Custom VisionRacer VR3. D-box motion, Dual TH8s, Triple projection.

  • Thread starter Mayaman
I dont think I've seen a pic of yours with D-box does it fit in with the rig? I assume it doesn't move the screen mounts?

Please tell me about these angles :sly: just a pointer as to what angles we're actually talking about.
Guys, about angles: I see Mayman mention 47 degress or so, and Latte you said you believe you'd go for about 50.

Latte- have you mocked that up with the short throw Optoma's yet on an angle? I see your test pics show them in a straight line. In my build, I found the Optomas wouldn't work placement-wise unless I made the angles shallower. My center screen is going across a corner (my center projector is rear projected.) So if the side screens were parallel to the basement walls that would be about 45 degrees, but that doesn't work with these projectors and where my seat is placed. Particularly on the left side. Since the lens on the Optoma is on the left, for me to center the image on a screen angled over 40 degrees or so, I'd need to have the body of the projector in my seat.

Remember, these are fixed throw distance projectors (no zoom), and do not have horizontal keystone correction, so the lens needs to be square to the center of the screen (a few inches below the bottom of the image, or above if you're inverting.) So what works in my case placement wise is a much shallower angle. I got a cheap angle protractor @ HD the other day and it looks to measure about 35 degrees. Any more raked in and I don't have room to place the projector.

See the attached mock-up pic. Note this was using two Qumi's (like Mayman) for the sides, which I've since returned. I could not get them to match in colors or brightness the center Optoma (which since it's rear projected, needed to be a short-throw, unavailable w/ a Qumi.)

Anyway, if you look at the pick, to the left of the seat bolster, and I mean DIRECTLY to the left, is where the Optoma short throw projector has to sit. (I'm thinking of building a small mount attached to the floor and covering it with a protective surface which will also be a hand-hold to get in and out and maybe keyboard placement.) If you see in the pic with the lights on (ignore the "in-progress" mess please!), between the aluminum pole at the rear left of the seat and the front left of the seat is where the Optoma will fit, jammed right up against the seat (fortunately it vents heat out the front, not sides or rear.) In fact if you look to the right of the seat- see the PC tower w/ keyboard? The 3rd Optoma is sitting on that PC now for testing and aligns with that screen. You may notice the tiny Qumi projector behind the seat at the very bottom of the pic. These have quite a bit further throw distance than the Optoma, and were also in my walking path into/out of this area of the basement.

So if I angle the screen in more, the Optoma needs to sit IN the seat to have the lens close to the horizontal center, so that doesn't work. I already sit very close so I can't move the seat enough closer to fit the projector behind the seat, so this is what I'm moving forward with. (By the way, ignore the color and contrast mismatch in this pic- part of that is glare my camera phone got from the center screen, and they blend much better with three similar projectors now anyway.)

So my question relates to the angle adjustment in Forza multiscreen settings vs. actual physical screen angles. I believe in the pic attached I had all three consoles set to about 50 degrees. I notice when you go low, like in the high 30s- low 40s, it affects the total field of view, in effect zooming in so you see less of the steering wheel and cockpit. I prefer it as shown, where (if you can tell), the actual wheel I use is lined up with the on-screen wheel, and I'm looking at the gauges through the opening in the real wheel, like the LCD in this prototype car in the pic. If I set the angles closer to what is reality in my case (35 or so), then the LCD gauges on this screen are cut off and not show almost at all. So I wonder how this "angle" setting really works in FM4? Would I have an easier time aligning all the objects if it matched my real angles. If so, is there a way to zoom out still to have more FOV so I see the lower part of the cockpit? Or wonder what would happen if I set the center screen's console for something like this in the mid-high 40's (to see all the gauges), but then entered a different value closer to real angles for the side screens' consoles? That probably would make objects in the side screens larger/more zoomed in, which wouldn't work. Urgh, it would be nice if you could change these settings on the fly to see instead of having to restart the game every time.

Anyway, I'll do some more pics and experimentation when I get a chance. A bit burned out from working on it a lot during the holiday and I just want to get it done!
Oh its moving the screen mounts LOL. I've created larger screens to compensate.

And mimav is right, its why I didn't use the short throw projectors, they would literally have to be in my lap to get the image I wanted. For my purposes the Qumi's fit the bill. I'll upgrade in a few years.
lol..I'm looking really hard but cannot see any pics :ill:

My projectors have lens shift, good throw, zoom and keystone :) none of which are gonna help me if someone doesn't give me the slightest hint as to where you are taking these angles from :D
I really hope I'm not being completely stupid :crazy:
Just a quick post had to skim over the last few so will come back later.

I know D-Box can be a great experience, Stega told me about them and their "Tactile" last year. So I knew about that, sorry if it seems I'm downplaying them I reckon it would be great but even moving arcade machines I wasn't so taken with them.

