"Daily" Race Discussion

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GF is right, the nerfing of the FF cars has brought the Group 4 category to life
Oh yeah! Feels good!
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Other people have said the same about the way I drive, I don’t realise I’m doing it. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing ? I know once you learn to drive quick your sub conscious should take over and you shouldn’t need to think too much. For example when you are ‘“in the zone”

I’ve also experienced distraction whilst playing but actually went faster, wtf is that all about. Im doing laps trying to get a better qualifying place, not really progressing or getting a better time. The missus comes in and starts mincing my head with ********, chatting away with her and the next thing I know I’ve dropped a second off my lap time.

Yeah great, but would be even better if I could remember or realise where the feck that second came from. Did I just drive a fraction faster all the way round or did I nail a couple of bends dead on ? Who knows 🙈

Sorry for making you miss your pit stop Racing Grandpa 👍👍
Don't be sorry, that's my own fault. I actually really enjoyed following you around and watching how you drive. Some people can make that seem very natural, you are one of them.
The 4C isn’t bad at Bathurst in the top speed. I’ll let y’all know how it goes at Fuji. Also the SLS at Fuji. Good top speed, just takes a bit long to get there.

In the alt, I’ll be in the 4C at Maggiore too. As well as the AMG GT. Should be another good week of the cars I’m liking being the un-Metas, but sleepers.. :)

edit: ran a few laps in the SLS and 4C.
SLS: 1:42.005(opt 1:41.878) Super smooth over the whole lap. 256km/h
4C: 1:41.459(opt 1:41.187) Doesn’t waste time in the corners. 245km/h

Checked my Sport Racing history and set a record lap(1:41.552) at Fuji Short, in the Scirocco, back in June, 2020.
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The 4C isn’t bad at Bathurst in the top speed. I’ll let y’all know how it goes at Fuji. Also the SLS at Fuji. Good top speed, just takes a bit long to get there.

In the alt, I’ll be in the 4C at Maggiore too. As well as the AMG GT. Should be another good week of the cars I’m liking being the un-Metas, but sleepers.. :)

edit: ran a few laps in the SLS and 4C.
SLS: 1:42.005(opt 1:41.878) Super smooth over the whole lap. 256km/h
4C: 1:41.459(opt 1:41.187) Doesn’t waste time in the corners. 245km/h

Checked my Sport Racing history and set a record lap(1:41.552) at Fuji Short, in the Scirocco, back in June, 2020.
Speaking non meta I'm really liking the RCZ. It's my main car at the moment and really clicks with me. It's proving to be a pretty good all around car at the moment but we'll see as I progress.
I did race B twice. The 1st time I did it in the DBR9. The second time I did it in the Corvette. I like the Vette better as it seems to have a bit more acceleration and longer legs for the straights. I didn't qualify for the 2nd race and started 9th. In both races, I finished exactly where I started; 7th and 9th, respectively.

The 2nd race was much cleaner than the 1st, too. Although there was a guy just in front of me who was weaving all over the track, for some reason. I don't know if it was intentional, or what. It didn't seem like a connection issue as his bars were full and green. And it wasn't real twitchy, or anything. It was like he was legitimately weaving all over the place. Weird, but whatever.
Next week's dailies:

Race A: N100 @ Goodwood | 4 laps | SM
Race B: Gr.4 @ Fuji Short | 4 laps | RM
Race C: Gr.3 @ Maggiore GP | 10 laps | RS/RM | Tyres x6 | Fuel x2
Looking like a Race C week for me. I do like Maggiore, but it's been a while since I've participated in a race there. I'm guessing the Supra will be the go to again. That was the popular car last time if I remember correctly.
Don’t you hate being punted, when you’re racing someone hard & fair and someone else that is not even racing for the position, punts you off? Every. daggone. time! Another reason why I don’t qualify. All that hard work from last and having a good fight. Someone that had served their penalty before, losing places, winds up smashing me off. Ridiculous.
The FF's have been nerfed since the last run there. The Jag FType was strong on the regular variant and will be stronger here. Ditto for the mustang. The short version of the course will help the FR cars since it removes a slow chicane. There is not an obvious choice.
I like the sound of that. Gives me a chance to be accustomed to the F Type Gr.4 because its been a while since I last used that car.
Approaching the chase at the end of Conrod…
There’s the link before the brake zone…
I had the overspeed on a guy…
He stayed left at the kink so I went right, but he then diagonally angled to the right while braking across all available lines.
To me, that’s a dirty block.
I will defend the Chase, or other turns, but I make it a point when I’m defending one side to leave room for a car on the other, NOT stay inside defensive then angle towards the normal race line effectively cutting off everyone.
I lost a couple spots because I was hung out to dry with a train on my tail.

