"Daily" Race Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
I got all my spins out of the way on the first lap and got a clean 2nd lap and got a 13! The car felt nice on this lap but I wouldn't use it in the race. Not sure I could keep it on the black stuff.

View attachment 1105993

Good lap. There are 2 small things late in the lap that are costing you a lot of time.

The right hander before the final straight you’re keeping too tight. Treat it as a single long turn with a late apex. With a wide entry once you’ve initially braked you can take the whole thing flat. That alone will be worth at least half a second.

The esses between the straight and the final chicane you coast. You can stay full throttle until the brake marker.

You’re not very far from getting a 7:09.
So I’m trying to get better overall and have been wondering if I should switch to manual transmission. I have always done automatic since the GT1 days and I am on a controller.

Should I make the switch to manual? If so any tips on the transition? Such as brake before downshifting, during or downshift then brake?

I brake before down shifting, if you shift down too early you risk locking up the wheels and sliding.

MT is very useful, you can stick to a higher gear to smoothly make a corner. And you can shift up early in a corner if it looks like you might go a bit wide. Instead of having to lift you're already in the next gear at corner exit. You can shift late to burn more fuel in C races, or shift early to save fuel.

It will take a while to get into the rhythm, yet then it will be second nature. I had to turn on MT in Forza Horizon as I couldn't drive automatic anymore!
Give it a bit of time and eventually manual will feel completely natural to you. I knew I had to make the switch in order to become a better and faster driver and if I recall correctly I actually switched as Sport released. Jurgens gave you a few details where manual is superior and I can only co-sign on that.
I've less of an excuse really as I use a wheel. Definitely couldn't manage MT with a controller - in fact, I can't even keep the car on track using a controller!
I think it depends on the car. I find the benefits of using manual transmission in race cars (Gr.4 and above) to be minimal.
The auto trans in those cars works really well. For me, it's just too much distraction.
In the street cars, 90% of the time, manual trans is necessary.

Hmmm... interesting.

I was going to respond in agreement with @Sven Jurgens and @NAXEHT due to the control afforded by MT. I was going to say @sturk0167 and @bone_tone were just wrong. But then I tried a little experiment...

I have have finished my QT laps at the 'Ring and set a good time. At the cost of sounding immodest, I am both pretty quick and consistent. To be sure, MT is quite useful at this track. Now for the experiment...

  • Run some AT laps with the exact same setup.
  • VW Scirocco, BB 3 Rear, TCS off.
  • In general, most gear selections were good and they were better than the ones that I initially tried before I settled on good shift points.
  • It correctly uses fourth gear for turns between the two carousels where my natural inclination was to shift down to third.
  • The downshifts were consistent and probably better than mine - it is a computer and I am not.
  • The one downside - AT shifts to sixth too soon losing top end speed. I hold fifth much longer with better results.
  • The downshifts where a nice signal to my brain that the speed had lowered sufficiently... I use it to manage corner exits.
  • First lap: OK with mistakes learning when AT will shift and 4 seconds off my best QT time.
  • Second lap: looking for time and making mistakes, disaster lap. Learning done. 12 seconds off.
  • Thirds lap: Quick and clean. I beat my QT by 0.6 seconds.
  • After just three laps I dropped my QT time from 7:05.9 to 7:05.3!!!!
  • There are some things that AT does better than me. Downshifting.
  • I can learn those and set an even faster MT lap. Pretty sure of that.
  • AT is not significantly slower than MT and you should not choose MT for speed alone.
  • MT is more immersive and makes the game more fun. That is a good reason to use it.
  • The top 1 or 2% need to use MT to exploit all possible speed from the game... for everyone else... they have a choice.
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The big issue with AT is on certain corners with certain cars, it absolutely REFUSES to change down and you wait, wait, wait for the change down bleeding time. The following corners are REALLY bad for this;
  • Final corner Gardens reverse
  • First right hander at NGP in second sector, this one is ABSOLUTELY CHRONIC
  • Larini at seaside and the following left onto the esses
  • The second left hander at RBR, again, CHRONICALLY bad here
  • Last right hander at Interlagos
  • Double right hander at Magiorie
There's way more but these stand out.
I distinctly remember being able to drive the 'Ring without running off the track before this week.

