- 465
- San Jose, CA
- Little_Guppy_72
Brake a bit later, trail brake better, perfect line and apex point, on the gas sooner, manage wheel spin better, don't lift, and in this race, in the Audi, manage the battery so there's always boost. Repeat at every corner. Easy
What I want to know is, what times are possible in the Toyota, and what times can the Audi do if you don't manage the battery, AKA, how much time is lost when boost runs out for the main straight and after LaSource. Those seem to be the spots I can always blow by them when they do.
Been bouncing around race C all week and just plugging along in the Toyota. Decided to take the Audi out to hit my k' goal and man what a different experience. A car without terminal understeer at low speed. Havent tried the 908 or 919 but now I am interested as I have always hated how that TS050 drives but usually used it like a safety net. Now to get better.
By the end of the week, as warned/predicted by this board, the Toyota over the Audi, was used by most.
My final notes on my Gr.1/Audi experience this week:
- The battery needs to be actively managed but it is fiendishly difficult though @GT5Power has managed to make it look easy in his video.
- There is 1.5 seconds to be gained, but said another way, there is 1.5 seconds to be lost compared to QT if you do not manage it.
- You need to burp/ease the throttle to avoid wheel spin in second gear.
- If managed, it is faster than the Toyota. I was never caught on Blanchimont and I managed a handful of passes.
- In addition to all the things @Rexracer702 said you also need to use the brake and throttle *concurrently* and still hit the apexes. I was vulnerable under braking as I have not mastered the whole brake/throttle/downshift/pray at once thing.
- It is easy to efficiently harvest maintain some charge up to Blanchimont. That is worth 0.5 s.
- It is near impossible to manage the battery until Eau Rouge. I managed this task in practice but not in the race. That is worth about 1.0 s.
- If you fully decharge by the 100 metre marker on the start/finish you are dead. It is hard. Only hard braking will restart the charge cycle and you lose two opportunities to painlessly harvest. It is downward self-defeating cycle.
Finally, if you do not manage the battery and your QT time for the Toyota is within 1.0s of the Audi then you should select the Toyota for the race.
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