- 1,120
- United States
- DriFtZz
98 -.-
Oh sorry, didn't look at my paper when I typed that o>o
98 -.-
JnDriftmonsterGAUZ, I'm going to leave this season. As much as I would like to finnish my first full season, I found a different car that works better. Thank you GAUZ, and DriFtZz for the comps.
Hopefully the Commodore will be known to get higher angle. :]
Your leaving, just because you like a different car? Is it still April fools there?
monsterGAUZ, I'm going to leave this season. As much as I would like to finnish my first full season, I found a different car that works better. Thank you GAUZ, and DriFtZz for the comps.
Hopefully the Commodore will be known to get higher angle. :]
iNs3CuReHe ain't joking. Of course he could buy another C63, put on his tune and finish the season
but it's Jn's decision after all. 👍
If sold it already? Why would he do that? Jn you were doing so good, its sad of you to drop out deliberately. :/
Yeah that's what I mean. BTW Lukas or Driftzz read this, in the title it says that the qualifying has been postponed too. Does that mean the people that qualified on saturday can qualify again on this saturday?
BkSStill kinda confused by the title. Is it this Sunday or next? o.O
Not April fools. I am using that car for the rest of GT5. I hope.
I understand I was doing good, I mean, 1st place points. But driving the C63 any longer and it would have killed me. 0.o
It doesn't make a bad fun car, but permanently, no way.
What was wrong with the C63 in your opinion? Just out of interest.
The steering geometry. It felt like it had absolutely no caster. Which in turn, about 2 months into drifting, can lead to unsmoothness of the steering. As well as, the camera angle on the hood makes you countersteer less which makes you spin out.
lol how did this turn from d1 talk to what view y'all usingIt's all personal preference.
y'all hear about a guy in america that bought geomaster hubs in may last year (exact date given by phil morrison) and started making cheap copy's of them and is/was selling them? I think he might be in deep ****, but i was laughing my head off. Happened on walker wilkinson's facebook fan page. You gotta see it to laugh. Look at his page, its like the top post.
Sorry to read that you are leaving D1 as you always put on a good show Jn. See you next season hopefully
Hopefuy ill be good enough next season to join in.