Cutting corners.

  • Thread starter DOUQA
I have no knowledge on how to program a game but I thought they would have to map (not sure if thats the word) every bit of driveable surface and program its charectiristics, grip, etc etc so would have had to set that bit to an allowable area, where they could have said we dont want anyone on here so lets make it a red zone,

This might be total tosh cos as I say I have no knowledge to back it up
All run off areas seam OK, no red lap by going into the cement or tarmac anywhere, and they have different grip levels.

Only running through grass, with 4 wheels well off into it get's you a invalid lap and "the icy grip".

So I'd say yes, it looks like it's done by type of grounds, with different grips and legality, and not a "GPS" like mapping.
All run off areas seam OK, no red lap by going into the cement or tarmac anywhere, and they have different grip levels.

Only running through grass, with 4 wheels well off into it get's you a invalid lap and "the icy grip".

So I'd say yes, it looks like it's done by type of grounds, with different grips and legality, and not a "GPS" like mapping.

Yeah agree with you there and for the same reason thats why I think they know you can do it as its not grass, therefore they have made the decision not to disallow it

Anyone else notice the 'danger paint' area on the runoff of the sharp right (Turn 5 I think) kicks you wildly right at the end even if you're driving completely straight?

I understand the paint's meant to be slippery anyway - but it's just a bit odd.

I'd be happier with an invalidated lap there I think, at least you don't end up in the barrier.
Yeah agree with you there and for the same reason thats why I think they know you can do it as its not grass, therefore they have made the decision not to disallow it


Understood, makes sense. But I still think they never drove it/remembered it could be done :)

Cheers :cheers:
Yeah agree with you there and for the same reason thats why I think they know you can do it as its not grass, therefore they have made the decision not to disallow it


My sentiments exactly, but this kind of logical thinking isn't welcome around here. The creator of the freakin' game does it! How much more evidence do you people need that it's allowed?
My sentiments exactly, but this kind of logical thinking isn't welcome around here.

No comments...

The creator of the freakin' game does it! How much more evidence do you people need that it's allowed?

The creator of the game WAS NOT doing it until today or yesterday I think, and is only doing it now AFTER he discovered it was possible (IMO). That is why I think they neglected to see that corner (with cement on the inside) could be cut.
The creator of the game WAS NOT doing it until today or yesterday I think, and is only doing it now AFTER he discovered it was possible (IMO). That is why I think they neglected to see that corner (with cement on the inside) could be cut.

I tend to give the makers a little more credit than that, in fact when coding the game, it would have been easier to make all areas off the track "out of bounds" and an applied an automatic penalty rewarded for anywhere not on the track surface. So, I'd go so far as to say they deliberately expanded the boundary so as not to give out penalties for that particular turn. Polyphony is far too detail orientated to let something like this slip.

I find it funny how staunchly people defend their opinion that this is an error by Polyphony despite the mounting evidence against it. I'm not even participating in this competition, I just think some of you are making it harder for yourselves by following the OLR rules when it's just a set of rules made by OLR enthusiasts.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with OLR rules, and I follow them myself when racing online, but this time trial is not sanctioned by an OLR governing body, its sanctioned by Polyphony, and the leader of the sanctioning body himself takes the very line to which you object.
I tend to give the makers a little more credit than that, in fact when coding the game, it would have been easier to make all areas off the track "out of bounds" and an applied an automatic penalty rewarded for anywhere not on the track surface. So, I'd go so far as to say they deliberately expanded the boundary so as not to give out penalties for that particular turn. Polyphony is far too detail orientated to let something like this slip.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with OLR rules, and I follow them myself when racing online, but this time trial is not sanctioned by an OLR governing body, its sanctioned by Polyphony, and the leader of the sanctioning body himself takes the very line to which you object.

1st, as I said... All cement/tarmac is free area, only grass is penalty area. So I still believe what I said. They neglected to see this one.

2nd, I defend and uphold the OLR, but believe me I'll be cutting that baby to the max. I don't care what anyone thinks, if it allowed or if it's a mistake and we were not "supposed" to do it, it's there for the taking and I'm taking it, as any pilot would do in real life if he could get an advantage and get away with.

So, 2 different things.
So, I'd go so far as to say they deliberately expanded the boundary so as not to give out penalties for that particular turn. Polyphony is far too detail orientated to let something like this slip.

