Depression and Anxiety Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
proper diet and exercise

Yes and yes. These two things are majorly important to fending off the inevitable.

If you're a manic depressive/ bipolar than all you can do is try to keep the depression at bay and the two things you've mentioned are probably two of the biggest factors in doing so.
Yes and yes. These two things are majorly important to fending off the inevitable.

If you're a manic depressive/ bipolar than all you can do is try to keep the depression at bay and the two things you've mentioned are probably two of the biggest factors in doing so.

This, a million times. But with combating depression with exercise & sports there is a considerable problem looming in the far distance

I've been suffering from manic depression since the age of 16, a depression that has never stopped increasing in intensity. For many years I have been putting all my excessive negative energy into weight lifting, I've been pushing myself really hard and aggressively which worked wonders on my mental well being.

My biggest motivation has always been self improvement and setting goals in this sport.
5 kg more next week at the overhead press, I can squeeze out another 2kg at the bench in two weeks, this year want to refine my technique to break the 105kg overhead press etc. Having something to work towards to is a wonderful thing, you'll try to live as healthily as possible and be at your absolute best to reach those goals, which is pretty much THE best therapy ever against depressions.

The last thing I want to do now is boasting but I'm now closing in on my genetically natural max. in strength and size, I'm already a bit beyond what is considered possible for a natural lifter. There is onyl so much strength you can acquire naturally and thats it, its set in stone.
I will reach a point where I'll completely stall and...thats the the end of the story.

I could resort to drugs, performance enhancers to keep going but I'm definitely not going down that route because that is completely against my principles. This is not limited to lifting, its the same with running, cycling or what have you. If you are a high level athlete in your sport you'll consider searching for alternative ways to keep on going.

What I'm saying is once you stall in your sport you'll be in an ugly situation and the hobby that once helped to fight your depression will turn against you. Depending on your personality and willpower chances are good you'll resort to unhealthy exercise regimes trying to keep on improving (ultimately hurting yourself), risking your health with dodgy performance enhancers & drugs (Especially after seeing people who take these kind of medications outperforming you big time) or you'll simply crash.

Fighting depression with sports is wonderful, but its not a perfect method. Ultimately its just buying some time. Depending on how hard you are pushing yourself and the sports you are doing you might find yourself in a terrible situation in 5-10 years. I'm close to that point and I don't know what I'm going to do, progress has already slowed down to a painfully slow pace and it will only get worse.

Man, such a big wall of text with so little information in it. I should become a politician! :dunce:
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This, a million times. But with combating depression with exercise & sports there is a considerable problem looming in the far distance

I've been suffering from manic depression since the age of 16, a depression that has never stopped increasing in intensity. For many years I have been putting all my excessive negative energy into weight lifting, I've been pushing myself really hard and aggressively which worked wonders on my mental well being.

My biggest motivation has always been self improvement and setting goals in this sport.
5 kg more next week at the overhead press, I can squeeze out another 2kg at the bench in two weeks, this year want to refine my technique to break the 105kg overhead press etc. Having something to work towards to is a wonderful thing, you'll try to live as healthily as possible and be at your absolute best to reach those goals, which is pretty much THE best therapy ever against depressions.

The last thing I want to do now is boasting but I'm now closing in on my genetically natural max. in strength and size, I'm already a bit beyond what is considered possible for a natural lifter. There is onyl so much strength you can acquire naturally and thats it, its set in stone.
I will reach a point where I'll completely stall and...thats the the end of the story.

I could resort to drugs, performance enhancers to keep going but I'm definitely not going down that route because that is completely against my principles. This is not limited to lifting, its the same with running, cycling or what have you. If you are a high level athlete in your sport you'll consider searching for alternative ways to keep on going.

What I'm saying is once you stall in your sport you'll be in an ugly situation and the hobby that once helped to fight your depression will turn against you. Depending on your personality and willpower chances are good you'll resort to unhealthy exercise regimes trying to keep on improving (ultimately hurting yourself), risking your health with dodgy performance enhancers & drugs (Especially after seeing people who take these kind of medications outperforming you big time) or you'll simply crash.

