Did manage to get on last night but so late I couldn't write up then.
Fuji up first and a P10 grid slot.
Got a good first lap and made up a couple of spots. However at Panasonic someone had decided to go shallow whilst everyone else went for the better deep line. Bang I was the one they hit and round I went. I initially thought it was the Brit in the Lambo as I had passed him at GR Supra when he went wide. I was 6 seconds back and only made 2 seconds on them as they were fighting ahead. I was annoyed it seemed clean after that. The usual 'sure take me out and then clean up your act.' went through my mind. As I had a while until the next race I looked at the replay. It wasn't the Brit so I am glad I didn't call him out. It was a German in the RCZ. With the line he took he was always going to take someone out, and Sod's Law said it was always going to be me. It was clumsy and poor car control from him. At least own up to your mistake especially when it costs someone else. Say sorry. I'll have to make sure to be extra careful around them in the future.
Next up Maggiore. Another P10 grid slot in my FT-1.
Thought it was strange everyone had 5 green bars including the South African. Should have been a clue.
I hope this 'server maintenance' on Thursday is actually some server maintenance as well as a potential update.
Ah well time for some Goodwood.
A fun car to drive. You don't know whether the car will go wide or go through the corner fine.
My time was good for P5. I noticed someone else from the discoed lobby so it wasn't just me.
The car ahead went wide into St. Mary's. As they decided to come on I was in my swing around the corner and couldn't avoid them. I glanced them to pass. The car ahead followed suit through Woodcote and I glanced them on my way to the chicane.
However I mucked up Levant and the first car I passed got back passed me. I managed to get a better run through Madgewick and they could not close the door and backed out at the kink before St. Mary's for what was a good overtake. I stayed in P3 then until the end.
It was now getting close to midnight so I was debating whether to go back into race C.
I did and I probably shouldn't.
12th on the grid.
Had a good few laps and got up to 8th at one point thanks to a few spinners. I pitted lap 4 to get rid of my meds. I come out and am soon caught by an Irishman I had overtaken into turn 1 lap 1. After his pitstop the same lap as me his crew seems to have put a rocket engine on his car. I defend into Big Banky Boi and he gets a switchback up the hill. We run side by side through the esses. I leave room at apex 1. He doesn't in apex 2. I'm not walled but am grassed.
He just leaves me for dead and later on makes his way towards the top 3. However I think this is what lead to what followed. I come out of turn 2 and the car goes. Coming off the grass and the car goes again. (Typical

) I loose what must be 10 seconds before the game decides to reset me. I am now battling for the last few positions. I manage to beat a Frenchman in an FT-1 and a Russian in a R8. Fair play to this Russian. We have a good clean battle and the only reason I got passed is because they went deep into the downhill hairpin. I crossed the line P10.
Race B and C have a lot more to offer me for sure.