Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
That one used a subscript i, which is weird because all legal speech is free on Elon's xdotcom.
Imagine having a Xhitter account dedicated to ogling a 17-year old. Ephebophilia alert.
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How are there so many racists?
From the outside looking in, it doesn't seem like that much of a stretch - although it is looking a bit much right now.

The USA's reputation on race externally has always been... mixed. There's always been a general feeling that "the south" is a deeply racist place, and while a lot of people don't quite get the whole "50-countries-in-an-overcoat" thing the general feeling is more that there's still this undercurrent of it across the nation as a whole - which is becoming louder and emboldened by the overt racism at the top of the power-tree.

That impression is definitely hurried along by most media we consume (we almost all read To Kill a Mockingbird in school), a lot of which likely over-eggs that particular pudding, but even notions that the Klan is still A Thing (mostly secretly, but not always) and has fingers in government (again secretly, but you wouldn't at all be surprised if you learned there were Klansmen in the state legislatures and judiciary of... certain states) despite technically being a terrorist organisation is absolute insanity to people looking at it from the outside.

Last time I went to the USA we went to Florida (for a Shuttle launch that never happened, and then Key West). It took all of about five minute of conversation for a white gentleman at a bar in the Keys to inform me that 🤬s were taking the country down the drain, especially "that 🤬 Obama" in "might as well call it the Black House". He was just that comfortable openly saying that, unprompted, to an absolute stranger (with an overtly non-local accent) who happened to be also white.

To be fair, the UK isn't exactly the Black Garden of Eden either (just look at how quickly football "fans" go to monkey chanting, even of their own players), and some other European and EU countries have a pretty piss-poor reputation too. We all have... a way to go, and I'm not sure it's going to get any better over the next hopefully at-most four years, as our kids keep getting exposed to gross influencers.
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lol. lmao.

🤣🤣 Even if this billboard existed in real life the traffic in the bottom left corner (the one without the Grok symbol) appears to be driving on the right side of the road. In Britain the right side is the wrong side.

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Another to file under: 'The Right Can't Meme'

They can't even come up with their own slogan. 'Tory Scum' is such a well known and well used phrase.