DiRT Rally Thread

So glad this is coming to consoles.
Been watching videos online for months and patiently waiting some news in console releases, didn't think it would be so soon either if i'm honest, happy racer here :)

I guess they were never destined to be.
just a quick warning for amd guys, im getting a lot of frame rate issues currently so you may want to lower your graphics settings.
Awesome! <(''<) <( ' ' )> (>'')> This has been the only game that made me want to get a pc built again.. now I don't have to for sure. Just have to get a handbrake modded up for my T300/ps4 before April.
Awesome! <(''<) <( ' ' )> (>'')> This has been the only game that made me want to get a pc built again.. now I don't have to for sure. Just have to get a handbrake modded up for my T300/ps4 before April.
since I can't be bothered to move my TH8A I've just been using the button top right on the wheel as a T300RS handbrake.

That button falls under the right thumb comfortably and I've had little difficulty dabbing the handbrake that way (set all cars to 540 degrees, if you are going higher on the older stuff then a separate handbrake would be wise).
Nice, they did fix the names of the Finland stages in time for release! This calls for a dance GIF.

That said, I hope the release of 1.0 doesn't mean the game is now feature-complete. There are a lot of features requested by the community that haven't made it into the game, such as the ability to drive hillclimb cars on rally stages and vice versa. Codemasters did confirm that would be included back when Pikes Peak was released, but we haven't heard anything since.
It was sort of expected but I still almost couldn't hold myself from screaming with joy at work when reading the news. I can't wait to get my hands on this game and what is probably one of the finest rally games ever made.

I can at last finally put WRC5 and SLR off my mind.
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YEEEEEEEEES!!! YES, YES, YEEEEEES!!! I no longer have to play the ****** Milestone/Kyloton games to get my rally fix! And the release date is so soon :D
It's been years I've played a rally game since DiRT 3, so I'm very hyped for DiRT Rally and ready to experience why rally is my most favorite sport of all time! :D
since I can't be bothered to move my TH8A I've just been using the button top right on the wheel as a T300RS handbrake.

That button falls under the right thumb comfortably and I've had little difficulty dabbing the handbrake that way (set all cars to 540 degrees, if you are going higher on the older stuff then a separate handbrake would be wise).

I used to try and play rally games using the button next to my thumb and I did not like it on the part I am clumsy. On ps4 since the THA8 cannot use analogue mode or be mapped separately from the flappy paddles when it is in sequential mode, I can't do what I used to do with my DFGT on ps3 (use the paddles to shift and the sequential stick as the handbrake).

I already have a few different plans for the handbrake -

First would be to actually run a cable (like a bicycle brake cable) from a leaver that would press the L3 or R3 button on my T300 base. I got the idea from this guy's video this would allow me to not void my warranty, keep my clutch for classic h pattern rally cars, and use my TH8a in both sequential and h pattern mode.

The other option would be to use the TH8a in H pattern mode and map 4th gear as the handbrake. For this I would need to create a way to stop the shifter from going forward into 3rd and use bungie cords or rubber bands to pull it out of 4th. Would have to use the flappy paddles to shift though.
I map one of the paddle shifters as a handbrake seeing i have a separate stick shift too. Works better than a button IMO.
I use the paddles on my DFGT to shift, with the gear lever down action to be the handbrake. Works like a charm. :dopey:
Just saw the news of release on PS4 and immediately did the victory fist clench and hissed yeessss. I knew it would come to console but did not expect it so soon, I figured late 2016 if we were lucky. Very happy.