Fighting depression with sports is wonderful, but its not a perfect method. Ultimately its just buying some time. Depending on how hard you are pushing yourself and the sports you are doing you might find yourself in a terrible situation in 5-10 years. I'm close to that point and I don't know what I'm going to do, progress has already slowed down to a painfully slow pace and it will only get worse.
Wouldn't finding another sport or two be the next logical step, especially one that can take advantage of your gains so far?
Wouldn't finding another sport or two be the next logical step, especially one that can take advantage of your gains so far?

Finding another hobby is a great suggestion, just like the suggestion simply not to be depressed at all! (A few pages back).

Interests and hobbies don't grow on trees, if you are depressed you already are in a state of major lethargy and you show little interest in the world outside your head. Finding a new hobby is much much harder for depressed people than the average people.

I tried a few sports but nothing really piqued my interest. Actually, I don't have much interest in anything anymore.
I'm curious to know if anyone that suffers from depression has ever looked at their diet and made changes in their diet to help combat the illness. I'm a big believer that proper diet and exercise helps almost everything and that a bad diet and/or lack of exercise can actually cause or exacerbate many common illnesses and afflictions.

Probably everyone, to be honest. Diet and exercise are the first two things that every medical professional will recommend to anyone suffering from depression.

Diet generally has a limited effect, but it's useful in the sense that making sure that your diet is good eliminates a bunch of other problems that can exacerbate the condition. If you're depressed, you want to make sure that you're only dealing with the one health issue instead of also having nutritional deficits. It's also an easy win, and succeeding at something can be useful for depressed people.

Exercise has a bunch of effects that are helpful. Short term it can stimulate the body to generate chemicals that can make you feel a little better, or at least not as bad. Long term (like several months) it can provide overall changes to brain chemistry. It also just feels better to be fit than it does to be a fat blob on the couch, so again it's about removing extraneous things that can contribute to depression.

It specifically has to be aerobic exercise, and you need to get your heart rate up and breathing hard. General recommendation is 15-20 minutes. It can be difficult for depressed people to do this (for reasons I'll go into below), but working on a schedule to exercise every day and building up from a few minutes initially to the desired target is helpful. As a depressed person, it's important to learn to rely on schedules instead of your innate need to get things done (because you don't have one).

The problem with doing exercise for depressed people is that your brain can literally screw with you. I've been exercising for a few months now, so I can do 20-40 minutes without any real problem at all. However, I've been modifying my medication which has resulted in a few days where my mood is significantly lower. On those days exercise is damn near impossible. I know that I'm physically capable of it, my muscles haven't changed since the day before, but after only a couple of minutes my brain is screaming at me that I'm exhausted. My limbs feel heavy and limp, and just start straight up not doing what they're told. It's incredibly annoying and quite demonstrative of the power that the brain has over the body.

So you're right, diet and exercise are things that can't hurt and may help. Every depressed person can and should be trying to optimise their diet and fitness.

However, with anything beyond mild depression they are expected to be incremental gains that work to support other therapies. And people with more severe or atypical depression may not see any gains at all. Personally, I find that exercise has not had an impact on my mood, which has led my psychologist to recently recommend further testing as it is contrary to the pattern of improvement that he expects. It's nice being fit and strong, don't get me wrong, it just doesn't seem to affect whatever my particular brain is doing or has wrong with it.

My greatest gains have come from medication, but that's not particularly desirable. There's a bunch of side effects, and it's essentially brute forcing my brain into approximating a correct chemistry. It's also somewhat trial and error, which can be quite dangerous as I can end up with days where I'm worse than with no medication. There's also induced tolerance and interactions between the drugs to consider which makes it very difficult. Not recommended unless you have professional support, are confident that you're sufficiently educated yourself to appreciate what you're doing, or are just plain desperate.

