"Daily" Race Discussion

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What's the crack with penalties these days a year ago or so dive bombing someone would have got a penalty. Now it seems like you can just take anyone out and 0 penalties.
Penalties been off for at least a month now. I guess they turned it off since it’s flawed to begin with. I know it’s frustrating to get punted with no repercussions but the penalty system gets it wrong most of the time anyway.
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Having a lovely race, what's the worst thing that could happen? :)

I got the low battery warning in the middle of a race a couple days ago (I'd been playing for quite a while, beforehand). Now, I always make sure to plug in my controller before I jump into Sport Mode. It didn't die or shut off, but it caused a bit of alarm as the race had just started.
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I did 2 races at maggiore a minutes ago.
1st race with Evo start 5 on mediums, pits at lap 6, finished 7 with a little incident. BB 1
2nd Race, 458, start 6 mediums, pits lap 5, finished 7, BB-1 (A well balancer tire wear)

As much as I prefer to not use the Supra, it's the only car I can make a good time with so far. My go to the Vantage was way to slow and I couldn't get it into the turns properly. I then jumped into the Corvette and while it felt better to drive, it still felt slow to me. Finally, I jump in the Supra and set my best times all evening. I set a time of 1:55.5XX so far, and I can go faster since I had a moment where everything "clicked" for me and I understood what was holding my times back. So, I’ll try the Vantage and Corvette again and I’ll see what times I can make happen.
No wheel, for me. All I have is a DS4. And now, not even that.
Ouch. My DS4 has the drift issue also. Typically just from usage. I've had mine for 3 years. I'd say I got my money's worth (came with the PS4). But, I felt like I had to get an economical wheel setup for GTS.

Onto other news, we have a new IOTW. Congrats to @RX8 Racer & @Trone_Colby for their clips. I also noticed our most recognized "love to hate him" member appeared in one clip. Oddly, the clip wasn't even about him.

Returned to GTS last week after a good while off as a newly minted wheel user. Still getting the hang of transitioning to wheel and it's real awkward so far. Having a hard time of it.

Finally got confident enough to try a race, and chose B as I really like the Fuji track. Qualified at 1:46.1xx after maybe 10 laps, with best showing as low 1:44 but unable to get consistent enough to beat the official qual time.

It was mentioned previously that penalties seem to have been turned off? I'm SR S, but the lobbies I joined had a bunch of dive bombing jerks in there that made me spin out.

We'll see what I can lay down by the end of the week with some practice in.
Felt like a king last night in Race A, achieving two poles (1:35.2 or so from memory) and three wins! I was the only blue Copen for a while, and my qualifying time was 0.5 to 3s ahead of everyone elsr, until suddenly at 9pm I had three faster opponents, all in blue Copens, too! Two in the high 34s, and an inconceivable 1:33.0XX.
Now it was I who was outclassed, I placed a distant third, my winning streak a sweet memory. In having great opponents to chase however, I set several race laps in the 1:34.6 range, perhaps I'll improve my Q and win again this week...
Well I haven't played in so long maybe they decided to put me in a real low lobby, or I just had the best race of my life. I had 2300 DR points going in, I have been up to C rating once for about a week, but lifetime D driver with 7 total wins. So I did a time trial lap on Goodwood that was lower than my target but by less than a second. So somehow I get pole in the race. My SR is S so it's not like I was in a low SR lobby either. And by some miracle I didn't bottle it once. No flying off into the grass, no hitting the chicane of (slower) death. Went wire-to-wire and won. I should probably retire now and go out on top haha.
As much as I prefer to not use the Supra, it's the only car I can make a good time with so far. My go to the Vantage was way to slow and I couldn't get it into the turns properly. I then jumped into the Corvette and while it felt better to drive, it still felt slow to me. Finally, I jump in the Supra and set my best times all evening. I set a time of 1:55.5XX so far, and I can go faster since I had a moment where everything "clicked" for me and I understood what was holding my times back. So, I’ll try the Vantage and Corvette again and I’ll see what times I can make happen.
Same here. I have to push the Rcz too hard for my liking but have alot of time in the Supra and it's easier to turn a good time. Also tried out the FT-1 for the first time and was pleasantly suprised. I prefer the brakes over the Supra and I'm always a fan of high revving engines.
just did DR A. There was a driver who got a 1.5 second penalty for barely side swiping me. I mean he barely even touched me; my line didn't even change. Yet when he "hit" me, it gave him a 1.5 second penalty. That's a bit excessive, IMO.
Remember there is a delay when you do the penalty to when it appears against you, that guy possibly was awarded a exceeded track limits penalty for 3rd time hence 1.5 seconds and you saw it appear just after he brushed you, penalties don't come that fast....
Tried the FT-1 for some hot laps last night and managed a 1:54:1, which I'm pretty happy with. I was pretty inconsistent with it though, only managing three laps under 55, mostly in the 55's and a couple of throwaway laps in the 56 and 57s. I have to say I do enjoy driving it though, it's pretty rapid.
Did manage to get on last night but so late I couldn't write up then.

