DKXViper SRT-10 hanging around across from my uncles.
Some old Dodge
and cause I'm cheeky, my uncles 68' Mustang (for Cano) Factory 289.
That's a Dodge Dart.
New Impala
I saw a grey GT-R R35.This isn't the actual car but it looked exactly like this one and I would of had no time to pull out my phone and snap a picture because it came hauling ass down he road in the opposite direction.
I seen a Porsche but idk what kind it was I'll upload the pic in a bit. The Internet here sucks.
Here it is, could someone tell me what kind it was?
They're so hard to catch sitting still.Everyone I've ever seen has been zipping down the road too fast to get the camera out.
The mystery Porsche is a Targa.
It may not be very impressive, but I found an AE85 Corolla SR5 Hatchback.
(Sorry for the cellphone pic.)
Before you flame me for it being a crap Toyota, you must know that that car wasn't sold in this country. It's very uncommon, here.
Besides, Japanese classics deserve some more love.
Nice little car show from a couple weeks ago.
and, more valid post, um, charger? That's what the wheels said, but I'm guessing no...
Cloud81918Saw a 458 in Santa Fe today.
So it's been a while since I posted any pictures