Dispelling the myths about GT4 Pro GT World Championship

  • Thread starter phattboy
This is cool.

But is someone not liking the 54 Corvette? I love that car, I kicked some serious butt in the Corvette Series with it. The 2000 models just couldnt keep up (well, on the straights they blew me away) but I was easily winning by half a lap with the 54 Corvette.

I think I will see this Ford GT thing. I mean, I wont race it, but I will see wha my B-spec driver can do. He has done the impossible, he won the FGTC with my FGT, winning 10/15 and me quitting out of the other 5. Time to go back and win those. And, no, I couldnt race it myself, I havent got my S license yet (*sniffle*).

Hi Ishar, thanks for visiting with us. Actually, I think larrymags is just trying to urge me on to go off on another testing tangent like when he caused me to do with this one. :lol:

The ole vette is a cool car and has some serious potential to kick butt as you say.👍

Let us know how your b-spec guy gets on with the Ford... it's a bugger.

Well, let us know how it goes with the GT40 specII ! I'm curious about that one.

I did some practice runs on Opera with the GT40 SpecII and it was able to just about the same lap times as the Nissan Motul... maybe faster. Gotta compare it with the B-Spec to be shure.

Needs a very different setup than the usual... Specialy in the diff. Found it good with 35 acceleration and 15 deceleration on slow tracks to make turning easyer, and 40/25 on fast tracks. On fast tracks it tends to snap the rear when you brake and turn in. Wich is fun, but tyre consuming and difficult to control with used tyres.

No matter what i do, he always manages to run about 1 second slower per lap than the other cars, so he stands no chance.

I may do some mucking with other setting to see what I can get, but doesnt look like a winner to me.

So whats the next Myth we need to bust? Myth Buster style!
No matter what i do, he always manages to run about 1 second slower per lap than the other cars, so he stands no chance.

I may do some mucking with other setting to see what I can get, but doesnt look like a winner to me.

So whats the next Myth we need to bust? Myth Buster style!

Well... I have sure seen a lot of folks complaining about how hard the ice and snow races are. I'm thinkin' it should be those... in rally and non-rally cars.

Okay, I'll see what I can do, and write something up. Though I am not that good, but if I can win, anyone can.

That would be the point of dispelling the myths 👍 Sharing it with everyone else! I look forward to seeing what you write.

One thing I've noticed about the prize cars, is that they are for different championships. Take your Ford GT II Race car, for example. That could be there so you can go off and do say they American All Stars or whatever that championship. Each car is another step for completing the game.

I'm struggling with the World Championship and I'm using a 1016hp Mercedes AMG CLK GTR '98. I hate the city courses. I just can't race on them.
One thing I've noticed about the prize cars, is that they are for different championships. Take your Ford GT II Race car, for example. That could be there so you can go off and do say they American All Stars or whatever that championship. Each car is another step for completing the game.
NOT to dispute your findings but where exactly would you recommend I use: FORD Model T Tourer '15 / TOYOTA Motor Triathlon Race Car '04 / MERCEDES-BENZ Daimler Motor Carriage '1886 / Audi Auto Union V16 Type C Streamline '37 / MERCEDES-BENZ Motor Wagen '1886 / VOLVO 240 GLT Estate '88...well you get the idea. Could PD have come up with a more WORTHLESS bunch of Junk "Prize Cars?" :irked:

I'm struggling with the World Championship and I'm using a 1016hp Mercedes AMG CLK GTR '98. I hate the city courses. I just can't race on them.
Lose some Horsepower! 👍 The Merc will drive MUCH easier, especially on the "City" courses at a lower level...O.G. :D
Old Geezer
NOT to dispute your findings but where exactly would you recommend I use: FORD Model T Tourer '15 / TOYOTA Motor Triathlon Race Car '04 / MERCEDES-BENZ Daimler Motor Carriage '1886 / Audi Auto Union V16 Type C Streamline '37 / MERCEDES-BENZ Motor Wagen '1886 / VOLVO 240 GLT Estate '88...well you get the idea. Could PD have come up with a more WORTHLESS bunch of Junk "Prize Cars?" :irked:

Lose some Horsepower! 👍 The Merc will drive MUCH easier, especially on the "City" courses at a lower level...O.G. :D
Those cars are just collectors items. You can't even race a couple of them. The way I see that is, there are more prize cars than events, so PD has filled in the gap with rare collectables.