This Race C is like someone put a thin layer of Vaseline on the track.
Especially the start is like ice skating on cold tires. Add in the occasional false starter (still) and half the field trying to win the race in the first sector, not seeing a yellow flag before Flug platz, never happens... Lap 2 sector 1 feels completely different from lap 1, you really notice the cold tires now.

I usually gain 3 to 5 positions in sector one from wrecks, just coasting through the first part. But only if I get to start last or second too last. One car behind me can usually still have some patience, but two, nope.
Patience pays off, alternate driver is now B rated..
Sadly Sportmanship doesn't exist anymore, not at the top either. PD has really turned this game into a farce. I've been racing all day, clean races found: None. Sure there are plenty decent drivers and some very clean ones, but every race has these clowns.

Checking his profile, yep does not belong in SR.S. He did get a red S and got rewarded to start on pole in the 80-89 SR room next race. (84 SR left) One more day left, can Sunday be clean 🤣
Sadly Sportmanship doesn't exist anymore, not at the top either. PD has really turned this game into a farce. I've been racing all day, clean races found: None. Sure there are plenty decent drivers and some very clean ones, but every race has these clowns.

Checking his profile, yep does not belong in SR.S. He did get a red S and got rewarded to start on pole in the 80-89 SR room next race. (84 SR left) One more day left, can Sunday be clean 🤣

Epic save.
Nice work!! That's a cracking time!!!

Just watching your lap, and there's a few corners where you lift and I stay flat, like before the first straight and the left hander at the end of it, but you make up for it in a lot of other places. I reckon you could run a low 12, high 11....
Good lap. There are 2 small things late in the lap that are costing you a lot of time.

The right hander before the final straight you’re keeping too tight. Treat it as a single long turn with a late apex. With a wide entry once you’ve initially braked you can take the whole thing flat. That alone will be worth at least half a second.

The esses between the straight and the final chicane you coast. You can stay full throttle until the brake marker.

You’re not very far from getting a 7:09.
Thank you for the advice. I guess I seem to have an innate understeer in my set up. I'm fearful of taking some corners flat out as I feel the car will only drift off and I'll either spin or hit the barrier. Flugplaz is a great example. I think I've taken it flat once and anything other than a small lift will result in grass for me. Same for SwedishCross at the other end of the straight. Same for the final esses. I've found this is my way to navigate it safely or I'll not brake in time and understeer off. I guess it comes down to more practice but I don't often have the time nowadays. Next time we're here I'll try and put your advice to use.
Thank you for the advice. I guess I seem to have an innate understeer in my set up. I'm fearful of taking some corners flat out as I feel the car will only drift off and I'll either spin or hit the barrier. Flugplaz is a great example. I think I've taken it flat once and anything other than a small lift will result in grass for me. Same for SwedishCross at the other end of the straight. Same for the final esses. I've found this is my way to navigate it safely or I'll not brake in time and understeer off. I guess it comes down to more practice but I don't often have the time nowadays. Next time we're here I'll try and put your advice to use.
For Flugplaz, try turning in a fraction earlier and taking a small touch of the kerb. The NSX can take that flat. Some of the heavier and understeery cars need a lift there (like the GTR).
Especially the start is like ice skating on cold tires. Add in the occasional false starter (still) and half the field trying to win the race in the first sector, not seeing a yellow flag before Flug platz, never happens... Lap 2 sector 1 feels completely different from lap 1, you really notice the cold tires now.

I usually gain 3 to 5 positions in sector one from wrecks, just coasting through the first part. But only if I get to start last or second too last. One car behind me can usually still have some patience, but two, nope.
I keep my TcS at 1 until I approach Flugplats. By that the tires are nearly warm enough.
I reached another milestone yesterday

Actually I reached it twice :confused:

First time was on ps5 in the morning. Then I played again on ps4 pro in the afternoon. I guess it didn't synchronize yet. Very similar races as well, deja vu!

Back to the ring, on to the next 1000!
I'm getting close to you. I just added up the totals from my 4 accounts.


