That sounds like a load of garbage again. A quick skidpad puts the GT5 N3's at ~ 1g. That's about as good as any 370Z will get. Maybe the S1 give a more accurate feel, but I don't know why they have to have race car like grip to give you street car fee.
The N3's in the demo feel fine, though TC makes it hard to explore the limits of the car. It doesn't let you forget that it is on. They really should have made it defeatable, or at least left it at a reasonable level, like 1.
Jeez you can switch off the TCS from the tuned Z even when driving with pad.
To quote Homer Simpson: Mmmmm Dooonuts ahhhhh.
Im 0.3 seconds faster now too.
Interesting Bekimche, I can't really comment on or test your thoughts, as driving with an unrestrained wheel really makes slides and drifting tough to pull off.
I haven't driven LFS, but I've heard of its reputation. Would you say that better feedback would help GT5? I have to say that it was sometimes difficult getting a feel for how much grip I had, though I don't know if this is because I how I had my wheel set up, or if it's because of my less than average amount of wheel experience/use, or a flaw in the game's physics.
Also, I'm not ready to call GT5 physics perfect, I hope my last post didn't sound like that. They are great, at least considering all I know and my experience with cars, but I'm not enough of a real driver to claim that GT5 is perfection or not.
I've just played the demo for about 4 hours, just testing oversteer physics and trying to drift (G25 & Stock 350z). I've managed to put a few drifts together...hardly, if you can even call em drifts. Some were nice but some were just "slides". It was in no way realistic though. I might make a video of it to show everyone how absurd the oversteer physics are. I found alot of things very odd...if before the corner your wheels are spinning and your approaching the corner, if you turn in with the wheelspin, you can sort of guide it through and pull off a decent drift, but If you try a power over move, or a feint drift or a braking drift or anything can sometimes pull em off, but they're little and hopeless, otherwise and almost always you just spin. For the life of me I cannot understand why it's spinning when it shouldn't. Other times I have noticed that with the slightest feather of a touch on throttle through a corner trying to guide it through, it would spin...then other time it would be fine, until you start counter steering and it suddenly finds grip! *facepalm*
I hope it is just the 370z but I highly doubt that. They really need to fix the tire physics. LFS should be the benchmark for tire physics. And please I don't want to hear anything like "it's only cause you suck" or "it's not designed for drifting" or anything like that, because even those who think the physics are 100% perfect I bet they know deep inside that they're not and infact they are definitely not. It seems people just want to agree with one another but the physics ARE flawed and if everyone's saying it's perfect it's not going to get fixed which would be a shame.
Having all those 1000 cars, waiting so long for GT5, to only slightly enjoy it compared to how excited I would be if the physics were fixed in the full game, I don't think I'll ever get off it. I hope these aren't the final physics, I would be shattered beyond belief. I'm actually quite nervous about it, I want it to be fixed but I have a feeling it won't and will be stuck with these flawed physics in the full game![]()
Why couldn't PD give us a car we're familiar with, so we could make direct comparisons?
CoolColJ I did some tests and there is no engine braking at all! If you go up to 5th gear and then drop to firstThere is engine breaking try on straight get to high rpm on 4 gear let of throttle watch speed meter then change to third and watch it again.
What you described is more that transmision fail by user of a car fallowed by transmission demage.
I don't know why they have made it so stupidly hard and unrealistic.
Because they hate Top Gear Australia.
Perkel, it doesn't matter if its wet or not, that was simply to state that the car does infact go sideways quite beautifully. There are other vids out there too. It was to prove that the car is fine because people were saying the 370z is built with so and so suspension and set up this or that way to prevent this and that. It does drift. And yes he's not going to drift it like Keiichi Tsuchiya, but he doesn't need to. I understand that different cars handle differently like you said with the viper and Ferrari but I am not trying to compare the car to the 350z or any others, just simply was trying to prove that the car in real life is capable of drifting.
Yes it's possible to drift, I have pulled off many drifts so far, but it is in no way realistic, the tire physics still need to be worked on. Read my post in the previous page, I try to explain that the physics are flawed, but it's near impossible to explain. The best way would be to have GT5p GT5 demo and LFS side by side and three people playing comparing the three. Could you show us a video of you drifting almost as good as in GT5p?
Well, two of the three obviously had a "bad physics day".![]()
The new physics are defintely not pad friendly or even controller friendly. I think the wheel turns way to fast for us controller users. It should be alot more smoother and slower. PD should give us an option to adjust sensitivity and threshold for pad users. I'm not super serious about this game and don't want to be forced to buy a wheel so I won't be frustrated with the game. I'm sure its great witha wheel as you can make small adjustments but for controller users its to twitchy. I barely touch the pad and BOOM! instant full lock.
That first porsche vid looks extremely fun. The guy's crazy for driving that beast in the wet on a track like the ring