I know it hasn't been long since my last post but I still haven't been called for anything for a job. Thought for sure I would get a short seasonal job for the holidays somewhere but that didn't happen and now I keep feeling more worthless.
I feel embarrassed to say this but I just keep hating myself for not being as social and smart.
It's been ages since your last post in here!
It sucks that you didn't get a job for the holidays, but it's a busy time and it's maybe you just got unlucky. Try not to feel too bad about it, but if it's really bumming you out maybe just take a break from looking. It's hard to interview well if you're not feeling it, so you're better off spending time trying to work on yourself until you think you've got the fire again.
As far as being social and smart goes, I think our culture puts way too much value on these things. Being an introvert is often seen as somewhere between abnormal and a disease, and it's just not true. Heaps of people are introverts, to greater or lesser degrees. It can be harder to find a place to fit in, but you will and people will appreciate you for who you are once they get to know you.
Don't try and change yourself into something you're uncomfortable with, there are people like me who got through it and found themselves a place even though I'm introverted enough to have passed on going to the Christmas party tonight with free food and booze. I cannot deal with 50+ people all getting drunk at once, even though I like most of them individually.
And smart is a weird thing. Most people think book smarts, like Big Bang Theory or something. But actually unless you're a top 1% academic, being smart is substantially less valuable than just being hard working. I will take a hard working employee over a smart one any day. People who are into their jobs can learn and become experts even if they dropped out of high school, but you can't make a smart person work if they don't want to.
Seriously, I'm highly educated myself and I'd be labelled as smart by most, but if there's a problem in our factory I go ask the leading hand who has worked there for 10 years. I may have book smarts, but he has actual smarts because he's out there working hard and has seen every problem before. I'd be an idiot to waste my time trying to figure it out myself when there's someone else who I know can do it better than me, even if he doesn't have "qualifications" or whatever. Smart is getting the job done well, not how many letters you have after your name.
If you're not a book smarts guy, and most aren't, be the guy who becomes actually smart by working hard. The bonus is that it will come naturally if you pay attention to your job and try to improve every day.
I hope you can find some pleasure in your work free holiday. Have a kitty hug, just for the tough times.