Well on the way to pick up my mom from yesterday I had seen a Aston Martin DB9. Was very nice looking and did sound pretty good.
Sorry for not getting a good picture of it. Traffic was a 🤬 because of the Lions game.
Now, some of you might know that they are filming the new Transformers movie in downtown Detroit. They have a few blocks blocked off for the set. All week they have been filming scenes for the movie. They have been blowing stuff up the last couple days too.
Which I have heard part of the movie is based in China. There is a whole street that looks like it would be China. Even bamboo scaffolding can be seen on one part of one of these streets.
Anything that can be or maybe seen by a camera such as buses, advertisements, has been brought in or painted with Chinese advertising. Even the people mover train that runs up in the air has been painted with Chinese lettering.
Burnt or crushed Chinese taxis in the streets. Some were flipped over too.
All of the movie cars are covered up with car covers at the time I took these pictures which I am sorry for. Maybe we can play a guessing game one which one they are. A few are pretty self explanatory though.
Here's the building they blew up a few days ago.
A couple of the buses that they brought in.
The car under the black cover closest to the gate looked like the new C7 Corvette (when I got to the other side of the gate I could see the front curves over the wheel wells that brought me to this assumption.
Now this should be a easy one to figure out.
That can't be anything other than good old Optimus Prime. I have heard that they are bringing in some new semi truck to play that roll, so that's most likely him.
Next to that was a couple more cars.
Sorry for not getting pictures of the car not under the covers (which I don't know if that would be even possible to do), but I had thought this was cool and you guys might want to see it.