That said it’s been fantastic at Bathurst.
For me it’s the best track in the game almost.
Plenty of controversy and drama and it’s so great it’s not a one make VW ff festival. Ive used the Hyundai a few times it’s pretty good for a slower car.
The Mustang has been brilliant.
good times
Do collision penalties exist any more in this game? I'm getting punted off in heavy braking zones (and admittedly giving it back), and nobody is getting penalised. I played the game mainly in 2018 and don't remember it being this anarchistic.
yes they exist, but are more like a random bug, final corner RBR a NSX punted me slightly (unintentional) from behind. 0,500 penalty for me. I was NOT on the brakes. it wasn't even worth a penalty for him,but for me poor soul? PD Gates me personally, I guess.
A lot of folks don't stick to a line at the chase. It is really annoying, then they wonder why you punt them to Narnia, dude, you were on the left and now you're on the right.

Ofcourse its the best track, its bafurst.

I never change line through the Chase, but I do have trouble with the left hander immediately after. If I have held the inside line into it and enter in front of the car on the outside I often end up running to the apex on the right hander. Theoretically I feel like I should be leaving room as the other car will be getting a better run, but it just seems like I never manage to hold the car left.

I hasten to add, I’m not running anyone off, just more checking their run out of the left hander a bit.

yes they exist, but are more like a random bug, final corner RBR a NSX punted me slightly (unintentional) from behind. 0,500 penalty for me. I was NOT on the brakes. it wasn't even worth a penalty for him,but for me poor soul? PD Gates me personally, I guess.
That was probably track limits as the punt put you over the edge of the 'track'.
Gee i found it the best car across the top for me by miles. I know there are better handling cars but they tend to want to switch ends at the dipper, the rex I could chuck.
Have you forgotten what we have talked about for years about the Dipper? In FR cars, you apply power in the Dipper. Line yourself up for the apex & when you feel the car drop in, use some power. Cars stick much better.
Urrrrgh. I like LM but I am slow there and add tyre wear, forget it, i just cannot keep up. Maybe I pull out the wheel ad try to get good with it. Again.
I find myself in a position to re-up my PS+. And for all of the Big Willow talk I talk, I sure have a ton of LM GP clips from races there. It is worth the practice.
Ah I see.

Guess that's a job for some of the FRs and 4WDs then and I'm thinking of the Veyron for some reason.
SHHHHHH!!! Don't say the V word. You'll awaken @sturk0167.
Approaching the chase at the end of Conrod…
There’s the link before the brake zone…
I had the overspeed on a guy…
He stayed left at the kink so I went right, but he then diagonally angled to the right while braking across all available lines.
To me, that’s a dirty block.
Agreed. But, you know what.....


Looking like a Race C week for me. I do like Maggiore, but it's been a while since I've participated in a race there. I'm guessing the Supra will be the go to again. That was the popular car last time if I remember correctly.
Funny that my only win in the Supra came at LMGP....II. Yep, the reverse direction. Otherwise, it's been dealer's choice. Also, for you, @NevilleNobody & everybody else, learn LM GP's track limits. They can be quite forgiving. Watch lap 1 (well, watch the whole thing :D ) & pay attention to the corners with concrete beyond the curbs. Pay real close attention to Big Banky Boi. All 4 tires outside the curbing. Helps you get on the throttle that little bit sooner.

Well after a great Thursday and Fridays racing with the likes of IOF, loyrot, wombleleader, pxcam20, koadudu, stlstig, and many other top players capable of running the race fair but hard bumper to bumper for 8 laps….
(Which we did several races over-just INCREDIBLE racing…)

Today was another story. My sub 12 qual placed me up the grid where I was immediately rear ended and shoved into the wall at Griffins…
I repaid one favor then entered again.

For some reason the pole sitter pulled aside at the start.
STLSTIG was in first me in second. Sting is a true gem an outstanding fair fast great competitor and I’ve been unable to match him.