I should mention however, that if you're depressed and finding it hard to get your exercise done, you may consider using common, legal drugs to aid you. Nicotine and caffeine are legal and easily available, and can be very useful if used carefully and mindfully.

High doses of caffeine (100-300mg) can be excellent for improving your ability to exercise. Beware that you may suffer headaches during or after, and that if you have anxiety it almost certainly will increase this. But the caffeine will stimulate your concentration and willpower, and should increase your desire to move your body while suppressing that erroneous exhaustion from your brain.

Nicotine is available as cigarettes or in a variety of pure forms as smoking cessation aid (patches, lozenges, etc). The pure forms are relatively unaddictive, about as much as caffeine. It is a mild stimulant with less side effects than caffeine (for me, anyway). However the effect is subtle and slow to build. Cigarettes have a much more immediate effect, but are worse for your health in general and are addictive. However they provide more of a rush that you may find useful for spurring yourself into action. Some of the other compounds in cigarettes may also have a mild anti-depressant effect, which can be useful if you're desperate enough to consider chronic smoking. I don't recommend it, but YMMV.

Apologies Johnny, there's a lot of stuff that's not directed at what you posted, but it was a useful starting point for me to share some of the information that I've gained that may be of use to others. :)
Yeah because life problems can be fixed with a diet.

Nobody said that. But you can make sure that your diet isn't making your life problems any harder than they need be.

Also, depending on the medication that you're on you may need to be on a controlled diet anyway. MAOIs can literally kill you if you eat the wrong thing while you're on them, and even other antidepressants can have odd reactions. I recently found out that anything with ginseng in it makes me feel weird now. Go figure. No more Monster for me.

The benefits from diet may only be small, and a normal person would never notice the difference. But if you're depressed then it can be a small step that may help. By itself it does basically nothing, but by the time you add up diet+exercise+therapy+medication+social support it can be a noticeable improvement. Or not, everyone is different but you can't know until you try.

And even if it doesn't help, it's a very good first step to regaining control of your life. By definition, you have to eat and drink or you're not depressed any more. You're dead. As a wise man once said to me, "If you don't eat, you don't poo. If you don't poo, you die." If you're very depressed you may give up on just about everything else, but that's your one thing that you can't. So it's good for a depressed person to take their diet and work on bringing that back under their control. Besides, it's an excuse to eat good food that you like.

Hell, I have bags of candy in the cupboard because on the days that I would otherwise be too depressed to eat anything sugar in gummy snake form is considered a significant improvement in diet. Even when I can't get out of bed I can stuff a few gummy snakes in my mouth.

It can take weeks or months, and you may have to make concessions as to what is realistically available to you if you're limited from leaving the house and such, but it's something that you can accomplish and feel good about having done so. Even if the food itself does nothing for you, being able to work towards a goal and achieve it is not nothing.

TL;DR: The effect is either small or nothing, but it's a start.
I often hear stories of people with extreme depression who don't leave their rooms for days or even a week, and others who can't leave their home for months or years. I've felt the numbness before, and it's terrifying. Thankfully, it only lasted a few minutes at a time, but how can you remain in one place for extended periods of time without having at least a small amount of food? The physical pain of hunger piled on top of the mental pain must be unbearable.
I often hear stories of people with extreme depression who don't leave their rooms for days or even a week, and others who can't leave their home for months or years. I've felt the numbness before, and it's terrifying. Thankfully, it only lasted a few minutes at a time, but how can you remain in one place for extended periods of time without having at least a small amount of food? The physical pain of hunger piled on top of the mental pain must be unbearable.

For me, I find that I just don't feel hungry. As long as there's food in the house then I'll at least feed myself something each day (mostly). It's when there's nothing in the house, but I'm still not hungry and the anxiety/depression won't let me go outside that there's a problem.

Honestly, it's a reasonably good symptom that tells me that I'm doing something massively wrong. When I get like that step one is make sure I've got an appointment with the doctor in the next day or two. I do not miss doctors appointments even if I have to crawl on hands and knees. That's the rule. Step two is do whatever I need to in order to get food. Easiest I've found is fill myself up with coffee and/or nicotine for the energy, and go to to the supermarket late at night when there's no one around.