RPMcMurphy01: 527
sturk0167: 355
TPC_Vigilante: 76
sturk0176: 27

Total: 985

Not sure if the GT Sport daily races will end as soon as GT7 arrives. Assuming it does, I'm gonna need 2.5 wins per week to get to 1k. 👍
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Well I budgeted and I'm going to sign up for PS Plus. I have a card, I know what to do but after I enter info and it passes how many days after will they bill my card? 5,7 days? And can you buy cars in the PS store instead of using the credits you have?
Well I budgeted and I'm going to sign up for PS Plus. I have a card, I know what to do but after I enter info and it passes how many days after will they bill my card? 5,7 days? And can you buy cars in the PS store instead of using the credits you have?
Your card should be billed immediately. You can enter races right away.
You can buy cars, but there's no need to do that. Credits are very easy to earn in the game.
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Well I budgeted and I'm going to sign up for PS Plus. I have a card, I know what to do but after I enter info and it passes how many days after will they bill my card? 5,7 days? And can you buy cars in the PS store instead of using the credits you have?
Game credits are earned & given very freely. Some things, like paint swatches, are "bought" with mileage credits. Those you can't buy for anything. If you plan to buy any cars, they are likely going to be some of the high end cars that normally cost 15M/20M in game credits. Road & race cars are easy to get from doing online & offline racing.
Game credits are earned & given very freely. Some things, like paint swatches, are "bought" with mileage credits. Those you can't buy for anything. If you plan to buy any cars, they are likely going to be some of the high end cars that normally cost 15M/20M in game credits. Road & race cars are easy to get from doing online & offline racing.
You can't buy the unicorns in the PS store anyway. So grind you must
One of the guys in the EMEA top 10 has his car showing as '86 Gr4 Race Car', whereas for the others using the 86 it just shows as '86 Gr4'?

View attachment 1106265
It's probably the one used in the Olympic Virtual Series finals, the Gr.3 Supra they used is also different and doesn't show the year in it's name on the leaderboard
It's the same car, just different livery (& sponsors) I believe
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It's probably the one used in the Olympic Virtual Series finals, the Gr.3 Supra they used is also different and doesn't show the year in it's name on the leaderboard
It's the same car, just different livery (& sponsors) I believe
Ah, I see.

Thanks for clearing it up!
Strange race c to morrow, Intermediate mandatory, no pit stop mandatory but possible to use heavy rain tyres...
3 possibilities of time for rain but 11h is heavy rain impossible to use intermediate and for 6h30 or 20h30 intermediate are a lot faster...then why to have the possibility to use heavy rain ?
Note that a stop takes a year ...about 30s...
Strange race c to morrow, Intermediate mandatory, no pit stop mandatory but possible to use heavy rain tyres...
3 possibilities of time for rain but 11h is heavy rain impossible to use intermediate and for 6h30 or 20h30 intermediate are a lot faster...then why to have the possibility to use heavy rain ?
Note that a stop takes a year ...about 30s...
sounds like they are forcing us to use the intermediate tires, even if those tires might not be the best choice for the weather conditions. Because of the long pit stop, it might be best to use intermediate tires for the whole race. Or, you can use heavy wets for the race except for one lap on inters. Heavy Wet and Intermediate tires are always an option, even in dry weather, so having both options is normal.
Just managed a 7:22 in the NSX (thank you @OJBrit and @MidnightRun85) a whole 8 seconds off my previous best from 2 days ago, and almost 20 seconds from a week ago!
Many thanks to all the tips and replays on here :-) I'm certain I can get a 7:18 if I make no stupid mistakes.

Survived this heart-in-mouth moment on my best lap.. think I gained 4/10ths
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Strange race c to morrow, Intermediate mandatory, no pit stop mandatory but possible to use heavy rain tyres...
3 possibilities of time for rain but 11h is heavy rain impossible to use intermediate and for 6h30 or 20h30 intermediate are a lot faster...then why to have the possibility to use heavy rain ?
Note that a stop takes a year ...about 30s...
It makes you start on heavy wet and you have to pit for intermediates. Pit stop is required.