Custom VisionRacer VR3. D-box motion, Dual TH8s, Triple projection.

  • Thread starter Mayaman
...last night we made the screens..and failed :( I dont have a problem trying again, I'm sure I have enough material or I may even go for MDF panels and paint them. I'm not going to rush now as I have plenty to do :)

This evening I started sorting the cabling and added a 4th xbox. I setup a 15.6" LED screen for rear view mirror, which was a bargain at £50. I'm not sure where the 4th screen is going to go yet but I just wanted to try it out :)




Steve, can you show me a pic of your projector mounts? That first pic, it seems kind of off a little. Are you having issues? Also, remember to make sure that each projector is setup the exact same way. When I first started I couldn't get the images to line up after a few hours I realized I was a dummy and had the projectors set up with different aspect ratios and different color gamuts.

I know this sounds obvious but sometimes you accidentally set the projectors different trying out different things.
The projectors are setup identically. The lens is exact same distance from relevant screen so the amount of zoom required is also identical. The only thing that's used is lens shift which shouldn't mess with the image. No keystone being used and I used a laser level from each projector.
I used lens shift to allow the projectors to be at slightly different heights so they didn't cause each other to overheat.
I had a great play tonight after getting most of the cabling hidden. I've started again with angles and gone through 45 -48 tonight and getting close.
OK cool, I think its because your projectors are so much brighter than mine :P

Oh and don't feel bad about making screens. I went though screens five times before I got a satisfactory result. That 5 x 3. Yikes.

So you're loving it right? Much better than a single screen.
I am lovin' it a lot mate..and all I'm doing is quick races in different cars to see what they feel like.
I also think I've decided to get the Thrustmaster shifter and an interfaceone 👍
lol..just ordered it, now to hassle interfaceone ;)
I better hit the bed as it's 2.30am and I have to be up in 5 hours for work :D

Thanks for the continued encouragement mate 👍
Wow, respect.
This is really a nice setup 👍👍👍
I'm just starting, but with enough time and cash I hope to be there in a year maybe.

One question I have. Seems you are using the CSR-E with the Thurstmaster shifter, does it work on XBOX360??? PC and PS3 I think shouldn't be a problem.

Sorry if that's a little off topic, but seems you're the expert ;)
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Spike you need the interface one board. Works on all three, anything the CSR E works with.

Paskowitz, I believe I'm up to around 5k or more. The equipment (chassis, screen mounts, dbox, projectors, 360s, ps3s came out to around 5k.
lol...after days and days of frustration trying to work out these angles, tonight (well morning as it's 3.30am) I realised that the game is still expecting a screen bezel even when degrees hidden is zero :s No wonder it never looked right no matter what angle I was at :/
It lines up perfectly at every angle if i create a bezel by zooming each projector out. On 38" screens it's getting around 1" bezel on every side :(
Ummmm, no way dude. I'm telling you something has to be iffy on your setup. It lines up perfectly for me, as if it was a seamless display. I'm trying to think why you're having a problem. Maybe drop your angle to 35 degrees.

There're should be no bezel. Did you buy the angle calculator? It's just a small ruler with a pivoting arm. Since you're mounted on the wall you're at 45 degrees.

Also, make absolutely sure each Xbox is set to the same resolution. I had one that was set to 1080 and the others were 720.

Other than that make sure no zoom is enabled on the projectors, same resolution and settings. There should be no bezel. Post your Xbox Forza settings here.
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Something that I have learned. Next time I upgrade projectors (once 1080p 120hz is cheap) I'm getting a projector with lens shift. Even if I have to spend more money for each projector, lens shift would make everything so much easier.

I sat there staring at 3 of the Panasonic AR100's sitting in my online shopping cart for about an hour last night. I've had two Panasonic projectors before with lens shift and it was incredible. But I don't want to give up 120hz.
Yeah lens shift would be cool for sure. I'm using pocket projectors with zero adjustability except keystone and am getting a perfectly seamless and proportional image. He's using full size projectors, there has to be a incorrect setting in the mix.
dont give up on me mate :sly:

It's baffling me. I'm not stupid and dont have any mental blocks when to comes to games/projectors.
I had a quick look before coming to work. All Xboxes are set at 720p, all display settings are matched (HDMI colorspace, display discovery off etc etc)
I'm running 4 machines, 2 are 250gb s, 1 red elite and 1 black elite. All using HDMI.
Main 360 runs through my receiver, other direct to PJs.
The PJs are also matched in settings. All set to Aspect ratio 16:9, no added keystone etc etc.
I tried with and without any zoom on all PJs./ Zoom shouldnt matter of course as the image border tells me the PJs are lined up perfectly so whatever I get with no zoom should match the same as if all 3 are zoomed max.
I've put lens shift on all at far left and bottom on all PJs but again that shouldn't matter.
The screens are at 45 degrees as the centre screen cosses 'dead centre' on the room corner and sides are flat against the wall. The PJs are lined up with each screen with no skew at all (using a laser level)

It almost feels like the game is expecting a bezel or things I'm asking for one..but all games are same version, all discs installed and all Forza settings are '0' degrees hidden, '45' degrees between screens.

I know it may sound crazy, but if i do create a bezel the screens/image is perfect (albeit with bezels lol). I can get the image to be almost perfectly lined up but that doesn't stop objects delaying (effectively crossing the bezel) which in turn means things dont line up when moving/corners etc.

My thinking is that if there were any settings issues the cars would still cross the 'joins' properly, alebit look a bit silly :D

So my dilemma remains.
I just wanted to add that this is why I was getting confused previously as in the 'official multiscreen' setup thread on the official forums where the poster said the angle of screens was what you 'WANT' and not the actual screen angles...if I create a bezel it really doesn't look like it matters what angle I have it at.
Don't settle for a bezel.

Bezel=Devil :D

I can't troubleshoot this for you as I never set it up with 3 Xbox's before, but it must be something small, a setting you are forgetting somewhere or something like that.

Step back, take a breath, go back to the beginning and set up everything again. Make sure all settings are correct. Do a Google search (might take a while to dig through the results) to see if someone else has experienced this problem before.

You'll get it figured out, you just need to set your frustration aside for now and really focus. Good luck!
thanks mate
I think tonight I may uninstall everything and start again with just the discs. I picked up copies of Forza 3 so may even give that a go.
Fortunately it's such a lush game I know it'll be worth it :)

Overscan...absolute rubbish overscan setting on the projector which obviously masked the image. I had done factory resets on all projectors and they'd set to Overscan settiong of '0' which naturally I assumed would be completely image processing free but changing them to 10 (max) the masked image appeared..

Hey presto it is jaw dropping.

I dont know if I feel silly or not but as you can imagine it's a massive weight off my mind and now I can crack on and get the room finished properly.

Thanks for not giving up chaps :D
Update for you guys. When I originally started this venture I did so because of videos this from Yksimtoo, he has a giant 12foot wide screen using Warpalizer screen blending software, his results are the best you're ever going to see.

What I've wanted for my VR3 is a scaled down version of this. But I had a hurdle, the PS3 and Xbox don't support any screen warping software, hence the images would be distorted. But I've come up with a solution. Enter Northern Flight Sims He makes custom extreme FOV screens for the flight sim community. I've contracted custom screens from him that are faceted for PS3/Xbox, with special mounts that allow me to slide my polycarbonate curved screen right over it so I can play PC games using Warpalizer for edge blending.

I'm psyched that he accepted this challenge and let me clear my final hurdle to having both PC and console displays on one unit. Should be three weeks till they're ready. I'll post video of both modes when I have them mounted. If you need screens give Art at northern an email, he's a super nice guy. It's good to support small companies like these that make custom stuff for our hobby.
Don't know really, never considered ceiling mounts. I'm now changing my mount again. Since getting the Dbox, I'm having so much fun with it. But I've decided I want the projectors to move with the screen, not that its such a big deal but I'm picky.

Sooooo, tonight I'm designing a seat mounted system for all three projectors. Also placing the order for my three new screens from Northern Flight Sim. Gonna be sweet.
I'm also thinking of triple screens, however prices of projectors are putting me off right now. I want full 1080p HD, with a relatively low price.

On the monitor side I found a pretty nice one. Small Bezel, cheap, 1080p HD, looks good.
I'm also thinking of triple screens, however prices of projectors are putting me off right now. I want full 1080p HD, with a relatively low price.

On the monitor side I found a pretty nice one. Small Bezel, cheap, 1080p HD, looks good.

24" is not big enough :dopey:. And bezels.....

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