Dinosaurs and Birds...

  • Thread starter Kent


Staff Emeritus
United States
Southern Louisiana

As I sat down to eat my eggs I saw a nest of birds on my plate.

Realizing the gravity of my meal, I wondered, what do dinosaurs and birds have in common and what do they not share?

Please discuss.

Or not.
There's a ton of literature on this topic, but here's a couple of links that might be interesting...

One of my favourite science papers of all time, by paleontologist Paul Sereno, is a review of the Evolution of Dinosaurs, and includes a discussion of the origin of flight. The topic is vast, but Sereno's review does a brilliant job of pulling together some of the most important (and interesting) themes. The paper is available here (http://www.sciencemag.org/content/284/5423/2137), but you may need a subscription. Anyway, incase you can't access it, here's a screengrab of a figure showing how the various features that birds possess that enable flight originally appeared in various dinosaur species at different periods of time.

Figure: Major stages in the evolution of modern avian skeletal design and function. Many skeletal innovations of critical functional importance for flight arose for other purposes among early theropods, including (1) the hollowing of all long bones of the skeleton (Theropoda) and removal of pedal digit I from its role in weight support; (2) evolution of a rotary wrist joint to efficiently deploy a large grasping manus; (3) expansion of the coracoid and sternum for increased pectoral musculature and plumulaceous feathers for insulation; (4) the presence of vaned feathers arranged as primaries, secondaries, and rectrices for display or brooding or both; (5) shortening of the trunk and increased stiffness of the distal tail for balance and maneuverability. Archaeopteryx remains a pivotal taxon, documenting (6) the acquisition of basic flight and perching function before the close of the Jurassic (laterally facing shoulder joint, split propulsion-lift wing with asymmetric feathers, and reversed hallux). Key refinements of powered flight and perching in later birds include (7) the deep thorax with strut-shaped coracoid and pygostyle; (8) the triosseal canal for the tendon of the principal wing rotator (the supracoracoideus muscle), alular feathers for control of airflow at slow speeds, rectriceal fan for maneuverability and braking during landing, and fully opposable hallux for advanced perching; and (9) the elastic furcula and deep sternal keel for massive aerobic pectoral musculature. Ornithothoracine birds diverged early as Enantiornithes (“opposite birds”), which prevailed as the predominant avians during the Cretaceous, and Euornithes (“true birds”), which underwent an explosive radiation toward the close of the Cretaceous that gave rise to all living avians (Neornithes, or “new birds”).

This figure was included in a recent journal article on the 'controversy surrounding the dinosaurian origin of birds' (free text available here: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12064-013-0192-5). I found this latter article by searching 'dinosaurs birds' here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/. It concludes:

In two of his most influential books, (Alfred Russell) Wallace discussed the evolutionary origin of birds. Based on the evidence available at that time, the ornithologist Wallace pointed out that extant birds may be the descendants of extinct dinosaurs, but he did not elaborate on this topic. This ‘‘dinobird-hypothesis’’ was proposed for the first time by the Victorian naturalist Thomas H. Huxley, who published several original papers on this topic. Today, it is widely accepted that birds, or ‘‘avian dinosaurs’’, descended from, and in fact are, theropods that survived the Cretaceous/Paleogene mass extinction event 65 million years ago. Small predatory dinosaurs are the evolutionary ancestors of extant members of the Aves, a class of homoeothermic vertebrates that comprises ca. 10,000 extant species. Like Wallace, Ernst Mayr was a remarkable ornithologist who discovered and described numerous species of birds. However, in his influential book "What Evolution Is", Mayr summarized evidence against Huxley’s ‘‘dinobird hypothesis’’ in its ‘‘evolved’’ version. In this article, we have shown that Mayr’s writings do not reflect the current understanding of bird origins, and conclude that these feathered vertebrates are in fact a group of highly modified theropods that evolved during the Mesozoic from small, feathered dinosaur ancestors.

