Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
Today was a fantastic day considering I never actually went hunting for cars like most days - they just came to me!


August 6, 2006 - Denver, Colo.

The vehicle on the left was a brilliant, mint, '57 Corvette and I wish I had a better image. They're not that uncommon, but they're gorgeous, and deserve a mention. The vehicle on the right scares me. Perhaps someone here can correct me, but isn't the 8 car Dale Jr.'s car (which is red)? This car is done up like Dale Earnhardt's car, which was black, but the number should then be 3, right? Or maybe Dale Jr. used to have this car... eh **** it, who cares, it's NASCAR.


August 6, 2006 - Denver, Colo.

Continental GT + Cayman S. The Conti GT had Florida plates but a Bentley of Denver frame which typically suggests ownership by someone who lives in Florida but works in Denver - often a pro athlete. I didn't get a look at the owner. I later saw a silver Conti GT, but sadly no image. Do note that the combined weight of those two vehicles is 1.7 million pounds. Eliminating the Cayman S it would drop to 1.699 million pounds.


August 6, 2006 - Denver, Colo.

A tastefully-modified and very recently purchased (early July) NSX.


August 6, 2006 - Denver, Colo.

This is the rarest vehicle I've seen in quite a while - since last week's Carrera GT. No-one here will probably appreciate this, but this is a Dodge Ram SS-T. It was made only in 1997 and 1998 and the number of units sold is in the hundreds. It used a V-10 and served as sort of the precursor to the Ram SRT-10 though it was neither as fast nor as popular and was only available in the above bodystyle. This is the first one I've photographed and the second one I've ever seen. They're not that fast and not that spectacular, but they're spectacularly rare.


August 6, 2006 - Denver, Colo.

Arguably the highlight of the day.
Perhaps someone here can correct me, but isn't the 8 car Dale Jr.'s car (which is red)? This car is done up like Dale Earnhardt's car, which was black, but the number should then be 3, right? Or maybe Dale Jr. used to have this car... eh **** it, who cares, it's NASCAR.

Correct, the 8 car is Dale Jr.'s car which is red. The sponsors and number match Jr.'s car so thats prob what he is trying to portray. And don't be hating NASCAR, its the best racing series in the world. (I know everyone is gonna argue me)
=V8 Power=
Correct, the 8 car is Dale Jr.'s car which is red. The sponsors and number match Jr.'s car so thats prob what he is trying to portray. And don't be hating NASCAR, its the best racing series in the world. (I know everyone is gonna argue me)
:lol: Nah - I'm not a hater - I'm just not a huge motorsports fan, NASCAR included.

How do you take pictures when you're driving

It's not easy, but I've gotten decent at it over time. Basically what I do is turn on the camera and zoom out (which I can do without looking at it) and point at the car. Having an LCD screen on my camera helps because my eyes can dart back and forth between the road and the screen. Usually it takes more than one picture to get it right. The biggest problem I have actually is that the auto-focus of my camera focuses on specks of dirt on my windshield, and the picture comes out poorly. As a result I have to clean the windshields in my vehicles thoroughly whenever I get gas.

I used to feel rushed when photographing while driving but the truth is, there's no need for that - you always tend to get multiple chances.
Well I saw a rare Australian (only made for Australian market) car today, I'm kicking myself I never take my camera!

It's the 2001 Toyota Corolla Sportivo Turbo, I have talked about it before and have seen it once in a Motorshow back in 2001 but never seen it on the road, less than 100 of these spec cars where made and they look very similar to standard Sportivos so not many people would have spotted it.


That car^ (Same Colour as well)
I don't know, from what I've read previously the turbocharged engine parts was specially ordered and built from Tom's in Japan for the Australian Corolla so that may have played a part in it's limited production.

It only has a slight increase in power and performance over the standard Sportivo while from memory costing quite a bit more and increased complexity. The Corolla Sportivo that would (did) replace this one had more power without a turbocharger. I don't know Toyota's exact reasons, maybe just to pick up the Corolla image to young buyers that were looking at buying Japanese Grey imports, they did flash it around a lot in 2001.

Its not the first time Japanese car companys have made niche turbo models just for Australia, although this is the most limited of the lot.
Taking photos while driving? Great stuff! Make sure you get a photo of the back of the car you run into, or the person you run over. 👎
Taking photos while driving? Great stuff! Make sure you get a photo of the back of the car you run into, or the person you run over. 👎

Welcome to the thread daan! After 1,200 posts you finally make an appearance just to give me crap for the most minor and completely absurd thing you could've possibly called me out on. That seems to be a trend of yours lately - going after my posts specifically for little or no reason. True "forum leader" spirit, I must say... :rolleyes:
hey guys just a quickie- saw a bmw M1, porsche 911 turbo cabrio and more in an airposrt car park only got snaps of the 911 though, and a request-when i bring the exotic car photo gallery back to life, do you guys reckon you could post some of your exotic pics in there? cheers! we need the pics!
Thanks for the welcome, doug, but I'd have made the same post no matter who it was. Taking photos while driving is stupid and pointing it out to anyone is not absurd.