From a simulation perspective I dont think they properly convey G-force loads and some maybe just add that extra dimension of entertainment. We have a £90,000 6DOF simulator available to use 2-3 miles away at a local Karting business. Fun yes but not something that personally appealed to me that much.

Great that Mayaman your enjoying the investment though.

I've yet to do positions for my PJs. I reckon I will be ceiling mounting them with a telescopic fitting. May mount the middle one in some way onto the cockpit in front of the wheel section. Then have a different ceiling mount further back for the 110" 16:9 Yet to decide and tests will need done.

Back again later.
lol..I'm looking really hard but cannot see any pics :ill:

My projectors have lens shift, good throw, zoom and keystone :) none of which are gonna help me if someone doesn't give me the slightest hint as to where you are taking these angles from :D
I really hope I'm not being completely stupid :crazy:

You mean you couldn't see my pics of my rig in progress? I can see two on my browser. Anyway, I got this little angle measure from Home Depot, and placed one end of the ruler on the center screen and the other on the side screen where it joins the center screen to come up with the 30-something degrees my setup is currently.
I'll be taking my setup for a test drive this evening as I know have everything...I just want to experience it for a bit before I crack on and finish the room with the 'normal' stuff like new ceiling light, blackout blind etc.

On a positive note, I did buy 2 giant chequered flags :D to give the room a 'race' theme ;)
Yeah Latte, I guess the movement isn't for everyone and its never going to be a 1:1 for the real thing. But having been sim racing for a really long time, just in the short amount of time I spent with it yesterday I already know its something I'm going to love forever.

I was driving and not only would you get the tactile feedback from the steering, inertia, and what not but also road bumps, the transmission clunk, even little things on the road like pebbles and stuff. It was really amazing. It adds to your awareness on the track. Thats all I can say, it really pulls you in.

steve, like mike said get a little angle ruler from Home Depot, thats what I did. Works great. right now I'm running 45 degrees.
lol...well angles and everything else went out the window as I got home, quick fixed the 3rd screen/projector and spent the last 2 hours racing and fell in love :D
I will have to do things properly...but after a few minutes I felt everything I wanted to..and that's without any tactile hooked up.

I'm just gonna have some fun tonight then tomorrow evening I'll get cracking on. I ordered screen material which should arrive tomorrow then I'll be deciding what and how I'm going to do the screen/s.
Remember, take your time and have fun with it. It can get frustrating at times but its worth it. Get some pizza and bear and make a night of it. :)
Anyone have a clue what if any effect/alignment issues I'll see when running an actual angle of 30-something degrees (for the reasons discussed above), but leave settings in Forza for more like 45-50 degrees so I can see the field of view I want from the cockpit cam?
Anyone have a clue what if any effect/alignment issues I'll see when running an actual angle of 30-something degrees (for the reasons discussed above), but leave settings in Forza for more like 45-50 degrees so I can see the field of view I want from the cockpit cam?

The options are very basic unfortunately.
Trial and error mainly but your seating position is the key.

The purpose of the software settings is to match the angle to the approx physical angle. However altering this can alter the ingame FOV and too much is crazy just as too little is much too close to the steering wheel ingame. Bigger screens may need canted in more to suit your FOV, all this is down to personal taste and your preferred FOV in accordance to your seating position.

I have yet to try FM4 on the projectors (been borrowing a mates for the 3rd recently ref GT5 tests)
GT5 has more options in the multiscreen setup but I am not certain how well FM4 will match up, depending on the hidden border settings etc. If their is an issue with zero border then images will appear to jump in scale between screens and not have a smooth transition unless a physical border is created.

Mayaman is your alignment pretty much perfect in FM4?
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I stopped playing at around 2am as I had work this morning but without an angle finder (B&Q dont sell them believe it or not) I got fairly close, certainly close enough to keep me going last night. Currently at 52 degrees in game..

My screen material should be here today so I'll be stopping at B&Q on my way home and grabbing some wood and hopefully knock some frames up this weekend.
I still haven't decided whether to mount the screens on the rig frame, as it has a centre screen mount anyway, or on the wall. I'm drawn to mount on the wall as I dont want the screens to move if there's any frame movement/vibration through tactile or FFB etc. It also makes a difference to screen size etc. Last night I had the mock up screens on the frame mount and 46" would be too big for me, wall mounting would move them back approx 10"-12" so I need to work out which way I'm going to do it :nervous:

I also messed around with an earthquake miniquake and wanted to throw it in the bin :D but that's because I was lazy and mounted it to a flimsy piece of sheet metal and then the frame base.
I guess what I should be doing is mounting it to the seat frame and then isolating the seat from the frame with some kind of rubber grommeting..??
I dont want to go 'tactile' in a big way yet as I've gone from playing with a wheelstand to a full rig in just 10 days and it's hurting my wallet a bit :D

I am reading lots of the threads on here and picking up plenty of tips :) Just wish I hadn;t seen the TH8RS stuff ;)
OKay and I just had a look, got me worried...