It was my best race. I kept in the slipstream until about lap 3 where he started pulling a gap.
By lap five I was 2 seconds back I knew I had to pull out all the stops…
Off went TCS and I went for a push. I hit up a mid 13 and was reeling him in.
I was .7 up on a mid 13 on Conrod but the original pole sitter in a Ferrari was closing…
He was .4 at the kink but I knew he would try going inside dive.
I knew it.
Ahead of me was the guy I’ve been trying to beat for at least 12-15 races this week, I had caught but now “MR ENTITLEMENT LOOK AT MY QUALIFYING LAP I’N SO GOOD I WILL PULL OVER AT RACE START SO I CAN DO A COMEBACK CHALLENGE” is going inside dive so I defend, and wouldn’t you know it he runs into the back of me.
Luckily I barely saved it down to second all squirrelly 2 tires on grass now he’s on my 6 into the last turn.
I cover inside and park it on apex-expressing my displeasure at being disrespected and having my race ruined.
He hits me again. He had slowed up and waited to get the run so I sideswiped him into the wall.
Alas he got away up Mountain Straight but I was close enough at the Cutting so I t boned him full speed.

You know it felt good.
He ruined the best race I have had all year.

So there were still two laps so I made it back to second and he went long range nuclear missile no brakes ram at the Chase but he only knocked me off a little. YOU MISSED! IDIOT.
My rally skills kicked in and I brought the Mustang safely home in third.

Im totally disgusted with these peoples
I don’t know how I can play all day for 2 days with FEW if any problems all with happy chats glad to see you watch my stream then today comes and it’s disgusting arcade Mariokart filth.

Im totally disgusted and after all my efforts to have that idiot punt me like that sorry pal I won’t let it happen, you can get karma.
what happens is these guys are very good at hotlaps but they are not very skilled when it comes to racing fair. (The players today)
The top players the past two days from multiple continents made for amazing racing.
But these today smh.
They think that having a little run means everyone should just pull over and give them the position that in their minuscule little minds they believe they are entitled to.

Im disgusted and not going to participate if it causes me to drop to their level like this.

Id rather race AI on pc.

It’s my firm belief if more players would exert firm fair defense against these top guys, forcing them to race, then maybe they wouldn’t be such entitled jerks.
As far as I’m concerned too many players on NA see the big name or super low qualifying guy coming and just lift and pullover.

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Well after a great Thursday and Fridays racing with the likes of IOF, loyrot, wombleleader, pxcam20, koadudu, stlstig, and many other top players capable of running the race fair but hard bumper to bumper for 8 laps….
(Which we did several races over-just INCREDIBLE racing…)

Today was another story. My sub 12 qual placed me up the grid where I was immediately rear ended and shoved into the wall at Griffins…
I repaid one favor then entered again.

For some reason the pole sitter pulled aside at the start.
STLSTIG was in first me in second. Sting is a true gem an outstanding fair fast great competitor and I’ve been unable to match him.

It was my best race. I kept in the slipstream until about lap 3 where he started pulling a gap.
By lap five I was 2 seconds back I knew I had to pull out all the stops…
Off went TCS and I went for a push. I hit up a mid 13 and was reeling him in.
I was .7 up on a mid 13 on Conrod but the original pole sitter in a Ferrari was closing…
He was .4 at the kink but I knew he would try going inside dive.
I knew it.
Ahead of me was the guy I’ve been trying to beat for at least 12-15 races this week, I had caught but now “MR ENTITLEMENT LOOK AT MY QUALIFYING LAP I’N SO GOOD I WILL PULL OVER AT RACE START SO I CAN DO A COMEBACK CHALLENGE” is going inside dive so I defend, and wouldn’t you know it he runs into the back of me.
Luckily I barely saved it down to second all squirrelly 2 tires on grass now he’s on my 6 into the last turn.
I cover inside and park it on apex-expressing my displeasure at being disrespected and having my race ruined.
He hits me again. He had slowed up and waited to get the run so I sideswiped him into the wall.
Alas he got away up Mountain Straight but I was close enough at the Cutting so I t boned him full speed.

You know it felt good.
He ruined the best race I have had all year.

So there were still two laps so I made it back to second and he went long range nuclear missile no brakes ram at the Chase but he only knocked me off a little. YOU MISSED! IDIOT.
My rally skills kicked in and I brought the Mustang safely home in third.