Are you perfectly happy with the fact that you are driving along in a lethal weapon, concentrating on a camera, not the road?
Daan, how can you be sure these photos aren't taken whilst static?
He admitted to taking the photo of the NSX while he was driving
It's not easy, but I've gotten decent at it over time. Basically what I do is turn on the camera and zoom out (which I can do without looking at it) and point at the car. Having an LCD screen on my camera helps because my eyes can dart back and forth between the road and the screen. Usually it takes more than one picture to get it right. The biggest problem I have actually is that the auto-focus of my camera focuses on specks of dirt on my windshield, and the picture comes out poorly. As a result I have to clean the windshields in my vehicles thoroughly whenever I get gas.

I used to feel rushed when photographing while driving but the truth is, there's no need for that - you always tend to get multiple chances.
Taking photos while driving? Great stuff! Make sure you get a photo of the back of the car you run into, or the person you run over. 👎

Whats the difference between that and all the other stuff people do while driving. Like talk on the cellphone, put on makeup, eat McDonalds.

Hes only taking the picture for a second, its not that dangerous.
=V8 Power=
Whats the difference between that and all the other stuff people do while driving. Like talk on the cellphone, put on makeup, eat McDonalds.

Hes only taking the picture for a second, its not that dangerous.

not dangerous???

tell that to the familys of the people that have been killed by drivers not paying attention to the road.
=V8 Power=
Whats the difference between that and all the other stuff people do while driving. Like talk on the cellphone, put on makeup, eat McDonalds.

In the UK (can't talk about the US, because I don't know), no difference at all. They're all illegal.
I think I saw a Bentley Continental R, like the one I'll have in my avatar in a few hours.
hey guys just a quickie- saw a bmw M1, porsche 911 turbo cabrio and more in an airposrt car park only got snaps of the 911 though, and a request-when i bring the exotic car photo gallery back to life, do you guys reckon you could post some of your exotic pics in there? cheers! we need the pics!
M1 eh? Now that's a rare BMW. Good find. The last I recall ever seeing was at John Robert's BMW (now BMW of Dallas), and it belonged to Mr. Robert himself.
In the UK (can't talk about the US, because I don't know), no difference at all. They're all illegal.

Yeah all illegal here too, even if you touch a mobile phone while driving you get fined.

In fact I think even if the Police could detect you were thinking about a mobile phone they would fine you. :P
hey guys just a quickie- saw a bmw M1, porsche 911 turbo cabrio and more in an airposrt car park only got snaps of the 911 though, and a request-when i bring the exotic car photo gallery back to life, do you guys reckon you could post some of your exotic pics in there? cheers! we need the pics!

Off course I could post my pics in the exotic car photo gallery but I mean it wouldn't make sense to post the same pics in 2 different threads.

But we could use the thread to make a competition.
So according to your statistics, 6,869 were wagons. And the US got 1000 RS6s, all of which were sedans. So we've accounted for 7,869 cars. And then you said 999 were RS6+s. Which brings the total up to 8,868 cars. Which is already more than the 8,081 you claim were made - and that's not even including the sedan models made for Europe.

My stats are right. :)
no they arent cause if you wanna go back to the t5 debate then the RS6 and RS6+ were classed as different models so arent included in the 8081 and my stats are from audi them selfs

and youve still to apologise for your insults towards me.
Can you two please OWN each other by PM please? It's beginning to clog my favourite thread ever. :(

M1 eh? Now that's a rare BMW. Good find. The last I recall ever seeing was at John Robert's BMW (now BMW of Dallas), and it belonged to Mr. Robert himself.

I've only ever seen one, and it was covered in all kinds of non-matching paints like red and green.:yuck:
Can you two please OWN each other by PM please? It's beginning to clog my favourite thread ever. :(
why when hes putting out and people are giving rep for false information? and then he goes on to insult me and say things about me and nothing gets done?
Two wrongs don't make a right. If you want to have stern words, using PMs at least keeps the boards clean. :(
Thanks for the welcome, doug, but I'd have made the same post no matter who it was. Taking photos while driving is stupid and pointing it out to anyone is not absurd.

Well then you'd better start looking back in this thread - you've got a lot of posts to make! :)
Can you two please OWN each other by PM please? It's beginning to clog my favourite thread ever.

In the UK (can't talk about the US, because I don't know), no difference at all. They're all illegal.

None of them are illegal in the US. That sounds like it would be a pain to have to pull over when you need to talk on the phone?