Damage / what about repairs ?

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OSU Buckeyes baby !!!
United States
Buckeye Nation
This stems off of the damage question in another thread , which it appears to widely accepted to have damage in the game , but my question is , - Who will be responsible for the repairs sustained on a car that has taken on damage ? I say if you damage it , you fix it ( it's fair ) . What if you get punted hard and your car takes on heavy damage ? Should the person who caused it be forced to fix it , by automatically withdrawnig from their credits ? I think it is only fair. Or will the car automatically be restored after the race , without taking from anybody's account ? The idea of making you fix your own car , I think can promote cleaner racing on-line . With private rooms coming , and I am going to assume you will be racing with people from your friends list , I feel if they are friends , they would be willing to clean up any damages they caused , right or wrong ? . I would be willing to be held responsible for any damages I caused . thoughts-good or bad ?
I say you pay for it yourself rather than making the person who hit you pay for it just over complicates things like the penalty system (which doesn't work) and what would happen if the person who damaged your car doesn't have enough money.
Pay for it yourself,Its a risk you take while racing.

If you enter a race without expecting your car to get damaged then your in the wrong sport.
if an audi R10 accidentally hits the Porsche RS spyder at Le mans, would Audi have to pay for it? No.

Racing is a dangerous sport. There is a monetary risk involved. your car gets screwed, you pay for it, either way.
Like above pay for it yourself but if youre car is totalloss? how high should the penalty go? if you were to retire?
Do it like Forza 2... reduce race earnings for the amount of repairs to your car.

Exactly. If you do it any other way i.e. make someone else pay, or have to go yourself into a garage mode to repair similar to the oil change in GT4, it's just going to get annoying really fast. The oil change for example in GT4 was definetely annoying. A waste of time that doesn't belong in a game. I play racing sims for realism, but no need to go as far as wasting my time for stupid things that should be done automatically.
Do it like Forza 2... reduce race earnings for the amount of repairs to your car.

Those are exactly my thoughts. If the prize is 15,000 credits and you have damage that estimates to 5000, you're only going home with 10,000 creds.., simple.
I don't have an x-box , so please tell me , who pays for the damages ? is it just automatically taken out of what you win ? what if damage exceeds the winnings , will your car automatically get restored regardless of earnings , or does it draw from your credits you have stored up to get it repaired ?
I don't have an x-box , so please tell me , who pays for the damages ? is it just automatically taken out of what you win ? what if damage exceeds the winnings , will your car automatically get restored regardless of earnings , or does it draw from your credits you have stored up to get it repaired ?
Credit reduction is based on damage to your car, not to exceed the total potential race winnings. Not perfect, but there's no reason to get hung up on this aspect... the important part is taking care of your car during the race. Even light damage can impact your race if you're in a closely matched league field (something that I really, really love about Forza 2).
In real life if you have a crash with another driver, then you/your team pay for the repairs, not the other driver/team.

So it makes sense to keep it like that in the game.
Good ideals,

lots of race events would not have prize money that would pay the cost of repairs though. So I say it needs to come out of your bank account. However for those that are hell bent on causing everyone else to crash they should be forced to pay fines etc. I also think that each set of tires should cost money. You should not get an endless supply of tires for one amount. Also I would like to see the ability for private or tournament style of online races to charge entry fees. Then this entry fee becomes part of the prize money along with what ever other amount the host of the race includes.
Good ideals,

lots of race events would not have prize money that would pay the cost of repairs though. So I say it needs to come out of your bank account. However for those that are hell bent on causing everyone else to crash they should be forced to pay fines etc. I also think that each set of tires should cost money. You should not get an endless supply of tires for one amount. Also I would like to see the ability for private or tournament style of online races to charge entry fees. Then this entry fee becomes part of the prize money along with what ever other amount the host of the race includes.