It all sounds completely stupid, but this is the sort of thing you have to do in order to get around the BS that your brain throws at you. I'm fairly lucky in a sense that while it absolutely wrecks me when I hit a rough patch (last weekend I slept about 18 hours a day and was in bed for another four, only reason I got up at all was to feed the cat and myself), it's significantly different from the way I am when my treatments are working.

It's like if you got crippling migraines, you know that it's just your body being a pain in the hole so you do whatever it takes to get through an attack. You know that if you can just make it a day or two longer then things will likely change and you'll be able to have a shot at going back to working on a real solution.

The people who have it rough are those who don't even have those moments where it's kind of all right. You start to forget that they exist, or remember exactly how it could be. People remember negative emotions very clearly, but they're not that good at remembering positive ones. Especially when they feel bad. Facing that for weeks or months is soul destroying.

It's why I'm kind of a fan of medication, because even though you pay for it in other ways getting a glimpse of what it's like to feel normal again reminds you what you're fighting for. People can go through a lot of hell when they've got a reason to, but only an idiot fights through misery when all they can see ahead is more misery. I think people kill themselves for the same reason that wounded soldiers beg to be put out of their misery, because they're so damaged and in so much pain that they'd rather just get it over with.
I'm lately experiencing strange pains, according to my doc physically I'm a-ok so I guess this must caused by my brain. What further hints to depression as a cause is when I'm completely distracted it goes away completely, and it goes away when I do sports.
During the day and especially when I wake up I feel completely and utterly battered, like I went through hell the day before. My joints hurt, my back hurts, my neck, my head hurts as do my eyes.

Just what I needed. :indiff:
Not at all. Depression is a mental illness; a misworking of regular chemical products within the brain. There is nothing physical about depression other than the related causes to physical unhealthiness caused by the condition itself.

I've been in perfect health before succumbing to a depressive period. It really is completely, literally, all in our heads.
I was talking, again, about the mental part not the physical part!
I was talking, again, about the mental part not the physical part!

It's still not necessarily true. While it tends to be triggered by stressful situations, it's not that you couldn't deal with that stuff if you were well. It's that your brain has decided to take its toys and go home.

Think of it like straining a muscle at sport or something. Maybe it's a sign that you're doing something consistently wrong, or that you're exercising in the wrong way. Or maybe it's a sign that you were simply in an unusual situation and this is your body's response to that.

Feeling sad or down is your brain telling you to slow it down and take it easy. Feeling depressed is your brain no longer functioning correctly. There's a whole bunch of nature and nurture stuff that gives you greater or lesser preponderance for developing depression, but when it triggers the effects seem to be largely caused by significant chemical imbalances in the brain. Which is why the primary treatments involved drugs and activities that modify the concentration and transport of several major neurotransmitters in the brain.

For example, exercise is largely an effective treatment because it works specifically on the neurotransmitter levels usually involved. At pretty minor levels, admittedly, but the effect is there.

It's true that depression can be a sign of life problems that you should correct. Those are commonly treated with therapy, and tend to be the milder cases. But depression can also just be an illness that you get because you happened to be vulnerable, like a kid picks up a cold because their immune system isn't very strong.

I think one of the things that is most commonly thought about depression is that the person has somehow brought it on themselves. It's possible that they've unknowingly put themselves in a situation that was potentially harmful, but more likely is that they were just people going about their lives that happened to get unlucky. Just like pretty much any illness. And it's damaging for a depressed person to hear that they have done this to themselves, because that's a vicious circle that they don't have the ability to drag themselves out of because of the depression.

While the true circumstances may vary from case to case, I think the best thing for depressed people and those around them is to treat it like the measles or arse cancer or any other illness. A lot of the time it's going to be true, and the rest of the time it will help the person if they believe that this isn't their fault. Because really, it isn't. Nobody chooses to get depressed.
It's still not necessarily true. While it tends to be triggered by stressful situations, it's not that you couldn't deal with that stuff if you were well. It's that your brain has decided to take its toys and go home.

