Custom VisionRacer VR3. D-box motion, Dual TH8s, Triple projection.

  • Thread starter Mayaman

The width from left to right not accounting for the curve is 96". Add the curve and it's definitely over 100" wide. :D
Thanks mayaman.

Thats only 40" wider than my triple 24" monitors and your right doesnt seem as big as it maybe looks from your photos.
^^^Easily worth the extra effort and cost. I'm a big "rig" guy. I've had them all, I've had multiple PC monitors, I've had a 110" curved screen, I've done Head mounted Displays, basically if its been out the last 25 years, I've tried it.

This is easily the best I've ever tried. The most immersive. I can't even fathom this with Dbox, I would probably lose my job.

I know you're headed this way so enjoy, you're going to love it. And to be honest, it wasn't really that hard at all. Just patience lining up the projectors correctly. :)
Mayaman, awesome projection screen.👍

I've been considering a triple monitor setup to use with my PC racing sims.

Not knowing much about it, I have a question. When the image gets stretched over three screens, does it crop off the upper and lower portions of the image. Or does it distort or squeeze the image to fill the screen.

It looks like triples would be a great immersive addition to my setup. Although having never used one I'm wondering if it's more a visual eye candy thing rather than something that would improve my lap times. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking triples, I'll do anything that helps me get faster, and I need a lot of help.:sly:
If your using PC you set the resolution the projector can work with.
Their is no false stretching of a single image or distortion. Of course with PC you have much more control and a PC will typically combine the resolution of the 3x displays and use it as a single display resolution output. Its the same principle as multimonitor setups. You will find many examples on the internet or on youtube even with RPG or FPS games.

With the consoles you have each console outputting as normal again with no distortion but you only have very minimal setup settings and within the very few supported games.

One of the biggest upgrades any sim can have is using multiscreen display of some type.
It completely enchances the experience over a single typical screen.

Check out this...
He's using three projectors.


Mr Latte.
If your using PC you set the resolution the projector can work with.
Their is no false stretching of a single image or distortion. Of course with PC you have much more control and a PC will typically combine the resolution of the 3x displays and use it as a single display resolution output. Its the same principle as multimonitor setups. You will find many examples on the internet or on youtube even with RPG or FPS games.

With the consoles you have each console outputting as normal again with no distortion but you only have very minimal setup settings and within the very few supported games.

One of the biggest upgrades any sim can have is using multiscreen display of some type.
It completely enchances the experience over a single typical screen.

Thanks for the info Mr Latte.

The projector setup looks like the best way to go. I would need 3 projectors (about 1,500.00) a SLI motherboard and additional graphics card, plus the cost of building the screen and stand. 2,000.00 is a good estimate I would think.

I better start saving my pennies.:sly:
You don't need more than one graphics card. I have this running off a single GTX580 connected to a matrox Triple Head 2 Go digital edition. There is no fake stretching, you get literally double the viewable area as a person with a single screen.

Again, I can't really explain in words how much different it is to play with a 180 degree field of view. I was playing Alien vs. Predator last night and its just literally another game. To sound cliched, you're in the game, its incredible. Triple 26" monitors are nice but the bezels kill it for me. At triple 46" with no bezels you're looking at almost 100% peripheral vision coverage. That is was gives you an incredible sense of speed when in cockpit view.

I'll be posting detailed pics of the finished setup tonight with some how to's over tonight and tomorrow. Total project cost including the VR3, Triple monitor stand, projectors, consoles, misc was about 3,700 dollars. But I spent extra money I didn't have to because I'm a perfectionist. If you can do it, by all means do it, your gaming will be transformed. Not just driving games, but flying games, FPS shooters, adventure games, hell even Grand Theft Auto IV on this was amazing.

Word of warning though, once you do it a single display sucks. I'm not exaggerating. I went back to my 67" LED LCD last night to play some Halo Anniversary and even at that size I just felt like I was inhibited in view. :P
You don't need more than one graphics card. I have this running off a single GTX580 connected to a matrox Triple Head 2 Go digital edition. There is no fake stretching, you get literally double the viewable area as a person with a single screen.

Again, I can't really explain in words how much different it is to play with a 180 degree field of view. I was playing Alien vs. Predator last night and its just literally another game. To sound cliched, you're in the game, its incredible. Triple 26" monitors are nice but the bezels kill it for me. At triple 46" with no bezels you're looking at almost 100% peripheral vision coverage. That is was gives you an incredible sense of speed when in cockpit view.

I'll be posting detailed pics of the finished setup tonight with some how to's over tonight and tomorrow. Total project cost including the VR3, Triple monitor stand, projectors, consoles, misc was about 3,700 dollars. But I spent extra money I didn't have to because I'm a perfectionist. If you can do it, by all means do it, your gaming will be transformed. Not just driving games, but flying games, FPS shooters, adventure games, hell even Grand Theft Auto IV on this was amazing.

Word of warning though, once you do it a single display sucks. I'm not exaggerating. I went back to my 67" LED LCD last night to play some Halo Anniversary and even at that size I just felt like I was inhibited in view. :P

I'm currently running an Asus ENGTX460 DirectCU TOP/2DI/1GD5 graphics card with a non SLI MB.

If I'm understanding you correctly, all I need to do is connect my current card to the Matrox unit, and the 3 projectors connect to the Matrox also. If that's correct I would most likely go that route vs. a new SLI MB and additional graphics card.
Yes, as long as your card is powerful enough, which anything released the last year or two should be OK, you need the Graphics card, a Matrox Triple head to go Digital edition, and three projectors.

I'm editing my video now. :D
Here is the finished setup. I am taking video but for some reason any video I shoot is super low res. the iphone is supposed to have a decent camera. Bah.