As for Sereno's paper, I literally carry a copy of it everywhere I go (it's on my phone ;))
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Not quite on the subject of Dinosaur/Bird genetics, but it made me think of this:



Dinosaurs... a Breakfast 65,000,000 years in the making.
The ostrich is a heavy but flightless bird.

What are some of the largest and heaviest birds that can fly? What are their wingspans and weight?

On my nearby beach, I can see eagles and great blue herons. In South America, I've seen the very impressive and stately condor. The albatross, a.k.a. "gooney bird", is a large and ungainly, almost laughable thing when trying to land or take to flight, but once aloft is quite graceful.

In my back yard, I have a bird bath - heated in freezing weather - and several kinds of feeders.

To me, the most fascinating of all birds or dinosaurs is the extinct pterosaur.
From wikipedia:

Some species of pterosaurs grew to very large sizes and this has implications for their capacity for flight. Many pterosaurs were small but the largest had wingspans which exceeded 9 m (30 ft). The largest of these are estimated to have weighed 250 kilograms (550 lb). For comparison, the Wandering Albatross has the largest wingspan of living birds at up to 3.5 m (11 ft) but usually weighs less than 12 kilograms (26 lb). This indicates that the largest pterosaurs may have had greater wing loadings than modern birds (depending on wing profile) and this has implications for the manner in which pterosaur flight might differ from that of modern birds.

I've heard some paleontologists speculate the pterosaur had to jump off a cliff or mountain top in order to fly, soar, glide or whatever they did. But because this would leave them terribly vulnerable on low ground, and they flourished from 225 million years to 65 million years ago (a not inconsiderable span of time), it seems unlikely to me that they were particularly vulnerable.

What do you suppose was the purpose of the enormous crest carried on the skull? I have my ideas but they would make you laugh.

Do you think the skeletons of these creatures were the basis of worldwide legends of dragons? If not, what was??
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What do you suppose was the purpose of the enormous crest carried on the skull?
Well, there's one theory about the cassowary - a large flightless bird native to Australia, which carries a large crest (known as a "casque") on its head is that it acts as a resonating chamber. Cassowaries have an extremely low frequency call, one that humans can only barely hear, so this helps amplify the sound. And if anyone has any doubt that birds have descended from dinosaurs, one look at the cassowary will definitely convince you!

I prefer not to discuss because I don't have a clue. I don't know anything about dinosaurs and birds and the palaeontologist don't either. :P

/joke ofcourse before I get accused of being negative again.

Although I'm very much interested in palaeontology, I can't say anything interesting, to my regrets. I'm though, going to read this thread with a lot of interest.
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Illustrations of Tyrannosaurus' with feathers have no place in this world.


Dilong paradoxus

From the article 'Basal tyrannosauroids from China and evidence for protofeathers in tyrannosauroids' (from here or here)

Also, T. rex is more closely related to modern-day birds than most other dinosaurs...


Note that the classification used here is taken from the paper I referenced above:

Quite so, a bit like Putin in a tutu. Cute from a distance, but nasty up close.

I can accept dinosaurs being related to roosters, but I can't accept them looking like them.
It's a long way from a sauropod to a bird. Were they like any kind of bird with feathers? Perhaps these were the original dragons?
Not sure if serious.

I can't change the fact of whether or not dinosaurs had feathers, but if they did, it kinda destroys the ravenous, reptilian, destructive image they have.
I can't change the fact of whether or not dinosaurs had feathers, but if they did, it kinda destroys the ravenous, reptilian, destructive image they have.

I think a 10 meter feathered beast with big ass teeth still classifies as scary as 🤬 in my book.

Try being attacked by a bird the size of a human. Scary stuff. And I could not run away because I had a crutch to walk with.
I think a 10 meter feathered beast with big ass teeth still classifies as scary as 🤬 in my book.

Try being attacked by a bird the size of a human. Scary stuff. And I could not run away because I had a crutch to walk with.