Fuji up first and a P10 grid slot.
Got a good first lap and made up a couple of spots. However at Panasonic someone had decided to go shallow whilst everyone else went for the better deep line. Bang I was the one they hit and round I went. I initially thought it was the Brit in the Lambo as I had passed him at GR Supra when he went wide. I was 6 seconds back and only made 2 seconds on them as they were fighting ahead. I was annoyed it seemed clean after that. The usual 'sure take me out and then clean up your act.' went through my mind. As I had a while until the next race I looked at the replay. It wasn't the Brit so I am glad I didn't call him out. It was a German in the RCZ. With the line he took he was always going to take someone out, and Sod's Law said it was always going to be me. It was clumsy and poor car control from him. At least own up to your mistake especially when it costs someone else. Say sorry. I'll have to make sure to be extra careful around them in the future.

Next up Maggiore. Another P10 grid slot in my FT-1.
White Noise GIF by Justin

Thought it was strange everyone had 5 green bars including the South African. Should have been a clue.
I hope this 'server maintenance' on Thursday is actually some server maintenance as well as a potential update.

Ah well time for some Goodwood.
A fun car to drive. You don't know whether the car will go wide or go through the corner fine.
My time was good for P5. I noticed someone else from the discoed lobby so it wasn't just me.
The car ahead went wide into St. Mary's. As they decided to come on I was in my swing around the corner and couldn't avoid them. I glanced them to pass. The car ahead followed suit through Woodcote and I glanced them on my way to the chicane.
However I mucked up Levant and the first car I passed got back passed me. I managed to get a better run through Madgewick and they could not close the door and backed out at the kink before St. Mary's for what was a good overtake. I stayed in P3 then until the end.

It was now getting close to midnight so I was debating whether to go back into race C.
I did and I probably shouldn't.
12th on the grid.
Had a good few laps and got up to 8th at one point thanks to a few spinners. I pitted lap 4 to get rid of my meds. I come out and am soon caught by an Irishman I had overtaken into turn 1 lap 1. After his pitstop the same lap as me his crew seems to have put a rocket engine on his car. I defend into Big Banky Boi and he gets a switchback up the hill. We run side by side through the esses. I leave room at apex 1. He doesn't in apex 2. I'm not walled but am grassed.
He just leaves me for dead and later on makes his way towards the top 3. However I think this is what lead to what followed. I come out of turn 2 and the car goes. Coming off the grass and the car goes again. (Typical :dunce:) I loose what must be 10 seconds before the game decides to reset me. I am now battling for the last few positions. I manage to beat a Frenchman in an FT-1 and a Russian in a R8. Fair play to this Russian. We have a good clean battle and the only reason I got passed is because they went deep into the downhill hairpin. I crossed the line P10.