Think of it like straining a muscle at sport or something. Maybe it's a sign that you're doing something consistently wrong, or that you're exercising in the wrong way. Or maybe it's a sign that you were simply in an unusual situation and this is your body's response to that.

Feeling sad or down is your brain telling you to slow it down and take it easy. Feeling depressed is your brain no longer functioning correctly. There's a whole bunch of nature and nurture stuff that gives you greater or lesser preponderance for developing depression, but when it triggers the effects seem to be largely caused by significant chemical imbalances in the brain. Which is why the primary treatments involved drugs and activities that modify the concentration and transport of several major neurotransmitters in the brain.

For example, exercise is largely an effective treatment because it works specifically on the neurotransmitter levels usually involved. At pretty minor levels, admittedly, but the effect is there.

It's true that depression can be a sign of life problems that you should correct. Those are commonly treated with therapy, and tend to be the milder cases. But depression can also just be an illness that you get because you happened to be vulnerable, like a kid picks up a cold because their immune system isn't very strong.

I think one of the things that is most commonly thought about depression is that the person has somehow brought it on themselves. It's possible that they've unknowingly put themselves in a situation that was potentially harmful, but more likely is that they were just people going about their lives that happened to get unlucky. Just like pretty much any illness. And it's damaging for a depressed person to hear that they have done this to themselves, because that's a vicious circle that they don't have the ability to drag themselves out of because of the depression.

While the true circumstances may vary from case to case, I think the best thing for depressed people and those around them is to treat it like the measles or arse cancer or any other illness. A lot of the time it's going to be true, and the rest of the time it will help the person if they believe that this isn't their fault. Because really, it isn't. Nobody chooses to get depressed.
You repeated what I was trying to say, partially.

In my case I was wearing myself down mentally causing a lot of stress, anxiety for a long periode of time (I'm talking about months (more than half a year) on a daily basis, even during the night when I was suppose to be asleep, I was obsessed to find out as much as I could about my obsession fueling my fears and anxiety even more). This stress was the trigger for the serotonin transporters in the pre synaps to kick everything in a higher gear (maybe even a few gears). Result, the serotonin transporters removed too much serotonin from the synaptic clef which resulted in me not having enough serotonin left in the synaptic clef to bond with the serotonin receptors in the post synaps, which resulted in misfiring of neurons. This is just a simple explanation. Even brain specialist don't fully understand the workings of the brain, depression, anxietey etc... .

Because I'm a sensitive person (genetically predisposed), the serotonin transporter's metabolisme goes in a higher gear much faster compared to uhhhh normal people. Also being a victim of being bullied for at least 7 years on a daily basis in many different situations left some traumatic scars in my brain making me even more prone to have depressions and anxiety.

So, when I say that someone with a depression has to take it a step back, try to relax, I mean the mental part of the problem. The physical part of a depression (and I'm sure that there is a physical part as well because a depression/anxiety/psychoses is not purely a mental illness) can be cured by meds and trying to reduce mental stress/worries etc... . I worked for me and my type of depression.
I took for many years SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) medication and these medications worked very well in my case, proofing that the serotonin transporters were the cause of my depression.

The cause of my depressions and anxiety is mentally which caused a physcal response of the brain > me getting depressed due to the chemical imbalance.
Yeah because life problems can be fixed with a diet.
Some can. I've seen people in my own life completely turn their lives around, mentally and physically, through diet and exercise.
You repeated what I was trying to say, partially.

OK, I get you now. It's not so much that the depression is a signal to take it easy as that taking it easy is a good response to depression. Very true.
Just asking. Did anyone had suicidal thought once?