Well yeah, but not in the same way as something that looks more like a crocodile.
Well yeah, but not in the same way as something that looks more like a crocodile.
A crocodile is a dinosaur, pure and simple, exactly like it was millions of years ago. Right?
It has short legs, slithers on its belly, and does well in water and mud. If it came after you on dry land, perhaps you could outrun it on good legs before you had to wrestle it and put duct tape around its snout.
I must admit, I don't quite get why birds aren't descended from pterosaurs.
I must admit, I don't quite get why birds aren't descended from pterosaurs.
The Cretaceous ended with a large mass extinction, the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, in which many groups, including non-avian dinosaurs, pterosaurs and large marine reptiles, died out. The end of the Cretaceous is defined by the K–Pg boundary, a geologic signature associated with the mass extinction which lies between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.

From wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cretaceous

The alligator, or crocodile, was a survivor. How?
So in a nutshell, all pterosaurs died out in the mass extinction event and there were only a few dinosaurs left, to become birds, right?
So in a nutshell, all pterosaurs died out in the mass extinction event and there were only a few dinosaurs left, to become birds, right?

So it would seem - except for crocodiles.

Ten families of crocodilians or their close relatives are represented in the Maastrichtian fossil records, of which five died out prior to the K–Pg boundary.[67] Five families have both Maastrichtian and Paleocene fossil representatives. All of the surviving families of crocodyliforms inhabited freshwater and terrestrial environments—except for the Dyrosauridae, which lived in freshwater and marine locations. Approximately 50% of crocodyliform representatives survived across the K–Pg boundary, the only apparent trend being that no large crocodiles survived.[22] Crocodyliform survivability across the boundary may have resulted from their aquatic niche and ability to burrow, which reduced susceptibility to negative environmental effects at the boundary.[49] Jouve and colleagues suggested in 2008 that juvenile marine crocodyliforms lived in freshwater environments like modern marine crocodile juveniles, which would have helped them survive where other marine reptiles became extinct; freshwater environments were not as strongly affected by the K–Pg extinction event as marine environments.[68]

The Choristodera, a generally crocodile-like group of uncertain phylogeny (possibly archosaurian) also survived the event, only to go extinct in the Miocene.[69]
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It was only avian dinosaurs that survived. i.e. Birds.

And what is the difference between a flying dinosaur and a pterosaur?

Of course, I'm not suggesting that pterosaurs are flying dinosaurs, in a layman's kind of way. I'm just genuinely unsure how they differ.
And what is the difference between a flying dinosaur and a pterosaur?

Of course, I'm not suggesting that pterosaurs are flying dinosaurs, in a layman's kind of way. I'm just genuinely unsure how they differ.

They do seem similar in ways, but apparently they had a somewhat different evolutionary path.

From wikipedia:
Pterosaurs are often referred to in the popular media and by the general public as flying dinosaurs, but this is incorrect. The term "dinosaur" is restricted to just those reptiles descended from the last common ancestor of the groups Saurischia and Ornithischia (clade Dinosauria, which includes birds), and current scientific consensus is that this group excludes the pterosaurs, as well as the various groups of extinct marine reptiles, such as ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs.[7] Pterosaurs are also incorrectly referred to as pterodactyls, particularly by journalists.[8] "Pterodactyl" refers specifically to members of the genus Pterodactylus,[9] and more broadly to members of the suborder Pterodactyloidea of the pterosaurs.[10][11]
And what is the difference between a flying dinosaur and a pterosaur?

Of course, I'm not suggesting that pterosaurs are flying dinosaurs, in a layman's kind of way. I'm just genuinely unsure how they differ.

Birds with the power of flight already existed during dinosaur times. They largely resemble modern birds with the addition of still possessing teeth. The feathers in birds are modified scales, whereas pterosaurs have skin membranes that stretch from their ankles to a very long fourth finger, similar to a bats. Pterosaur flight was probably far less efficient than bird flight, as the membranes could be damaged easily, particularly among trees, and their great size meant the largest ones were probably pretty damn heavy. They were also probably very slow-moving on the ground, as they would have to crawl on all fours with their wings folded round their backs, putting them at the mercy of predators.