail (possibly on purpose) to address? Either it's more nuanced than people can comprehend, such as the economy of working-class America, or it's something that can't be explained empirically at all.
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it's just that I think society puts this artificial pressure on men to find love, which then gets felt by women.
Why don't you believe there's artificial pressure on women to find love, and thus to act in the same way? How is the media achieving this gendered messaging that makes men desire monogamy (apparently creating men who do not) and women to put it off until they find The One?

After all, there's literally a name for an unmarried woman over a certain age: spinster. It somewhat differs from the nearest male equivalent, bachelor, in messaging (and there is now "bachelorette" for a more direct female equivalent), as a spinster is a woman so past her prime for marriage she's only good for working the spinning wheel...

For that matter, the messaging that love is the ultimate prize is hardly recent. If you want to talk about movies, for some reason (and the single film about an unusually old male virgin has his age in the title; it's 40), don't you think that... oh I don't know, Gone With the Wind (1939) contained this message? Some of the earliest movies were romances (and porn; any new technology that can be adapted for porn is almost immediately adapted for porn), and we're talking late Victorian era so hardcore women-as-sex-slaves time.

And that doesn't address literature either. You can go back a thousand years and find romance stories of knights battling [x] to win the love of the woman (which is all that it took for her to give it "willingly", but still a lot harder than it is these days).

What's truly odd is that you're saying media presents this idealised man/woman picture, while nutters like Tate and his Tweet defender say modern media is all "woke" and everyone's gay or bi or trans - "confusing" men about the nature of masculinity.

Which tells me both that men must be stupid, and it's a matter of taking your perception of things a little too personally.
Why don't you believe there's artificial pressure on women to find love, and thus to act in the same way? How is the media achieving this gendered messaging that makes men desire monogamy (apparently creating men who do not) and women to put it off until they find The One?

After all, there's literally a name for an unmarried woman over a certain age: spinster. It somewhat differs from the nearest male equivalent, bachelor, in messaging (and there is now "bachelorette" for a more direct female equivalent), as a spinster is a woman so past her prime for marriage she's only good for working the spinning wheel...

For that matter, the messaging that love is the ultimate prize is hardly recent. If you want to talk about movies, for some reason (and the single film about an unusually old male virgin has his age in the title; it's 40), don't you think that... oh I don't know, Gone With the Wind (1939) contained this message? Some of the earliest movies were romances (and porn; any new technology that can be adapted for porn is almost immediately adapted for porn), and we're talking late Victorian era so hardcore women-as-sex-slaves time.

And that doesn't address literature either. You can go back a thousand years and find romance stories of knights battling [x] to win the love of the woman (which is all that it took for her to give it "willingly", but still a lot harder than it is these days).

What's truly odd is that you're saying media presents this idealised man/woman picture, while nutters like Tate and his Tweet defender say modern media is all "woke" and everyone's gay or bi or trans - "confusing" men about the nature of masculinity.

Which tells me both that men must be stupid, and it's a matter of taking your perception of things a little too personally.
No, I think women have usually had this pressure, too, and especially to have kids. Yeah, I do think I took it a bit too personally. It’s just been on my mind for a bit lately.

I suppose that when all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.
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1) Lower your standards until you get sexual affection
2) Use this new found perspective to understand the situation better
3) Move forward

Until you do this your problems are of your making, not societies, or the media's, and until you start this cycle, you will not have started your journey towards where you (think) you want to be. Time is running out.
It's that the media has always conditioned us to overrate romantic love - and sex - is this incredible, sublime thing. For example, if The Matrix movies are to be believed, love can straight-up resurrect people from the dead.
I think you missed the point of the matrix, which is that all of reality (especially in the matrix but the point is broader) is created between your ears. And that if you believe it, you can make it real. The whole thing at the end of the movie was that Neo was finally convinced that he was the one. He didn't need to dodge bullets, even the ones that hit him, he could create his reality.
So you end up with men and women who overrate love and intimacy as this potential crowning achievement one can have in their lives, when it's not an achievement at all. And that's because you cannot "achieve" something that was never in anybody's control. It's pure RNG, as some gamers would say.
This is a rough question but to put it bluntly, how do you know it's "overrated"? Maybe accept that this view is so popular/prevalent among entertainers and entertainees because many people really do value it that highly. Relationships (of all kinds) are not RNG, they require effort. A relationship is not something that you just receive as a gift, it is something you create with someone else. RNG has little to do with it.
When the media (and the society that's influenced by it) shames men for not being in a relationship or having sex, I think other men get needlessly desperate, and look for any way they can to find a woman. I'm pretty sure that no matter what era or corner of the world you examine, many a snake oil salesman has been born from this illusory need for romance - I'd say it's up there with get-rich-quick schemes.
The fact that some people value it should not de-facto shame someone for not valuing it. People are different. That being said, perhaps some people are desperate because they genuinely do value love. Don't assume everyone has been tricked.

