Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
What the merry hell? Guy's like a five-year-old.

Besides, I thought they were supposed to have won. Who is he supposed to be fight-fight-fighting now? The lawyers?
Fight, fight, fighting to siphon every last penny & the kitchen sink out of the cult.

Got all the makings of a pump-and-dump, and I hope he does b/c his supporters definitely bought into this.

Your dad likes showing his balls out in public to minors? That tracks for Epstein's best friend.
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It's a mystery is what it is.
Sorry I can't give you an anniversary present, honey. It's almost Trump's inauguration day.
I wasn't aware giving gifts was noteworthy nor was I aware that it had 🤬 anything to do with Presidential inaugurations.

SDS - Swift Derangement Syndrone

Either they're dumber than a sack of rocks or they think their audience is dumber than a sack of rocks. Those are the only possibilities here.

I ate a whole bowl of pasta and I gained 2 pounds. Ainsley is a liar!

Either they're dumber than a sack of rocks or they think their audience is dumber than a sack of rocks. Those are the only possibilities here.

Can we have Europe's far superior public transportation too, Ainsley?

edit: I want to further point out how ludicrous Ainsley statement here is, which I think TexRex is alluding to, but not explicitly elaborating on. Her party's entire world view is centered on de-regulation and forcing other nations to accept American products. If you were to list out the core tenants of Trumpism, those two would absolutely be in the top five. The only reason that Europe still has healthy food is the deliberate rejection of those two things - stricter regulation on food, including limiting imports of our mutant food products.
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