Im totally disgusted with these peoples
I don’t know how I can play all day for 2 days with FEW if any problems all with happy chats glad to see you watch my stream then today comes and it’s disgusting arcade Mariokart filth.

Im totally disgusted and after all my efforts to have that idiot punt me like that sorry pal I won’t let it happen, you can get karma.
what happens is these guys are very good at hotlaps but they are not very skilled when it comes to racing fair. (The players today)
The top players the past two days from multiple continents made for amazing racing.
But these today smh.
They think that having a little run means everyone should just pull over and give them the position that in their minuscule little minds they believe they are entitled to.

Im disgusted and not going to participate if it causes me to drop to their level like this.

Id rather race AI on pc.

It’s my firm belief if more players would exert firm fair defense against these top guys, forcing them to race, then maybe they wouldn’t be such entitled jerks.
As far as I’m concerned too many players on NA see the big name or super low qualifying guy coming and just lift and pullover.

It's FIA day. The daily races always turn to **** on FIA day. Some are desperate to gain DR to get in a higher split while others are desperate to get lowered in SR and get easier opposition.
Anyways FIA days are best spend off track
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It's FIA day. The daily races always turn to **** on FIA day. Some are desperate to gain DR to get in a higher split while others are desperate to get lowered in SR and get easier opposition.
Anyways FIA days are best spend off track
That’s true.
The lame thing though is this last guy who shoved me at the Chase?
I just watched him take out 2 more innocent people at the Dipper when he tried to ram me but missed.

Thing is…
This is an alternate account for this player.
It has multiple top ten times just a few days of playtime and is at A plus over 55k.
Why would this player not race fair?
He is on an alt account.
I think it’s a psychological issue and I hope he or she gets help. :(
It’s a mindset of entitlement. There is a reason we run the races. It is more than just a time trial. It is important to respect others.
Not all of us regular joes are going to sit back and take being a punching bag.
Some of us know how to punch back-hard.
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It's FIA day. The daily races always turn to **** on FIA day. Some are desperate to gain DR to get in a higher split while others are desperate to get lowered in SR and get easier opposition.
Anyways FIA days are best spend off track
You got that right. A player that I usually battle in A/S, was in B/S. I was in the A/S alt and they were a bit untidy in Race C. Doing a few silly things and paying the price on his own. Might be a while before he’s in an FIA race with me.
Just did 2 races of DR A. I finished dead last in the 1st race (11th place) thanks to my own stupidity on the 1st corner of the 2nd lap. I braked WAY too late and ran straight into the wall. That also got me a 1.5 second penalty. Oh well.....

The 2nd race I fared much better. I started 6th but finished 4th. Plus I got a clean race star. I also noticed that all of the other drivers were all "S" for their SR. That includes me. But I'm not quite sure what that means. I was a "B", then an "B", now an "S". So is that better or worse? It was a very clean race. Not very much banging or anything, just some good side-by-side racing and no ramming or slamming going on.

Just did DR B. I started 5th.....but certainly didn't end up there. At the very start, we all get away clean. And before we get to the braking zone for turn 1, the guy in front of me just stops.....dead on the track. And seeing as how I was directly behind him, I ran into him. It caused me to ghost, then everyone else passed me; putting me down to 12th (out of 14). Thanks to some luck (others just running wide or getting a penalty), I wound up in 8th. But that hit at the start totally ruined my clean race attempt. I did really well, too, for the rest of the race. I was actually catching up to the few cars ahead of me. I used the Viper this time as I do much better with it around this track. But that guy just stopping like that and then me hitting him put a real damper on my race.

Race 2 of DR B.....I started 4th, finished 9th. I was trying to drive a clean race, so that meant I got taken advantage of. I used the McLaren 650S GT3 this time. I like this car, too. It's easy to drive and I can throw it around even more and still maintain control. I wish it was a little faster on the start or coming off a slow corner, but overall it's pretty decent.
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I ran quite a few Race B’s today after I set an acceptable time. Got 8 or 9 wins and a bunch of podiums. A lot of clean, close racing from most folks. This race however, while chaotic, was one of my most exciting because I really didn’t think I’d stand a chance of winning after getting punted to 8th on the first lap. Sometimes you wanna rage quit, but it’s almost always best to just keep going because you never know what’s gonna happen. Enjoy!