Sorry if Im not optimist enough to be in this forum, though.
I haven't ever suffered from depression and am generally an upbeat and positive person but just one time whilst driving from my home town to the next I had a brief moment where I had an incredibly strong urge to drive my car straight at the oncoming traffic! I had to really fight that urge just to keep steering straight - it lasted only a few seconds but felt more like minutes. Was just plain weird and nothing like that has happened again thankfully, but shows that your brain can just randomly get its wires crossed and lead you to do things you wouldn't ever consider otherwise.
Thank you. You just made my dopamine levels go up a notch.
OK, I get you now. It's not so much that the depression is a signal to take it easy as that taking it easy is a good response to depression. Very true.
This is a sign of your intelligence. Explaining in one sentence what I was trying to say, while I needed several posts and discussions to make my point. In my defence though, English is not my first language, not even my second (French is although I suck at French). :D

But isn't it also true that a depression is a signal to take it easy (mentally) and therefor you are taking the right response by taking it easy, mentally, to treat your depression? It goes both ways?
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In my defence though, English is not my first language, not even my second (French is although I suck at French). :D

You do incredibly well for someone with English as a third language. 👍

But isn't it also true that a depression is a signal to take it easy (mentally) and therefor you are taking the right response by taking it easy, mentally, to treat your depression? It goes both ways?

Not really.

A common signal for your body to give you might be the exhaustion and pain you feel in your muscles when you exercise too much. That's a signal from your body saying "I can't do this any more, please stop, you're going to break something." This is an adaptive behaviour that protects your body from having excessive damage done to it.

However, some things are not your body trying to tell you something, it's just a physical or mental reaction to an illness or injury. A good example might be fever. Your body doesn't want you to take a hot shower or anything, it's simply raising the temperature in response to infection.

Depression is more like the second for me. For various reasons, you have chemical imbalances in your brain (possibly combined with learned maladaptive behaviours). These have certain impacts on your emotions, behaviour and reasoning. Some of these happen to align with an appropriate method of dealing with the symptoms, like taking it easy and not pressuring yourself too hard. Some don't, like suicidal tendencies and not eating.

Overall it seems to be a random mix of symptoms caused primarily by the illness. It's not your body trying to tell you how best to combat the illness, it's just stuff that depression does to you. Some are a decent idea, some are not. I'd be very wary of obeying any urges from my depressed self without thinking about it carefully. After all, this is a disease that makes people think it's a good idea to injure or kill themselves.
I have a question for the people that have depressions themself.
Do you also get extremely tired when you're doing stuff that involves pretty much just sitting and listening? For example when I still had school, at some random point I just completely stopped listening to what the teacher said and spent the rest of the time trying not to fall asleep (the main reason why I quit school after three months). Another example would be when I watch YouTube on my computer. It's all good and then out of nowhere my body just switches in like two seconds from being perfectly awake to nearly falling asleep in my chair. I also don't take any kind of medicine.
I have a question for the people that have depressions themself.
Do you also get extremely tired when you're doing stuff that involves pretty much just sitting and listening? For example when I still had school, at some random point I just completely stopped listening to what the teacher said and spent the rest of the time trying not to fall asleep (the main reason why I quit school after three months). Another example would be when I watch YouTube on my computer. It's all good and then out of nowhere my body just switches in like two seconds from being perfectly awake to nearly falling asleep in my chair. I also don't take any kind of medicine.
No. Thats more of your energy or your sleep cycle.

Being depressed means that you overthinking something. Something that most people found not really significant but it is for you. So for example if you watch some Youtube videos, instead of enjoying it, you then think why your life wasted over it and others.
No. Thats more of your energy or your sleep cycle.

Being depressed means that you overthinking something. Something that most people found not really significant but it is for you. So for example if you watch some Youtube videos, instead of enjoying it, you then think why your life wasted over it and others.
No. I'm certainly sure it is due to my depressions. I got depressed shortly after my 18th birthday and until then I never had any problems with suddently being extremely sleepy. There haven't been any changes in my life after my 18th birthday. Everything continued like it did before. It first happend after I got depressions.
I do enjoy YouTube videos greatly. Otherwise I wouldn't watch so many. And it's not like I feel the need to fall asleep by every single video I watch. Also I highly doubt that being depressed means you overthink to much. It might be the case for some people, but surely not for everyone. At least I know it's not the case for me.
I haven't ever suffered from depression and am generally an upbeat and positive person but just one time whilst driving from my home town to the next I had a brief moment where I had an incredibly strong urge to drive my car straight at the oncoming traffic! I had to really fight that urge just to keep steering straight - it lasted only a few seconds but felt more like minutes. Was just plain weird and nothing like that has happened again thankfully, but shows that your brain can just randomly get its wires crossed and lead you to do things you wouldn't ever consider otherwise.

This is the sort of thing that crosses my mind. In fact, I think I got a similar urge you got when I was driving today. Granted, I had passengers in the car as well, so no way I was going to endanger them.
This is the sort of thing that crosses my mind. In fact, I think I got a similar urge you got when I was driving today. Granted, I had passengers in the car as well, so no way I was going to endanger them.

I think it's an ordinary thing for humans. There's always going to be that "hey, what if I did this?" thought, and that's a good thing. Healthy people are able to recognise those thoughts for what they are and set them aside. Depressed people are less able to, and may look at those thoughts as a solution to their problems.

No. I'm certainly sure it is due to my depressions. I got depressed shortly after my 18th birthday and until then I never had any problems with suddently being extremely sleepy. There haven't been any changes in my life after my 18th birthday. Everything continued like it did before. It first happend after I got depressions.
I do enjoy YouTube videos greatly. Otherwise I wouldn't watch so many. And it's not like I feel the need to fall asleep by every single video I watch. Also I highly doubt that being depressed means you overthink to much. It might be the case for some people, but surely not for everyone. At least I know it's not the case for me.

I've had something that might be similar in some ways.

I wouldn't say it's sudden. What I have found is that I'll think to myself "I'll watch this video on Youtube" and I get incredibly bored incredibly quickly. It sort of feels like sleepiness, but if I actually try to go to sleep in that situation I can't which is what clued me to it being not the same. It feels to me like a combination of not being able to focus on things plus just everything seems really boring.

Games, movies, youtube, all sorts of things that I know I technically enjoy are just so boring I'd rather be asleep. Or I'll just find myself watching something and totally zone out, so half an hour later I can't remember any of it.

That's been my experience anyway. Yours may be a little different. But the brain can definitely do weird things with sleepiness and attention. If nothing else, see if you can experiment with it a little more and find out when it kicks in and when it doesn't. Can be useful information. :)
I think it's an ordinary thing for humans. There's always going to be that "hey, what if I did this?" thought, and that's a good thing. Healthy people are able to recognise those thoughts for what they are and set them aside. Depressed people are less able to, and may look at those thoughts as a solution to their problems
Spot on (personal experience)!
I believe I've posted this video before but it is pretty important information, so I'm posting this video again:

I often hear stories of people with extreme depression who don't leave their rooms for days or even a week, and others who can't leave their home for months or years. I've felt the numbness before, and it's terrifying. Thankfully, it only lasted a few minutes at a time, but how can you remain in one place for extended periods of time without having at least a small amount of food? The physical pain of hunger piled on top of the mental pain must be unbearable.
Ive been there along with suicidal thoughts. Trust me, its not pretty.

Also if I cure Depression with medicine I'll be overdosed by now.
Also if I cure Depression with medicine I'll be overdosed by now.

You'd be surprised.

I believe I've posted this video before but it is pretty important information, so I'm posting this video again:

I've heard similar things about having healthy intestinal bacteria. The recommendation in that case was to cleanse and repopulate with pro-biotics and such.

I take all that stuff with a grain of salt, because if there was a magic bullet for depression we'd all be doing that. But little things can help. The best I think people can do is learn about and try these therapies and see if they work for them. Certainly you can't go wrong with trying a new diet for a few weeks and seeing how it affects your mood.