@MoLiEG I've skimmed over your history in this thread, and a few things occur to me.
These two posts come across as at odds with each other. Has she changed her view of how the proposal unfolded, or have you changed her view of it in your mind?
I obviously wasn't there, so cannot attest to whether or not it was sufficiently romantic by typical standards, but does she adhere to typical standards? It's very common for people to not understand the love-showing "language" of another. One person, for example, might want hugs and closeness when they're upset, while the other might need alone time. It can make for a lot of difficulty in trying to be helpful. Give the former their space (as per the latter's language), and they will feel neglected and unloved. Give the latter hugs and closeness (as per the former's language), and they will feel "suffocated" and ultimately, agitated.
This plays out in lots of different ways, including what registers as romantic or giving. Some people value time and effort, some simply value dollar amounts, some value style and charm. Some reverence, some irreverence........
"Is that a yes or what, arsehole?" is likely not a typically romantic thing to say, but so what? Know your audience. This may have been the best possible proposal she could have imagined. She may have loved the fact that he put thought into it, and that his thoughts were not all towards a typical, overblown, generic romanticism. She also may have hated it, and put on a great act. I don't know, but the point is that if it's not using a language we understand, we won't see it at all, and the giver will probably be confused as to why we didn't respond as hoped.
This, by the way, has nothing directly to do with depression. That said, I think it's fairly plain to see that if dealing with someone with depression, realising what their "language" is and isn't, could be extremely valuable.
I know it sounds confusing, I know, but thats what happened. Almost one year ago when I proposed to her, she said it was beautiful. We were both extremely happy. A few weeks after that happened, she said she didn't like it
Long story short, what she told me is that she expected a Disney-like proposal. She said other girls she knows got extremely beautiful proposals, and say that hers, in comparison, was just "a dinner", and that she even felt ashamed to tell how was it... She asked me why it wasn't so special, and then again I said "Well, we went for a weekend trip, watched a movie, gave you the most gigantic floral arrangement I could afford (a giant heart made of red roses), a love letter, a beautiful ring... wasn't that beautiful enough?
Sometimes, I'm not going to lie, I think I over react a little bit. But I over react because she over reacts to things. Every time something happens that can be bad or can upset her, or everytime she gets sad or angry about something, I get extremely agitated. And I wasn't like that when we began dating. With time, my reaction has become worse, because she over reacts to everything.
She expects 0 problems, and every time one shows up, or every time I end up doing something "bad" or "wrong", she becomes mad, very, very mad, and I mentally, that makes go into my "Not again" mode, where I go from sadness, then to frustation, then to rage, and then to sadness again until we work things up. And that's only when we have problems or I do "bad things".
She has personally told me she has anxiety and depression problems, and that at some point in the past she got some pills prescripted to treat them. She has also told me (and I've personally experienced it, too) that she gets extremely bad tempered when she has her period.
On the other side, and just like you told me, her mom and her dad told me that she simply has a bad temper and that she needs to calm down and not get angry about the simple things she labels as "bad", and that it has nothing to do with anxiety or depression
And finally, some friends, co-workers and my parents think she simply is a
me-person, that everything has to revolve around her, like some kind of diva.
Overall, I gotta say I still have no idea why she gets so angry and/or so sad given the circumstances, but yeah, sometimes I fear or think of the worst because she has somehow "infected" me with her manners...
Sorry for the long wall of text, thanks for your time