FM4 supports 0 Degrees for border (at least it says it does) but a min of 30 for the angle.
First thing you want to do is get it so no jump in scale with the border between screens.

Also just buy a protractor, will let you know your physical angle to the center screen.

I think particulary in FM4 once you go tactile but see the benefits of at least stereo tactile then it becomes tempting to add more. Havnt used my tactile in sometime with everything dismantled and temp setup with room.

For the life of me I cannot remember the settings I had with my monitors and FM4. I do still think that a FOV around 50 or so gives a nice realistic seating position within the games FOV for the cockpits. Mess around with this value and it drastically alters what you see and your view is ingame.
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OKay and I just had a look, got me worried...

FM4 supports 0 Degrees for border (at least it says it does) but a min of 30 for the angle.
First thing you want to do is get it so no jump in scale with the border between screens.

Also just buy a protractor, will let you know your physical angle to the center screen.

I think particulary in FM4 once you go tactile but see the benefits of at least stereo tactile then it becomes tempting to add more. Havnt used my tactile in sometime with everything dismantled and temp setup with room.

I went to Rymans and bought a protractor this morning ;) I've drawn a quick sketch up and rightly enough my screens look to be around the 50degree at least I can get more accurate later and move the projectors themselves.

I spent last few months playing FM4 in move room with wheelstand and 3 miniquakes on back of movie seats and the effects were awesome so I do want something...just think I'll end up changing my cockpit before long ;)
Ive not tried the miniquake did read on AVF they were pretty good and much easier to run than the older models.

Having stereo and then include another solely for LFE effects is real nice.

I think my own installation with PJs going to the ceiling/mount is going to be quite a lot of work getting things perfect within a mil or so.
Mayaman..I'm really sorry for encroaching on your thread but it's a bit late to start my own :ill:

Anyway..disaster struck this evening when one of the 360's got the dreaded red lights :( I guess I'll have to grab a slim tomorrow.

That aside, I've spent ages wondering the best way to mount the screens. Do I wall mount or mount using the mounting bracket on the cockpit. The problem with mounting on the cockpit is that the FFB of the wheel and pedals together with the rumble fo the miniquake mean the screens may move albeit only a small amount. idea came to me while looking through the argos catalogue :D I picked up 2 black bookcases which are 32" high, which just happens to be the perfect height for resting the screens on. Naturally I'll make them secure and tidy but I also benefit of having shelves for front speakers and a good place to hide cabling etc. It also means I can look at my plan of having another seat for flight sims maybe..and just sliding the seats out intact and swapping them in a matter of seconds.


Definitely mount them on the wall. :) What are you using for screens?

Thats gonna be awesome dude!

I bought some screen material and will be 'finally' making the screens on Monday evening. I'm glad I waited cos having them on the wall means they'll be a different size ;) I think I'll be looking at 42"..still working on that :D

This evening I concentrated on hiding cables from the frame so added some conduit etc..

drilling the rear speaker frame to hide the speaker cables..

10m of conduit was around £10 from B&Q


Conduit and 'T' piece to route cables between power, pedals, shifter and wheel :)

Shifter is now tidier
Lol I told you it would be awesome. IMO nothing beats triple projection for immersion and quality of the racing experience. Nice job.
I might have already asked this before, but what projection blending software are you guys using? I've looked at programs like NThusim but don't want to spend $500, there is Immersion Display Lite 2 for about $50, but I can't find out if it works correctly with iRacing.
I might have already asked this before, but what projection blending software are you guys using? I've looked at programs like NThusim but don't want to spend $500, there is Immersion Display Lite 2 for about $50, but I can't find out if it works correctly with iRacing.

I'm only using Xbox 360's at the moment but once I'm finished I'll be putting my PC in there for racers and possibly flight stuff..then I'm sure I'll have to look at what options there are regarding blending etc.
You don't need blending software with three screens. Blending software is only needed if you're using a curved screen. So don't worry about it. You can run any size screen in this configuration without worries of blending since they are all flat images.

I think people are over estimating this. This is super simple to do, doesn't require blending software. All you need is elbow grease, a little extra coin for the three projectors, and a little space. Hell you can use cheap materials for the screens. Very easy and WAY better than any one screen, I don't care how big the single screen is. I went from a 110" single screen to my setup and I wouldn't go back.
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Not trying to start anything here just that your current setups 3 46" screens right? Went from 110" screen, if my math is correct you currently have 138" of screen. So you have went to a bigger screen. Not that triple isnt better, but you have also went bigger. Just something i noticed. My question with triple projection is how are you guys keeping the projectors from being moved? You know getting bumped into, wife deciding to dust or just a drunk buddy bumps them. Seems like it takes alot of time to get them lined up. Maybe some yellow caution tape. 💡