Just did 2 races of DR A. I finished dead last in the 1st race (11th place) thanks to my own stupidity on the 1st corner of the 2nd lap. I braked WAY too late and ran straight into the wall. That also got me a 1.5 second penalty. Oh well.....

The 2nd race I fared much better. I started 6th but finished 4th. Plus I got a clean race star. I also noticed that all of the other drivers were all "S" for their SR. That includes me. But I'm not quite sure what that means. I was a "B", then an "B", now an "S". So is that better or worse? It was a very clean race. Not very much banging or anything, just some good side-by-side racing and no ramming or slamming going on.

Just did DR B. I started 5th.....but certainly didn't end up there. At the very start, we all get away clean. And before we get to the braking zone for turn 1, the guy in front of me just stops.....dead on the track. And seeing as how I was directly behind him, I ran into him. It caused me to ghost, then everyone else passed me; putting me down to 12th (out of 14). Thanks to some luck (others just running wide or getting a penalty), I wound up in 8th. But that hit at the start totally ruined my clean race attempt. I did really well, too, for the rest of the race. I was actually catching up to the few cars ahead of me. I used the Viper this time as I do much better with it around this track. But that guy just stopping like that and then me hitting him put a real damper on my race.

Race 2 of DR B.....I started 4th, finished 9th. I was trying to drive a clean race, so that meant I got taken advantage of. I used the McLaren 650S GT3 this time. I like this car, too. It's easy to drive and I can throw it around even more and still maintain control. I wish it was a little faster on the start or coming off a slow corner, but overall it's pretty decent.
You questions about "B" and "S". They will be answered when you go look at your Kudosprime profile. You can look at mine in my signature links. It shows the scaling for the same but annoyingly different scales for DR (Driver Rating) and SR (Sportsmanship rating).

And yes, S is better than B.... the scale is from the top S A B C D and the sorta undefined E.
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Just run the Mustang at Bathurst. I honestly don’t know why some of you like it. It’s slow to accelerate, sluggish top end and feels like it weighs two tonnes. Not my kind of car at all.
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Penalties for ramming people from behind need to be reinstated asap or this game is going to become unplayable.
I just did DR A. There was a driver who got a 1.5 second penalty for barely side swiping me. I mean he barely even touched me; my line didn't even change. Yet when he "hit" me, it gave him a 1.5 second penalty. That's a bit excessive, IMO. Ramming from behind? Yes. Give them a penalty of at least 1 second if not 2. But getting a 1.5 second penalty for just barely touching another car when you're at the very exit of a turn? That was an unnecessary penalty in my eyes. I started 3rd and finished 5th (due to me running wide at one point). So I was happy to have only lost 2 places.

Race 2 (again, DR A), I started 3rd and finished 3rd; my 1st podium finish. It was a pretty clean race. I don't think anyone got a penalty in that one; or at least none that I saw.

Race 3: DR B. I used the Viper. I started 5th, got up to 3rd, then back down to 5th. I stayed there for a few laps, until me, the guy in front of me, and the guy behind me all got the same penalty (.5 second for cutting a corner). So, I figured, I'd just stay in that spot (we were all about 1 second apart from each other). But, at turn 2 (the sharp right-hander at the top of the hill), I decided to get on the gas a bit too early and ran wide. Then, I couldn't get control of the car and wound up down in 12th. I worked my way back up to 9th, and that's where I finished. Overall it was a fairly clean race (aside from the penalty I got.....which I deserved; and the idiot move on turn 2, by me). But there was hardly any banging or bashing going on.
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Real shame PD didn't bring these to GT "Sport". Just the XR8, would have made the Bathurst dailes races more fun.
The only reason I could see PD not including the '00 XR8 race car is they might have used the same polygon model since GT3. It might not have looked "up to the level" of quality as the rest of the GTS lineup. At least, that's what I tell myself about the exclusion of the Challenger TC from GT5/6.


Just run the Mustang at Bathurst. I honestly don’t know why some of you like it. It’s slow to accelerate, sluggish top end and feels like it weighs two tonnes. Not my kind of car at all.
Perhaps it's the time spent with the car. Perhaps PD pulled a physics swap that we haven't caught onto. For the last few months it has been a favorite for some of us after we noticed a physics alteration for the good. I haven't driven dailies since mid-July, so I haven't hopped into the Wild Stallion. :lol: