Cutting corners in Indy

  • Thread starter mcDeviLL
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Great job guys! Congrats on Taking Care of Business and getting them to take notice. You should all be very proud! Except for the cheaters of course. To bad they wern't shown the door.

Now lets see you guys get busy. Cant wait to watch this battle.

And as always, Go TRC!
GT Academy
GT Academy Round 2-1 Course Change Notice

Last Updated : Feb 02, 2011

We have discovered that in the 2nd round of GT Academy, faster lap times can be achieved by cutting corners on one of the courses - Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course.

To be fair to all participants in the competition, we have chosen a different course for Round 2-1. The rankings for Round 2-1 and the Total Rankings have been reset, following this change. The end date of the competition will remain the same (Feb 6).

We truly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused all of you who are participating in Round 2. We hope you continue to enjoy GT Academy.
👎 👎

Scrap the whole event or don't start mid way.
It good that they change the track but keeping the date the same is kinda pushing there. Cause they should have added a few extra days on it just because it will give people better chance to put up better times and those who didn't cheat a better shot
This is WAY better than the cheating...

However, now we all have a very long, challenging course to learn - good luck to all with the new circuit.

...and I was actually getting pretty good at Indy. I was putting together splits to hit 1:05.5's...

Great work everyone at GTP!

Any bets going down on how long it will take people to exploit this track?

I doubt there will be anything like Indy, probably more like Cape Ring. Either way, I'm not going to spend a lot of time. I'm going to try to put up a top 5 time in the Northeast and just leave it. There are other better courses to drive/learn.

Also, despite what everyone said about round 2 heating up, I've been convinced this will be the LEAST heated round. There's the least on the line in this round. Top 16 is fairly competitive, but not nearly as much as top 8 so the top guys won't have a ton of trouble getting a good spot. Unlike round 1, there's no cash prizes on the line so top 16 is just as good as top 1.
Yeah, top 16 will all get the same prize so I think people are just going to do enough to advance. I'm fairly confident my time will hold up for top 16 in the West so I'm done with this round. Round 3 will be intense!
Yeah Eifel is like Cape Ring in a sense, you can run wide into the grass on some turns and not get penalized for it. But yeah, props to PD/Sony for removing Indy, even though I still think they are boneheads and couldve avoided this mess. I dont plan on making it past this round, but its nice to know I'll be beaten by people who are legitimately faster than me. GL!
Yeah, top 16 will all get the same prize so I think people are just going to do enough to advance. I'm fairly confident my time will hold up for top 16 in the West so I'm done with this round. Round 3 will be intense!

It shouldn't be too intense for you... Seriously, you didn't have much trouble getting a top 1 or 2 spot in the West in round 1.👍 Why would you think that 7-8 other guys would beat you out?

In the Northeast it will be pretty intense - from all those charts you could see that the top 10 are all pretty ridiculous. Zissou, 3wide, Fix, Eers, z06fun, and others like Forcednduckshn (sp...?) are going to make it a true fight for spots.
only good news i've gotten this morning.
now i just need my fever to break.
SO HAPPY they got rid of this garbage!!!

Though I must admit, it's a shame they did not DQ the cheaters entirely. Oh well, at least we can just work them the old fashioned way:tup:
In the Northeast it will be pretty intense - from all those charts you could see that the top 10 are all pretty ridiculous. Zissou, 3wide, Fix, Eers, z06fun, and others like Forcednduckshn (sp...?) are going to make it a true fight for spots.

Thanks for the kudos blindside:tup: It is going to be a battle for sure! You've proven to be at the pointy end of the field for the whole competition and I expect you in Orlando right now along with Fix, Appalachian, EErs4Yrs and a few others. I see positions 5 through 8 being separated by thousandths come the conclusion of round 3. It will be whoever wants it bad enough I think. I think I'll be OK for top 16 in RD 2 without much of a problem, but boy oh boy is round 3 going to be nuts!!!
Just logged a couple laps on the new Eifel 102A (I think that's the name) and let me be the first to say DAMN THOSE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED RUMBLE STRIPS! (Okay, probably not the first)

I'm so used to seeing strategically place rumble strips ala circuits IRL. Now I see the rumble strips at Eifel and, without having memorized the track yet, use those to line up for the apex only to find they are utterly useless and mainly exist only for show which results in me unintentionally mowing that pretty green grass. On the subject of pretty grass, does this circuit have some great scenery or what?!

That being said, I think this was a great choice over Indy. Being a fantasy circuit, it eliminates the advantage of having previous experience on the track. Not to mention, the length and difficulty of this circuit is really going to bring out the top drivers. So long, cheaters :) I don't expect to make the cut, but that isn't going to stop me from giving my best!

Edit: And can I also say, damn those fake tire marks! Always right down the middle of the track and it throws me off every time. Seems like a feature PD included for added realism, but having no tire marks at all is more realistic than having tire marks down the center of the track, IMO.
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I guess they either couldn't find a way to patch Indy or didn't want to look at all the replays to DQ people who cheated.

Sounds like this new track is much longer. Can't wait to hit it tonight!
I guess they either couldn't find a way to patch Indy or didn't want to look at all the replays to DQ people who cheated.

Sounds like this new track is much longer. Can't wait to hit it tonight!

Either way it's been fixed :) Good luck everyone!
Also this nullifies any advantage that people may have had because they ran indy last year. I couldn't be happier :D
Well if they had a decent system like the penalty triangle (cant remember the exact name for it) in FORZA 3 - they would have had less of an issue.

This could have been avoided
Also this nullifies any advantage that people may have had because they ran indy last year. I couldn't be happier :D

Advantage or not, I hate that track anyways.

Guess I have a new track to learn when I get home from work. :scared:
Great to see Sony/PD stepping up and dealing with this so quickly. Just a pain for me to learn a new track as I only have two days left to work on my times. I leave fri morning till sun night and on top of that this week is super busy....I get maybe 1hr per night if I'm lucky. With my schedule I don't see making the next round, shame but it was fun regardless.
This is good news. At least the wrong people aren't going to be 2-3 seconds ahead of fast/clean drivers for no reason. I'll learn another track in a heartbeat to have most of those "top guys" put back in their place.
You guys are gonna love this, more mowing on eifel, this is just hilarious

Ya, you can go long on a couple corners. However, it looks like every corner CUT is accounted for (that we've seen). If you want to extend the track, bound of a wall a little...whatever - those kinds of offs will give you advantages in the tenths. The Indy cut was 2.5s, and you eliminated the best/most challenging part of the course.
Bad like Indy or livable like Cape?

Nothing like the Indy cut, but much worse than Cape.

At Cape, you could go wide in two or three areas. At the new Eifel, you can go super wide in at least two areas and cut the inside getting all 4 in the grass in two or three areas. Basically makes the difference between having to lift and being able to stay on full throttle, which, when followed by a long, high speed section, can account for quite a lot of time (still, not the 2.5s like at Indy).
Setting up before the corner with all four on the lawn, diving in with all four on the lawn at the apex, then later on lots of mowing on exits
Seriously??!!! Did PD learn nothing from Indy??? They should have given us a city course loaded walls, take away all possibility to cheat. This truly is the Grass Trimming Academy. None of this would be happening in REAL racing. "let me setup for the next corner by putting all 4 in the grass, then cut the inside of the corner with all 4 off"......hello!!!! These things would get you DQ'ed in the real world and would nine times out of ten end with a crash.

This contest could have been great, but it's becoming more and more of a joke.
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