Race B and C have a lot more to offer me for sure.
For anyone who has been in a Daily or FIA with this guy when he's on a DR reset rampage. Surely he has been reported hundreds of times and the reports go somewhere?

It took me eight events in Race A to go from a B-rating to a D-rating. Without punting anyone. Without any impact on my SR rating.

(I do not recommend doing this. It’s analogous to an actor gaining a lot of weight for a film role: putting the weight on is a lot easier, and quicker, than taking it off. Seriously. There are consequences. I started a recent FIA event with a D-rating, and the first race I participated in awarded 7 points for first place.)

The reason I know exactly how many races I participated in is simple: I got a clean race bonus every time.

I took those steps necessary to defend last place. And I was very successful.

I drove in a “spirited” manner. Which is to say, slower with precision.

I made the following deliberate changes to my technique:

I short-shifted aggressively. My shift point was 7,000 rpm.

I stayed out of top gear. The Copen rarely exceeded 90 mph (140 kmph?).

I then practiced hitting brake markers from a well-known and trusted source of lap guides on youTube, as if I were driving at full speed.

In the spirit of not interfering with other drivers, it was vital that I not allow myself to get lapped. On this particular race, this presented no problem.

Driving an already slow car just a little bit slower on a scenic track like Goodwood rendered such driving more tolerable than it might otherwise have been with a track car on the Blue Moon Bay oval, for instance. (I haven’t tried this approach with a track car. Yet.)

Once I had surgically reset my Driver Rating, I circled back to the matter of clean race bonuses. That third and final consecutive clean race achievement had eluded me for months. My best was 12 consecutive races. And here I was with a streak of 8 clean races. I was determined to continue with this unconventional, counter-intuitive approach until I hit 15 consecutive races (or until I broke the streak.)

Driving one clean race was easy. Driving a clean race 15 times in a row was tricky. I very nearly ended my streak several times. But I did it.

So, not only was I able to strategically adjust my DR rating without doing so at the direct expense of any other single driver, I was also able to do so in a manner that awarded me an in-game achievement.

I also got to know the track really well, including those brake markers.

Baron von Punt-Often is just another griefer.

I now have just over a day to get my DR rating up in time for the Nations Cup.
So after having enough rest from my yesterday's Daily Race B excursions, I decided to give Daily Race B a go again just for this day and after that I'm really done for the week.

Did three sessions and in my first race I managed to land a win. Nothing much happened other than just ensuring that I don't bottle it or anything. Had to deal with a fellow Scirocco driver who kept me in check until the third lap where I somehow managed to start expanding my gap enough to breathe and win the race from there.

The second session made me start on P2 and I just kept the pole sitter in check and while I pressured the pole sitter, it seems that he was able to get through and resist my pressure for the whole race and there was at one point where we really had a good battle for first. We thanked each other after the race for having a good battle. Finished P2.

Third and last session I started on P4 so there wasn't really much for me to do there as the top 3 left us on the dust due to their pace so I had no choice but to just settle for P4 and defend my position from there. Nothing much happened afterwards and finished a respectable P4.

Here's my first session and I'm really done for this week. I hope next week's Daily Race B is good.

Yeah....I'm on the same boat now as well because I was hoping that the FRs would have a shot at winning but it seems that after a couple of tries, it's still Scirocco-ville and what @Baka_Marimo and @D_Dragline said pretty much describe what I experienced for today's Daily Race B that made me want to call it a week this early.
Give Race B a second look. The Asia top 10 has no FF cars and the Genesis (FR) is proving to be fast as it has 5 of the top 10 positions. There are no Jag F-Types in the top 10 and that is a little surprising.

Folks are using the Scirocco in the race but it is slow. For the FFs, I find the Megane is faster.

The dives are real and it is complete BS. And I am not talking about gentle dives. I experienced a full hit in the final corner by an A+ driver. No slowing or no acknowledgement afterwards.
The dives are real and it is complete BS. And I am not talking about gentle dives. I experienced a full hit in the final corner by an A+ driver. No slowing or no acknowledgement afterwards.
There are two fast lines that get you through the final corner and down the straight with decent speed:
1. The wide line with a late apex
2. A tight line and bounce off the driver above just as they get to the apex.
Give Race B a second look. The Asia top 10 has no FF cars and the Genesis (FR) is proving to be fast as it has 5 of the top 10 positions. There are no Jag F-Types in the top 10 and that is a little surprising.

Folks are using the Scirocco in the race but it is slow. For the FFs, I find the Megane is faster.

The dives are real and it is complete BS. And I am not talking about gentle dives. I experienced a full hit in the final corner by an A+ driver. No slowing or no acknowledgement afterwards.
There was one dude who got annoyed by my fair defense and he was like "sorry but I don't like players who block" and I'm like how am I blocking I'm just defending my position.

Yeah I can confirm that in one of my sessions where while there's still some 'Roccos on the grid, it seems that the 4WDs have a shot (specifically I find the Veyron to be a common 4WD on the grid but there's some Huracans along the way too).
Either I've actually started to find a little speed or the last couple of combos have just been outstanding for me. I rarely use my main account on daily races unless I know I can stay towards the front and avoid most of the SR nuking carnage that can occur in the midfield. The main's up around 25k after being stuck at 20k for what seems forever. I even had a P4 in Race C last night in a lobby that ranged all the way up to A+. Maybe I'm not the super slow guy anymore... (just the mostly slow guy).
Either I've actually started to find a little speed or the last couple of combos have just been outstanding for me. I rarely use my main account on daily races unless I know I can stay towards the front and avoid most of the SR nuking carnage that can occur in the midfield. The main's up around 25k after being stuck at 20k for what seems forever. I even had a P4 in Race C last night in a lobby that ranged all the way up to A+. Maybe I'm not the super slow guy anymore... (just the mostly slow guy).
When I get back to doing dailies, this is what I'll tell myself. :lol:
I went back to try again in the Vantage and while I was a bit faster, it's still way too slow to keep up a race pace. Same situation with the Corvette, a bit faster but still too slow. However, at the suggestion of @FA_Hayes, I tried the FT-1 and holy cow does it drive great! It's seems easier to control than the Supra, and I can get around the corners quicker. I managed a 1:54.8XX qualifying time!

Josh Allen Bills GIF by EliteSportsTours

I had an optimal time of 1:54.4XX so I'll try and hit that tomorrow. But, if i don't I am beyond pumped to get a time that quick. For me at least.
After a DR reset, i turned my attention to Race C.

When there is a Daily race with a required pit stop, particularly in the lower ranked lobbies, there are multiple drivers who simply will not pit.

I have found that if I can stay within one minute of the lead driver, I can be awarded the positions of Those Who Will Not Pit.

I don't know why drivers do this, and I don't need to know why to benefit from it.
I went back to try again in the Vantage and while I was a bit faster, it's still way too slow to keep up a race pace. Same situation with the Corvette, a bit faster but still too slow. However, at the suggestion of @FA_Hayes, I tried the FT-1 and holy cow does it drive great! It's seems easier to control than the Supra, and I can get around the corners quicker. I managed a 1:54.8XX qualifying time!

Josh Allen Bills GIF by EliteSportsTours

I had an optimal time of 1:54.4XX so I'll try and hit that tomorrow. But, if i don't I am beyond pumped to get a time that quick. For me at least.
It's my choice for the week after spending more time with it. You can get on the throttle a bit sooner than the Supra and cornering is a touch smoother. Messed with it in arcade time trial and went bottom 54's on mediums. I went high 53's in the supra but it was sloppy.

Ran my first race with no quali just now. And my first race with a pit stop. Finished 9th and set fastest lap at 55.4xx on the third lap of soft tires. Rev it until just before the mph starts to taper off and if you get the rpm right on exit it shoots out of corners like an angry little bastard.

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