Good ideas! 👍
I agree with greenlightning. Your will have to pay for repairs to your car whether it was your fault or not. In real racing, the perpetrator may be fined or docked points, but that is all. I have no strong opinion whether this should be included or not. If it is, all I can say is hope the AI race controllers get their facts straight!
So what happens when your cruising in your brand new Bently Speed 8, punter rams you off the road at 220 MPH and your car is 100% totaled. you guys want to pay that $4,500,000 bill at the end of the race?
Regarding single player; it will undoubtedly degenerate the game into a mess similar to NFS Prostreet...
If your car gets totaled, there should be a reset race option at the menu like in that POS known as DiRT. Like really, when did the 'restart' option become obsolete.
if an audi R10 accidentally hits the Porsche RS spyder at Le mans, would Audi have to pay for it? No.

Racing is a dangerous sport. There is a monetary risk involved. your car gets screwed, you pay for it, either way.
Yes, but the suggestion was for online modes. What if someone tapes you into a spin to pass you and you end up colliding with the wall though no fault of your own? Forcing you to pay for it is unfair because you were (probably) just being a sensible racer, not someone going around and running people off the road so that they can win.
Repair everything from your ingame money? Buy your tires?
Did you ever thought of the words *GAME OVER*?
Yes, but the suggestion was for online modes. What if someone tapes you into a spin to pass you and you end up colliding with the wall though no fault of your own? Forcing you to pay for it is unfair because you were (probably) just being a sensible racer, not someone going around and running people off the road so that they can win.

Who do you think payed for this?

Certainly not Senna,even though he rammed off Prost to win the championship.
You shouldn't have to pay for damage caused in online races, but perhaps in offline races, yeah sure. The huge problem with damage at all is B-Spec............23hrs into a 24hr race..........I'm sure you can imagine the rest.:ouch:
I don't think the damage bills should be huge though, otherwise I'll never be able to afford that '69 Camaro, or VE Commodore.:(
So what happens when your cruising in your brand new Bently Speed 8, punter rams you off the road at 220 MPH and your car is 100% totaled. you guys want to pay that $4,500,000 bill at the end of the race?

Good point. I know I wouldn't want to fork out that kind of cash just because a punter decides to take me out.

Yes, but the suggestion was for online modes. What if someone tapes you into a spin to pass you and you end up colliding with the wall though no fault of your own? Forcing you to pay for it is unfair because you were (probably) just being a sensible racer, not someone going around and running people off the road so that they can win.


We all wan't realism in GT5, but just how far do you go with it.
Afterall, this is a game and it needs an element of fairness to it. Real life racing is an entirely different thing altogether.
The only case I've heard of of asking some to pay for damage was when Taki Inoue's Arrows was upended by the course car during practice for the 1995 Monaco GP. They felt it was definitely not a racing incident. I didn't blame them in that peculiar case; the course cars are intended for safety and care of the participants. To further the scenario (albeit beyond the scope of this topic just a tad), lawsuits for willfully dangerous driving (usually in lesser-classes of motorsport) and of course, settlements for fatal accidents are rare, but do occur.

But I don't see GT5 following suit. I think a "repair system" would be a wonderful idea; if you want to race a Ferrari, you have to pay Ferrari maintenance and repair costs, where as a Ford Ka might cost a little less to support in terms of wear and tear. I don't think you should have to pay for online damage, but that depends ultimately on how much of the game needs to be completed and/or what awards are given online.

On the other hand, if you're not going to race the car again, you shouldn't have to pay for damage to your mount. You keep the car the way it is, and fix it when you need to race again.
Do it like Forza 2... reduce race earnings for the amount of repairs to your car.

Yup, Forza does it really well. Retain money for repairs at the end of the race.

If your repairs cost you more then your gain, then you get nothing but the car still gets repaired (obviously, else you can go in a negative spiral that makes the player run out of money and can't race properly because all his cars are broken).
I don't think Damage should be paid for. Otherwise, you'll end up not having enough money to race again. Game over.

That's not the way to have one of these games. Remember, this should be realistic, but free of the pains of reality. Otherwise, no-one's gonna pay for it.

Damage should automatically be fixed after a race. If a car is damaged to the point of not continuing, it should leave that race. That should be penalty enough.

Besides, many punters get off cleaner than the puntees. I personally think Damage modeling isn't all it's cracked up to be, and will end up being a hassle in the end. If there's a switch in the options, I'm turning it off. I never go online, anyway.