Good grief... you just shot yourself in the foot with both barrels. I really chafe when people complain about Gran Turismo in comparison with another video game. Real life driving, racing, whatever is fine, but not another GAME. Don't do it people, I won't give you any credence whatsoever. If you want the physics of a certain game, you need to play THAT GAME. I do NOT want Gran Turismo to be like another game. I want it to reflect real live physics, and nothing else.
Please, if you're going to complain, don't do it in the context of some other game. I can't stomach that.
As for LFS's tire physics, every time they fix something, they break something else. Maybe with the newest patch, they'll get it mostly right. I will have to say the dynamics are very good, and I know the math of tire grip physics is insanely complicated, and that tiny team has done a great job with it. But at the same time almost none of the game is real, and the graphics are rubbish. Plus, PC sims are just stale even in comparison to GT4.
That would be interesting. The ISR guys were practically touching themselves on camera over Forza 3. And it's a nice game and all, but it's still just Forza 2 tweaked a bit. I don't get the feeling reminiscent of Live For Speed like I do in Prologue.
And I have to say it: I'm not disappointed that drifting is so difficult in the TT demo. I'd much rather drifters gravitate to another game like Forza or NFS. I had joined a Forza 3 online party with Mustang from here, and some ninyhead was drifting while we were racing. It would have been okay if he was last, but I was behind him and trying to get around, and taking a chance for a pass on an upcoming turn, he drifted into me and took us both out. It also looked completely fake. Meh. I don't want to go through this nonsense in GT5. I hope at the very least there are drift only servers they can all flock to.
Besides, I'd have to think that drifting wouldn't be easy anyway without proper clutch implementation. I think everyone in that camp needs to calm down and wait for GT5 to release, or at least a proper demo if we get one, before you give yourselves a wedgie over it.