Would B-Spec do the job for me??? Even if I reduced the Hp's??? I just don't know where I'm going on those city courses. I think the corner is right there, but it's like another 50m away, so I wind up getting fully nailed, by the AI cars (Plus I might get some work done). TVRKing said to get the 787b with racing:hard tyres and just B-Spec it, but I don't want to have to spend cash on a car, when I have a perfectly good Merc in my garage. GT4 = Not the best racing game, but the best ever game :D
Old Geezer is right about the hp. I did this with stock hp and I think that is much easier, because you'll get a lot of turbo-lag with that amount of hp and that lag can slow you down a lot. (I'm not really into this turbo-lag thing, so I can be wrong, but I think what I said is right)
Yeah I think he was right too. I also got a tone of wheelspin, regardless of TCS and ASM.

I was doing some enduros instead to A) Earn some Bling B) get my head back into racing, instead of attepting to race. Well I won the Toyota Minolta 88C-V, So I tried that instead. Let's just say that, the ending movie is kinda lame. A car going around the Nurb, with credits. There wasn't even one passing manouver! :D
Old Geezer is right about the hp. I did this with stock hp and I think that is much easier, because you'll get a lot of turbo-lag with that amount of hp and that lag can slow you down a lot. (I'm not really into this turbo-lag thing, so I can be wrong, but I think what I said is right)

More power is not allways the solution. For three reasons:

The increase of power must be optimized when coming out of corners. You must optimize traction to get the most of this additional power. If you don't, if you take too much time to get the power on the tarmac, you will loose time and melt the tyres.

The turbo lag means that the turbo takes a lot of time to react and deliver it's power. That should not afect lap times, since it's compesated by the brutal boost it gives in straight line speed.

TCS in some cases (very, very high hp) will also have a negative effect on top-speed. Check it out on the oval. You can see it well if you try it with no TCS and TCS in max in the R92 race car or similar.

So... traction problems, TCS settings and turbo lag may make you slower with more power in very slow tracks like the Autumn ring mini. In the 905, in addition to the turbo lag, you have a slow gearbox. This makes it really slow and anoying in slow tracks.

Personaly the only fault on the Merc, is that is hard to turn in city tracks due to it's length. But can be minimized with Diff settings and the increase of front camber.
Ah, thanks for clearing up :) Yeah, I almost never tune cars (only when necessary, like in the Clio Cup, because all the other clios are Race versions), that's why I don't know much about this... :)
Well I've just completed the GT World Championship in the Minolta.

Only adjusted the downforce for the oval and La Sarthe
F/R=Hard/S.Hard tyres

Made it to the last race, La Sarthe, tied on 62 points with the C9. I was holding him to a 3 second gap when he pits in, and I just cruised it from there.

Which all goes to show that even a terrible driver like myself can win this series.
Well I won the Toyota Minolta 88C-V, So I tried that instead. Let's just say that, the ending movie is kinda lame. A car going around the Nurb, with credits. There wasn't even one passing manouver!
Actually he does pass one car - a black one I think.
I agree, the street tracks are good fun once you get the hang of them, nothing like clipping the ripple strips before flying through the exit of corners on 2 wheels. Also, with Monaco, I suppose its true to form but its just SO hard to overtake there. (Assuming your car is evenly matched and you don't "cheat")

Actually, I've got the impression they made the Monaco-circuit a bit wider in GT4 than in real life. In the game for instance you've got the opportunity to take over in the corner before Loews and in the pool-section, while this seems not possible in real life races.

Still, this track is one of my favorites. It was my absolute favorite in GT3 together with Seattle, but sincs GT4 they got some good competition from the Ring, Opera and El Capitan. Also on top of the ranking is Hong Kong 👍 (don't know why so many people seem to hate it).

Actually, I've got the impression they made the Monaco-circuit a bit wider in GT4 than in real life. In the game for instance you've got the opportunity to take over in the corner before Loews and in the pool-section, while this seems not possible in real life races.

Still, this track is one of my favorites. It was my absolute favorite in GT3 together with Seattle, but sincs GT4 they got some good competition from the Ring, Opera and El Capitan. Also on top of the ranking is Hong Kong 👍 (don't know why so many people seem to hate it).


People seem to hate the city circuits because of the sharp 90 degree turns (usually at the end of a 200mph + straight). I much prefer the traditional style tracks cos theres more room for error!