Like the short cut across the grass on Suzuka at T2?

Not very detailed orientated until they realised their error and blocked it.
I'm sure I can come up with a lot more examples from past versions of the game, invisible walls for example.

I'm certain that cries of protest would be heard if a driver who attends a National Final beats another driver by deliberately cutting a corner. It was clearly outlined in the last National Finals that any form of cheating, including deliberate corner cutting would not be tolerated. So why not now?

Maybe the organisers would rule in favour of the corner cutter this time on the grounds that Yamauchi did it himself in round 1 of the competition. ;)
Maybe the organisers would rule in favour of the corner cutter this time on the grounds that Yamauchi did it himself in round 1 of the competition. ;)

When in doubt... ;) Could very well have been he's using the same standard demo build as everyone else and just wanted to check out if cutting does pay off. It paid off and there you had a new PB.

Anyway, there's a 1.7 seconds gap from 1st to 20th place in Germany at the moment. Only two sub 3'23 drivers. There are 20 sub 3'23 drivers world wide. I know holidays will probably change this and it's over when it's over.

But 1.7 seconds are an eternity. Just felt the need to put a frame of reference up. Cutting corners won't gain you that much time after all.
Anyone else notice the 'danger paint' area on the runoff of the sharp right (Turn 5 I think) kicks you wildly right at the end even if you're driving completely straight?

I understand the paint's meant to be slippery anyway - but it's just a bit odd.

I'd be happier with an invalidated lap there I think, at least you don't end up in the barrier.
Why should you get penalty for driving on the track? Makes zero sense. :confused:
My sentiments exactly, but this kind of logical thinking isn't welcome around here. The creator of the freakin' game does it! How much more evidence do you people need that it's allowed?
I said this about 10 times, yet many people act like this would have no logic at all...
also I downloaded Kaz' ghost the hour I got the demo on 17th, and he did it there already, but now, all of the sudden, this is completely "new" to a lot of people.
:confused: :dunce:
Like the short cut across the grass on Suzuka at T2?

Not very detailed orientated until they realised their error and blocked it.
I'm sure I can come up with a lot more examples from past versions of the game, invisible walls for example.

I'm certain that cries of protest would be heard if a driver who attends a National Final beats another driver by deliberately cutting a corner. It was clearly outlined in the last National Finals that any form of cheating, including deliberate corner cutting would not be tolerated. So why not now?

Maybe the organisers would rule in favour of the corner cutter this time on the grounds that Yamauchi did it himself in round 1 of the competition. ;)
I believe this corners most similar corner is the bus stop of Daytona Road.

Be nice if they did make it as strict as that, then we'd know where we are.

Unfortunately, the confusion about whether or not it's legitimate is what is causing the concern I think, Shpinx. It's not a dispute about whether it's OK or not to cut that turn...? From my end it is anyway.

My current Normal time does not, but my Tuned does. I'm so nervous at that point on a quick lap that by the time I've finished I can't remember if I cut it or not. It depends on my trajectory from the final hairpin.

If the top 20 in each country were cutting the corner, I can't see them voiding all their times IMO.
If only they could give us some sort of sign or signal that it's ok, like the creator of the game doing it himself, then putting it online, available for the whole world to see... wishful thinking I suppose.

Oh wait!

If only they could give us some sort of sign or signal that it's ok, like the creator of the game doing it himself, then putting it online, available for the whole world to see... wishful thinking I suppose.

Oh wait!

Very good.

Ok, Kaz laps first. I have the replays from Kaz from the 18th. So I checked just now.

Tuned 1.37.601 not doing it, 2 wheels in at all times, just as I recalled.

However, on the Stock 1.49.708 he is doing it with at least with 3 wheels off...

2nd you CAN drive anywhere in the gray. Period. You can even park the car into the said area of T11, or any other.

3rd you CAN cut the "hairpin" T9 and T10 with 4 wheels on the grass, even if it's not by much. You CAN NOT do it anywhere else (corners), as soon as 4 wheels are off you get a "red time".

So I still think they never thought about allowing cutting T11 (just a consequence of having gray stuff there), but in the other hand deliberately made more margin for error on T9 and T10...
If only they could give us some sort of sign or signal that it's ok, like the creator of the game doing it himself, then putting it online, available for the whole world to see... wishful thinking I suppose.

Oh wait!