Anyway, here is my finished man cave and rig. To say its unbelievably fun is an understatement. I am really surprised how well the Yamaha sound bar sounds.

enjoy. Let me know if you have any questions about any of the stuff in these photos and I'll try to help.








Very impressive setup Mayaman.

After seeing this you've got me wanting to experience it also.

I was planning to mod my VR3 for motion using the SimExperience controller box and actuators, but I might do this first.

I have some questions about the projector monopods your using?
1) What brand are they, or did you use a tripod head and make the stand yourself.
2) I have some concerns about the height of the projectors. I'm fairly tall at 6'5" and the projectors will have to point downward at a rather steep angle to clear my head. Do you see this as a problem?
The monopods are tripod gimbals mounted in chrome heavy duty closet poles. You can find them at Home Depot, $23 each.

If you're that tall I'd recommend going with full size projectors mounted on the ceiling or full size projectors mounted on PYLE speaker stands as the Qumi's one weekness is limited keystone. Works perfect for me but I'm only 5'10".

As for motion, don't get the triple stand. It's connected to the rig and will move when you move the rig, thereby not having the projection surface in line with the projectors. If you're going to mod the rig for a Frex type motion I think that would be ok as it only moves the seat.

My advice is plan, plan and then plan some more. I'm finished after three weeks of non stop corrections, cancelations, restarts. As you're building your rig you always run into hurdles, it's part of the fun of building a rig.

I'd say I'm pretty much done now. Only thing I want to add is a couple of transducers and at some point replace the Wilsonart screens with lightweight 3M Vicuiti panels. Also getting the TH8 H pattern shifter with USB converter to play Forza. There is a gentleman on GTPlanet who makes a converter so you can use it in any game. :D

There are tons of little touches to this rig, too many to list. One I'm proud of is the buttkicker mount. The buttkicker control box is under my seat and reachable during play. Just reach between my legs and adjust as needed.

Also, for anyone with G27 pedals, the Perfect Pedal is brilliant. Along with Nixm clutch mod, and clutch swap mod, I'm loving them. Check out the SimSport G27 aluminum pedal mount, it's what I'm using here. Rock solid and you can adjust the pedals any way you want, even inverted. Like these better than my Clubsports.

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That's the best VR3 triple screen setup I've seen... simply stunning, do you have any videos with this thing in action.
I do but they are coming out all blurry. I don't understand. I'm going to use my old 8mm camcorder to see if I can get better results. I thought the iphone had a good video camera.
I've said it before and will say it again, that is a god damn freaking awsome rig!!!
Wonderful work! :) :) :)
Really want to see a video of that thing in action (or thing, i bet you named it by now...! :) ).
Excellent, nice to see more of this and that your getting to enjoy it mate. Well done for all your effort and sharing this with us.

The screens look mint, why the need to change them? Shame about the 'cheap plastic' wheel your using though. :)

Yamaha soundbar is a good idea for a cockpit, which model is it?
Would love to see you get GT5 in triples going too.

Why the heck are you using Matrox THTG. Isn't that now outdated with the new GFX cards?
Hey Latte thanks,

The screens look awesome, but the Vicuiti material will allow me the advantage of playing with the lights on the same as with the lights off. Thats the magic of that material. You get no brightness loss in direct ambient light. :embarrassed: Super expensive though so I have to save up for a couple months as three 46" panels is going to cost me $1600.

The Yamaha is the Yamaha YHT-494BL, love it.

I am playing GT5 Latte, I just didn't take a pic ;) I've got GT5, Forza, and all my PC sims running triple screen. The triple head 2 go is obsolete? :P I'm using the TH2GO because I use my PC for other things on a KVM and didn't want to use all my outputs. Its a GTX580. Plus, the setup on the TH2GO was super easy and clean. Either way would have worked.

As for the wheel, my TurboS has served me well and soon my CSR Elite will serve me better.
Ok good, I think your crazy spending that type of money on screen material.
I'd personally of upped to higher end projectors instead.

We all have our ways of doing things though.
As for the wheel comment, I think you missed the sly joke in that and recent things elsewhere.
Did you just say your Fanatec wheel is working well, gees wow! :sly:

Great rig and hope it inspires many others.
LOL I got the joke, I know the hatred toward Fanatec here. *shrugs shoulders*

Anyway, believe it or not the Projectors image is great and the scaler is one of the better ones I've seen. 1080p content looks fabulous. Also, the size of the projectors is important for my rig. I cannot use full size projectors because of the ceiling fan, and I wanted a clean appearance. Maybe in a future iteration of the rig I'll go full size 1080p projectors but more than likely I'll just wait till the Qumi 1080p projectors become available in the next couple of years.
Wow! That setup and man cave is amazing!!! Congratulations on an awsome build! Now you need to take some HQ video of yourfself driving like this guy did:

Yeah, that is where I originally started. I have the same effect basically but my camera is complete ass compared to his. All my videos are blurry, I don't understand I'm adjusting focus. Ugh.

He has a slight advantage in keystoning as he is using larger home theater projectors and they aren't behind him. The keystoning is better on those. I will have to buy a new camera to take videos.
Wow! That setup and man cave is amazing!!! Congratulations on an awsome build! Now you need to take some HQ video of yourfself driving like this guy did:

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

That's a awesome setup he's got there I just like watching these vids of the proper racing simulators which I had one of these
Soundbars were something that caught my eye. More so for parts. I would prob rip the thing apart and wire the speakers so they could sit where they are supposed to.

Although the sony surround set i have ( bravia 5.1 5 disc) has come down to the sub 200$ range. May just pick ine of those up for my eventual build. Speakers are fairly small and would be easy to remove fron the housings and remount as needed.