I don't think these fatalistic/nihilistic views where men buy into super-sketchy (if not entirely misogynistic) ideas like hypergamy would be as bad if men could be more confident in being single. But the media we keep seeing around us doesn't help with that.
You're in luck. It's more ok to be single, and asexual, now than basically any time ever. Asexuality especially is starting to become more widely accepted, and especially for men.
Instead, we're told that love is the ultimate thing you can acquire,
Love comes in many forms. It can be between children and parents, between friends, and between partners. Humans are deeply social creatures, and the vast majority of us value love in just about every form we find it. Our brains (most of us) are wired for it. There will be exceptions, people who are deeply introverted, sometimes these people end up being "hermits". That's fine of course, but it's not most people, and so it's not what entertainment is often based on.

The red pill problem is a little bit different than that. The red pill/incel problem comes from people who believe that they are owed a relationship by others. This is problematic both in friendship and romatic relationships. If you think you're perfect, and that others are lucky to be with you, you're likely to treat others worse than they deserve to be treated. When men feel this way, and it seems to be more often men, and end up unsuccessful when courting a partner, they then fail to look inward and work on themselves - because they believe they are owed it. They resist a change in mindset, and continue to demand of the world that they receive a partner. That sense of entitlement makes them feel they are treated unjustly, unfairly, by the world. But it is they who are creating their own reality.

That's right, tied it back in to the matrix.
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I guess with all the times this bitch wasn't selected as Speaker, he just forgot?
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Having seen this tweet on Ron Filipkowski's feed a day or so back I checked it out to see whether it had been ratioed. However, the author Lori Alexander has restricted her tweets so that no one can reply who hasn't been washed in the holy blood of The Lamb, or, worse, is a woman who's been to school.
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Having seen this tweet on Ron Filipkowski's feed a day or so back I checked it out to see whether it had been ratioed. However, the author Lori Alexander has restricted her tweets so that no one can reply who hasn't been washed in the holy blood of The Lamb, or, worse, is a woman who's been to school.
Safe space.
How does one come into possession of a 7-year-old? Also, what 7-year-old is in Kindergarten? Those kids are 5-6.
So vacinnes designed for humans are bad for children but those designed for dogs and cats are fine for use in children? That makes perfect sense.
How does one come into possession of a 7-year-old? Also, what 7-year-old is in Kindergarten? Those kids are 5-6.
(pls no questions about how she got him. She doesn't need the legal/judicial headaches rn)
Mea culpa. No, I haven't acquired any seven-year-olds, but the reddit page Right Wing Cope stole this screenshot from has deleted the pic and locked the thread so I hope that means it's a fake tweet for the sake of any hypothetical victims of predatory antivaxx foster moms out there.
So vacinnes designed for humans are bad for children but those designed for dogs and cats are fine for use in children? That makes perfect sense.
If it were true the logic could be that the globalist uniparty new world order isn't trying to reset the animal population like they obviously are with the patriots, so dog, cat and horse medication is unquestionably free of 5G nanobots. Perfect sense, indeed.
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Detroit Lions wide receiver Chuck Hughes heart attack on field in 1971? The jab.
St. Louis Blues defenseman Chris Pronger's heart attack during a game in 1998? The jab.
Layola Marymount basketball player Hank Gathers fatal heart attack during a tournament in 1990? The jab.
Heart attacks while on field by Cameroonian footballer Marc-Vivien Foé in 2003, Hungarian striker Miklós Fehér in 2004, and Spanish mid-fielder Antonio Puerta in 2007? All jabs.

Every single player who has died of a heart attack while playing sports has died because of the jab! There is no other possible explanation! Wake up, sheeple!
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Detroit Lions wide receiver Chuck Hughes heart attack on field in 1971? The jab.
St. Louis Blues defenseman Chris Pronger's heart attack during a game in 1998? The jab.
Layola Marymount basketball player Hank Gathers fatal heart attack during a tournament in 1990? The jab.
Heart attacks while on field by Cameroonian footballer Marc-Vivien Foé in 2003, Hungarian striker Miklós Fehér in 2004, and Spanish mid-fielder Antonio Puerta in 2007? All jabs.

Every single player who has died of a heart attack while playing sports has died because of the jab! There is no other possible explanation! Wake up, sheeple!
Yeah I'm a member of a Facebook Page here called UnVaxxed Australia purely for the giggles and this is one of their latest attack strategies. Of course all those athletes that died while participating in whatever their chosen field was prior to the jab were downed by some other conspiracy.

Some of the tripe they trot out is truly incredible.
Detroit Lions wide receiver Chuck Hughes heart attack on field in 1971? The jab.
St. Louis Blues defenseman Chris Pronger's heart attack during a game in 1998? The jab.
Layola Marymount basketball player Hank Gathers fatal heart attack during a tournament in 1990? The jab.
Heart attacks while on field by Cameroonian footballer Marc-Vivien Foé in 2003, Hungarian striker Miklós Fehér in 2004, and Spanish mid-fielder Antonio Puerta in 2007? All jabs.

Every single player who has died of a heart attack while playing sports has died because of the jab! There is no other possible explanation! Wake up, sheeple!
Just to clear up some confusion that even Medscape is guilty of, heart attacks are different from cardiac arrests....but I doubt antivaxxers care about that. I've seen some using videos of people fainting from deadlifts as "evidence" of the harms of the jab.
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