Yeah but its not enough. It just leaves us in a state of uncertainty, knowing that corner cutting is not tolerated in most online competitions and real life alike. Kaz doing it on his online lap isn't enough.
Slicecom, with all respect for your opinion, what you are saying is:

"If Kaz is a corner cutter, so can you be"

And this simply doesn't make any sense to me.

Because the logical consequence for that is the old saying:

"If the game allows it, it's fine"
Kaz now has his racing license I think so he will not be eligable for the competition anyway, so for him why not cut corners? It definately does not mean in any way that it will be leagal in the competition. I am going to stay on the racetrack and laugh my ass off when I go to round two with a top 500 time because all you fools decided that cheating would be ok even though the rules clearly state that cheating of any kind will not be tolerated! MWHAHAHAHAHA!
Kaz now has his racing license I think so he will not be eligable for the competition anyway, so for him why not cut corners? It definately does not mean in any way that it will be leagal in the competition. I am going to stay on the racetrack and laugh my ass off when I go to round two with a top 500 time because all you fools decided that cheating would be ok even though the rules clearly state that cheating of any kind will not be tolerated! MWHAHAHAHAHA!
Why dont you grow up and stop making a joke out of this thread. I have done the 2nd fastest times in Au without cutting turn 11,i dont see where the big advantage your talking about is. I am laughing my arse off at you thinking your going through to Round 2 with a top 500 time:dunce:
Why dont you grow up and stop making a joke out of this thread. I have done the 2nd fastest times in Au without cutting turn 11,i dont see where the big advantage your talking about is. I am laughing my arse off at you thinking your going through to Round 2 with a top 500 time:dunce:

Calm down turbo!
Why dont you grow up and stop making a joke out of this thread. I have done the 2nd fastest times in Au without cutting turn 11,i dont see where the big advantage your talking about is. I am laughing my arse off at you thinking your going through to Round 2 with a top 500 time:dunce:
He was joking.
All I can say is that if the top corner cutting (4 wheels over the white line) times are DQ'd, PD/Sony are going to have a real mess on their hands for a number of reasons.

1. The rules do not state any SPECIFIC track boundaries to begin with (4 wheels over the white line vs. 2 wheels over the white line.) Those who think that corner cutting (4 wheels OVER the white line to be exact) will possibly be grounds for disqualification, are still ASSUMING what EXACT boundaries/regulations PD would go by if they did happen to DQ laps for such "corner cutting".

2. The lap does not get red flagged when you use the run off area to an extent with four wheels over the white line, yet when you go past a certain point with four wheels over the white line at the turn 11 run off area, you get red flagged. This shows there is a penalty system in place at that particular corner, but it doesn't disqualify laps according to TYPICAL (not all!) real world racing regulations. To come up with your own idea of what's legal and what's not in regards to the turn 11 run off area, can be left up to the imagination at this point in time....which basically means it's not worth much.

3. The maker of the game himself cuts the last corner with 4 wheels well over the white line, providing this replay for everyone to see, as well as to emulate.

4. If you mistakenly cut the corner and put 4 wheels over the white line (yet don't know it until viewing the replay upon further inspection), and put in your best lap time which you will be unable to achieve with a clean lap. WTF are you supposed to do in such a case? PD/Sony gives an individual no possible way to remove their replay in such a case. And might I add that when you are in the heat of the moment, close to the limit searching for those last few tenths or hundredths, it sometimes can be impossible to judge whether or not your lap is clean at that moment in time, especially if you use the bumper or cockpit cam 👎 I mean what are you supposed to do? Back off every time you don't know for sure, whether or not you have four wheels over the white line? I'm sorry but that's not the mindset of the fastest racers around here who use every inch of the road to keep competitive and toward the top of the charts.
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I am American so I won't be in round two anyhow. But it was fun to ruffle your feathers Mr. Supercharger!:sly:
Exactly my point. You are a feather ruffler. You are not even in the competition,but you want to impose your feelings on others to start arguments. Its not necessary,have a good day.
Exactly my point. You are a feather ruffler. You are not even in the competition,but you want to impose your feelings on others to start arguments. Its not necessary,have a good day.

Wow! I was kidding and you got offended, controll your emotions and get over yourself dude! If you want to continue to be this way then do it in a pm and leave this thread alone, my first post was on topic but you didn't get it I guess.